idiom > If Mu cool breeze
穆如清 wind
  Explanation: Refers to the U.S. such as the cool breeze of the support of all things
  Usage: The main predicate; as predicate; with compliment
  Source: "Book of Daya steam to the people": "jeep for chanting, Muru Qing style."
That breeze of beauty, such as raising all
  That breeze of beauty such as the raising of all things. "Poetry Taiga steam to the people": "jeep to recite, Muru Qing style." Zheng Xuan 笺: "Muslims, as also. Jeep for this work songs of the chanting, the harmonization of person such as breezes of the support of all things natural. "
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No. 3
  拼音 mù rú qīng fēng
  释义 穆:美。 谓和美如清风化雨滋养万物。
  出处 《诗经·大雅·烝民》:“吉甫作诵,穆如清风。”
  例句 南朝梁·裴子野《丹阳尹湘东王善政碑》:“不严之治,穆如清风。”
  近义 如坐春风
  反义 苛如猛虎
  用法 作谓语;指和美如清风化养万物