| | - n.: protruding
- adj.: striking, projecting, projective, protractile, protrudent, protrusive, protuberant, public, salient, stickup, project, towering, in bold relief, projecting upper front tooth (, impressive, buck-tooth, jutting out, bulging, curving or swelling outwards from a surface, remarkable, extraordinary, prominent, beetle, beetling, bold, distinctive, distinguished, eminent, exserted, extant, outstanding, extrusion
| | clearly outlined, vivid, apparent, beetling, giving one a clear detailed picture in the mind bucktooth splendid, foremost, top, admirable, classical, capital, arresting, admirable, outstanding, remarkable, specifically, absolute, Terrific, charming, giving pleasure and satisfaction, extraordinary, conspicuous, exquisite, remarkable, vital, inimitable, almighty, flawless, errorless, inimitable, show blessed, filled with, showing or causing joy, inapproachable, alright, ace, extent, manifestative, perceptible, finer, peerless, case extern, of the best quality, inviolacy, ace, prime, certain, overt, swift, biorhythm, unrivalled, unique, unbecoming, abnormal, abnormal, agonistic, unopposed absorbing, bizarre, tremendous special, extraordinary, diagnostic, idiocratic, Exceptional, conduct to focus on, in a position to be easily noticed, special, Professional, exserted, curious Outstanding, divine, divine, celestial, aristocratic, improbable, remarkable, knowing, very intelligent or talented, great, notable, infrequent, not frequent, eminent, lofty, commanding, eminent, bionic, able, able, hep, confessed incursive, intrusive, intrusive, intrusive, qiangjiade baggy, bullate | | unexceptional | coign | exsertile | outrigger | (the) most outstanding | outstanding event, memory, etc | prominent thing, esp part of a landscape or building | supereminent | sconce | scalp | prow | prominence | prominence | prognathic | an overshot jaw | glaring errors | prominent teeth | undershot | undershot | bony | chesty | popeyed | podium | overshot | macro | machicolation | imminent | hypognathous | prominent | a projecting beam | pop-eyed | bosom outstanding | eye outstanding | outstanding bar | projecting strap or flap | highlight | knop | nesting | a very eminent promontory | slipped disc | sponson | a jag of rock | a man of marked individuality | an outstanding landmark | Outstanding generality consequence | theme Outstanding frame | squarrose | headland | shelf | Outstanding materiality baggage | spur | snag | jag | run away with the show | Waist disc to dash come out of remedy | Meihe Gas highlight of prevention and cure | Regarding Execute Yijiangcuzhi Expedite dispose Outstanding Rural environment problematic Execute plan | Regarding Execute Yijiangcuzhi Expedite dispose Outstanding Rural environment problematic Execute plan | Outstanding Materiality Baggage and Outstanding progress | |