Bank accountant And accountant : finance and accounting : KartRider : build > office at which banks exchange cheques and then pay in cash the amount they still owe each other
English Expression
  1. :  clearing house,  C. H. clearing house
  2. n.:  office at which banks exchange cheques and then pay in cash the amount they still owe each other,  clearing-house
Containing Phrases
Office at which banks exchange cheques and then pay in cash the amount they still owe each other ticketMacao office at which banks exchange cheques and then pay in cash the amount they still owe each otherbankers' clearing house
Automatic Clearing HouseOffice at which banks exchange cheques and then pay in cash the amount they still owe each other Bank insideShanghai Virement Institute research
Shanghai Virement Institute researchShanghai Virement Institute researchLondon Office at which banks exchange cheques and then pay in cash the amount they still owe each other Bank Brethren regime System
Office at which banks exchange cheques and then pay in cash the amount they still owe each other ticket