idiom > The cry dead
The cry dead
  Explanation: No way possible for cars and sad, then that is issued by the plight of desperate grief.
  Usage: Partial official; as object; containing derogatory
  Source: "Book of Jin Ruan Biography": "Time Lvyi independence drive, could not help path, the car tracks of the poor, crying and return Noir."
  Examples: Qing Liu Xianting "Yang Guang Notes" Volume IV: "worth, there are ~, but the money in the bag ears eighteen Man."
No. 2
  "Book of Jin Ruan Biography": "﹝ ﹞ membership drive alone when Shuaiyi could not help path, vehicle track the poor, crying and return to frequently." Tang Wang Bo "Preface to King": "Ruan furious, not at a dead effect of crying!" The so-called because cars have no other alternative but sad, too, said after the distress issued by desperate grief. Qing Liu Xianting "Guangyang Miscellaneous notes," volume IV: "Yao Feng monk calmly return from the Capital, and friends here; worth, there is a dead shall cry, pocket money, 18 but the text ears."
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No. 3
  Intended for vehicles have no other alternative but sad, difficult after that issued in desperate grief.
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No. 4
  词 目 穷途之哭
  发 音 qióng tú zhī kū
  释 义 本意是因车无路可行而悲伤,后也指处于困境所发的绝望的哀伤。
  出 处 《晋书·阮籍传》:“时率意独驾,不由径路,车迹所穷,辄痛哭而返。”唐王勃《滕王阁序》:“阮籍猖狂,岂效穷途之哭!”
  用 法 偏正式;作宾语;含贬义; 指绝望的哀伤
  说解:阮籍不拘礼俗,行不由径。“穷途之哭”本指他因车无路可行而痛哭,也形容因身处困境而悲哀。如王勃《滕王阁序》:“孟尝高洁,空余报国之情;阮籍猖狂,岂效穷途之哭?”北周《庚子山集·拟咏怀诗(之四)》:“唯彼穷途哭,知余行路难。” 摘自赵西尧等著《三国文化概览》