idiom > as stable as Mount Taishan
Steady as a rock
  Explanation: Described as stable as Mount Tai, not shaken.
  Usage: Partial official; as predicate, adverbial; with compliment
  Source: Han Mei Sheng, "a letter to admonish king" change the rules as easy to supination, content with Tarzan. "
  Examples: Empress Wu relies on a high clearance, and Vu Thi brothers brave battle, since that ~, is very proud of. ★ Qing Li Ruzhen "Flowers in the Mirror," the third chapter
wěn rú tài shān
  As stable as Mount Tai. Described as invincible
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No. 3
  Empress Wu relies on a high pass, another battle Wushixiongdi brave, since that unassailable. - "Flowers in the Mirror"
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No. 4
  Describe a very strong position. Implementation Technique such as "Sun Safety Activity of the" first: "Wang Yan driving, young Lord ascended the throne, and is pretty toe, this Grand Preceptor of the place I am more steady as a rock." Zhou Libo, "Storm" Part 7: "He thought he here was originally a rock solid, and Shui Gandong him? "
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No. 5
  稳如泰山 ( wěn rú tài shān )
  解 释 形容象泰山一样稳固,不可动摇。
  用 法 偏正式;作谓语、状语;含褒义
  示 例 在敌人的强大攻势下,我军阵地~。
  近义词 坚如磐石、纹丝不动 、固若金汤
  反义词 摇摇欲坠、惊慌失措 、危如累卵
  出处 汉·枚乘《上书谏吴王》:“变所欲为,易于反掌,安于泰山。”
  事例 武后恃有高关,又仗武氏弟兄骁勇,自谓~,十分得意。 ★清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第三回
  英 文 as stable as Mount Taishan
  成语名称 稳如泰山 汉语拼音 wěn rú tài shān 成语释义 形容象泰山一样稳固,不可动摇。 成语出处 汉·枚乘《上书谏吴王》:“变所欲为,易于反掌,安于泰山。” 使用例句 武后恃有高关,又仗武氏弟兄骁勇,自谓稳如泰山,十分得意。
English Expression
  1. n.:  as stable as Mount Taishan
as solid as a rock, unbreakable, firmly Have no choice but break, inveteracy, inveterate, close Roothold pedicel, close Roothold sesame
Antonym Group
with the sword of Damocles above one's head, If fat is not absolutely, If lines are not absolutely, almost extinct, Crisis such as the morning dew, emergency, Life as hanging wire, Pressing, Leiluanzhiwei
Containing Phrases
Shoushoujiu as stable as Mount Taishan