| | - adj.: delicate, exquisite, artistic, elegant, fine, porcelain, rounded, splendid, posh, elegant or luxurious, smart
| | agreeable, affable, exalting, giving pleasure, delightful, aesthetic, prime, alright, dulcet, spry, peaceful, fastigiate, bouncing, amicable, pacific, halcyon, off, calm, deluxe, aphonic, low, breathless, balanced, almost, costive, aureate, costly, plain, velvet, spruce, firm, substantial, stable, balanced, no jiggly, firmly fixed, supported or balanced, cheesy | | Delicate painting | an excellent meal | an exquisite piece of lace | a fine painting | a gastronomically outstanding meal | the perfect meal | overdelicate | delicate Doors and windows | delicate chiv | delicate chalice | delicacy of likeness | delicate crop | delicate image | delicate image | delicate fairing | delicate communication | a well-bound book | soft tack | a cloth of exquisite fabric | delicacy of art | a daintily dressed doll | a beautifully finished wooden bowl | gourmet restaurants, ie serving fine food | a restaurant where the cuisine is excellent | salver | sarcophagus | tidbit | trinket | a richly chased plate | a delicate work | delicate pearl | Delicate combat bugle | Delicate Ancestor dragon cape | covey Delicate Outbreak material painting | |