idiom > Peep between watch for one's chance
Peep between the 伺隙
  Explanation: Peep: secret observation; wait: waiting, waiting for the opportunity. Secretly observing, ready to wait for an opportunity to take action.
  Source: Han Wu Qiu Shou Wang "hussars on the power of": "(Qin) the use of Shang Yang, Li Si seek, external white on, WANG Jian of the soldiers, and you see between the Si Xi, both at home and after and to the power of the Shido to fraud as to the right patients. "
  Examples: He said that blood in sacrifice chosen by me, ~, making the numerous forums, but also management should have also. (Ming Zhu Yu "and Shiro Sato Mi Book")
No. 2
  成语 窥间伺隙
  发音 kuī jiàn sì xì
  解释 窥:暗中观察;伺:守候,等待机会。暗中观察,准备伺机采取行动。
  出处 汉·吾丘寿王《骠骑论功论》:“(秦)内用商鞅、李斯之谋,外用白起、王翦之兵,窥间伺隙,既并海内之后,以威力为至道,以权诈为要术。”
  示例 彼谓衅皆由我,~,造此纷坛,亦理所应有也。 ★明·朱之瑜《与佐藤弥四郎书》