Han Dynasty : idiom > adopt a warlike policy
  Explanation: Poor: do; militarism: casual, arbitrary. Arbitrary use of force constantly to launch wars of aggression. Described as very warlike.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, object, attribute; containing derogatory
  Source: Three Pi "chariotest Riverside also Chao Three": "III as will, Taoists bogey; militaristic, have quit the ancient."
  Examples: Wang heart tribute this fall, is willing to repair the old well, the public Naiyu ~ tomorrow, destroy residual Alliance, the world is that the public what it? (Song Sun Guangxian "Bei" Volume XVII)
qióng bīng dú wǔ
  Mobilized all forces, any war. Describe militant
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No. 3
  Militaristic, moving costs thousands. - "Three Kingdoms Lu Kang Biography"
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No. 4
  Excessive use of force, indiscriminate war. San Guowei Cao Pi, "Chao-Wang Lang, etc. Three Public": "militaristic, ancient contribution has quit." Tang Yang Jiong, "Tang Zhao Wu Xiaowei Cao Jun Shinto monument": "Saint-Wise Man, non-belligerence and desire." "Mingshi Fan economic Biography ":" no to militarism faster not to Levington to power. "Rong Sheng" on <Cai Wenji> in Cao Cao's authenticity ":" Cao Cao Although the military has deep knowledge But he is not a militaristic militants. "also save as" poor insult. " Tang Yuan Jie, "Department of Mo": "not presume dependable force, poor militaristic war."
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  qióng bīng dú wǔ
  东吴后期的名将陆抗,二十岁时就被任命为建武校尉;带领他父亲陆逊留下的部众五千人。公元264年,孙皓当了东吴的国君,三十八岁的陆抗担任镇军大将军。当时,东吴的朝政非常腐败。孙皓荒淫暴虐,宫女有好几千人,还向民间掠夺;又用剥面皮、凿眼睛筹酷刑任意杀人。陆抗对孙皓的所作所为非常不满,多次上疏,劝谏他对外加强防守,对内改善政 治,以增强国力。他曾在奏疏中一次陈述当前应做的事达十六件之多。但是,孙皓对他的建议置之不理。
  公元272年,镇守西陵的吴将步阐投降晋朝。陆抗得知后、立即率军征讨步阐。他知道晋军一定会来接应步阐,因此命令军民在西 陵外围修筑一道坚固的围墙。吴将多次要求攻打西陵,但陆抗总是不许。等到工事完成;晋军已经赶到西陵接应步阐,陆抗率军击退来援的晋军,再向西陵发起猛攻,很快攻进城内,将叛将步阐杀死。当时,晋朝的车骑将军羊枯镇守襄阳。他见陆抗能攻善守,知道要打败东吴并不容易,因此对东吴采取和解策略:部下掠夺了东吴的孩子,他下令放回;行军到东吴边境,收割了东吴方面的庄稼,就送绢帛给东吴作抵偿,猎获的禽兽已被吴人打伤,就送还东吴。陆抗明白羊枯的用意,也用同样的态度对待晋商。两人还经常派使者往来,互相表示友好。因此,吴、晋一部分边境地带一时出现了和好的局面。 孙皓听说那里的边境和好,很不高兴,派人责问陆抗。陆抗回话说:“一乡一县尚且不能没有信义,何况大国呢!我如果不这样做,反而会显出羊枯很有威德,对他没有什么损害。”孙皓听了,无话可说;但他还是想出兵攻晋。陆抗见军队不断出 动,百姓精疲力竭,便向孙皓上疏说。“现在,朝廷不从事富国强兵,加紧农业生产,储备粮食,让有才能的人发挥作用,使各级官署不荒怠职守,严明升迁制度以激励百官,审慎实施刑罚以警戒百姓,用道德教导官吏,以仁义安抚百姓,反而听任众将追求名声,用尽所有兵力,好战不止,耗费的资财动以 万计,士兵疲劳不堪。这样,敌人没有削弱,而我们自己倒象生了一场大病。”陆抗还郑重指出,吴、晋两国实力不同,今天即使出兵获胜,也得不偿失。所以,应该停止用兵,积蓄力量,以待时机。”但是,孙皓对陆抗的这些忠告都听不进去。后来陆抗去世,晋军讨伐东吴,沿着长江顺流东下,势如破竹,吴国终于被晋所灭亡。
  王氏今降心纳贡,愿修旧好,明公乃欲~,残灭同盟,天下其谓公何? ★宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷十七 蔡东蕃、许廑父《民国通俗演义》第九十六回:“倘忠言不纳,务逞其穷兵黩武之心,而甘以国家为孤注,则我国民宁与偕亡,断不忍为人鱼肉也。迫切陈词,伫候明教!”
  作谓语、宾语、定语;指好战 ;含贬义
  英文:use all armed might to indulge in aggressive wars
  德文:eine Aggressions und Kriegspolitik betreiben
  俄文:брáться за оружие по любóму пóводу
English Expression
  1. n.:  adopt a warlike policy,  exhaust all resources to build up military power,  wage war frequently
Trifles, move troops about and stir up the people— drag in many people to do sth., convet a little and lose a lot; seek small gains but incur big losses, build largely, Bellicose Poor soldiers, chichi, Venereology material for mobilization, reject what is near at hand and seek what is far away, Dwelling services far, Start war Dynamic public, qiongdu
Containing Phrases
militaristAdopt a warlike policy attack southeastern part of Liaoning province
adopt a warlike policy today soThe periphrastic conjugation Teachers who adopt a warlike policy
Place where one stays over night during a journey Mianyang News Conquer The periphrastic conjugation Teachers who Adopt a warlike policy By the book Jane sPlace where one stays over night during a journey Mianyang News Conquer The periphrastic conjugation Teachers who Adopt a warlike policy By the book Jane s