idiom : common saying > the first time one ever does sth.
The first was a breakthrough in children
  Explanation: Metaphor for the first time to do something.
pò tí ér dì yī zāo
  Metaphor for the first time to do something
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No. 3
  Perform, I was the first children of the essay was
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Yu first to do something
  Yu first to do something. Brief Introduction to "leaving no message to" 103: "19 morning to the southwest tip of the Crimean city of Sevastopol, and green ocean to make a breakthrough in the Black Sea was a gift the child first."
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No. 5
  【拼音】:pò tí ér dì yī zāo
  【示例】:邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》一○三:“十九晨到 克里米亚 西南尖端的名城 塞瓦斯托波尔 ,和碧绿汪洋的 黑海 作破题儿第一遭的见面礼。”
English Expression
  1. n.:  the first time one ever does sth.