idiom > be lapped in luxury
  Explanation: Poor: very; Luxury: luxury; For: fun ideas. Extravagance and greed to the extreme.
  Usage: Joint type; as the predicate attribute; containing derogatory
  Source: "Han Gu Yong Chuan": "extravagance, Cham drunk debauchery."
  Examples: And ~, and the decline will be. (Fu, "Dao rumor")
qióng shē jí yù
  Describe the extreme greed have fun
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No. 3
  Unjust regime's reckless, Nitian sharp objects, and extravagant, Cham Myanmar dissolute. - "Han Gu peculiar"
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Still made Qiongtaijichi
  Youyanqiongtai very extravagant. "Han Taninaga Biography": "extravagant, Cham drunk debauchery." Wu Song had "Man can change fast recorded Chronicle 2": "﹝ ﹞ Erjun born rich and extravagant." Also as "extravagant." Qing Hong Sheng "Palace of Eternal Youth bribes rights": "extravagant, nothing is swift and timely." Qing Zhao Lian, "Xiao Ji Ting hybrid system recorded the death of government": "East Guangdong prosperity of the world system of government for the area, home is officials who are all extravagant. "
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No. 5
  穷奢极欲 ( qióng shē jí yù )
  解 释 穷:极;奢:奢侈;欲:享乐的观念。奢侈和贪欲到了极点。
  出 处 《汉书·谷永传》:“穷奢极欲,湛湎荒淫。”
  用 法 联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义
  示 例 清·洪升《长生殿·贿权》:“~,无非行乐及时。”
  近义词 穷奢极侈
  反义词 艰苦朴素、克勤克俭、节衣缩食
English Expression
  1. n.:  be lapped in luxury,  profuse
mellow wine woman, close association during childhood, wind,flowers,snow and moon, romantic themes, Jinmizhizui, the dazzling human world with its myriad temptations, alcohol Green light red, rich, Jiaoshe profligacy, Lin Shan breast meat, splash one's money about, King fans
Containing Phrases
Be lapped in luxury ofa magnificent way of life