animal : vegetation > unicellular living things
No. 1
  A life in still water in the single-cell organisms, spindle, containing chlorophyll, red front sight, and has a slender flagellum, a movement organ. Also called "Euglena sp."
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  An organism is referred to Euglena, Euglena said in botany, is a class of animals and plants between the single-cell eukaryotes. Freshwater Euglena learning to see are: green Euglena (euglena viridis), the body spindle-shaped, rounded front end, back-end width, the end point was the caudate. Equal length flagella and body, chloroplast 1, stellate. Soe Euglena (e.acus), long-spindle, flagella short, chloroplast number. Long Euglena (e.deses), body cylindrical, long, flagellar length is about 1 / 3 to 1 / 2. Thread Euglena (e.spirogyra), body deformation, surface spiral bands apparent flagella short. Flat Euglena (phacus), takes the shape of wide-oval, flat belly back, back like spines, flagellum and the body so long.
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Taxonomic status
  (Based on animal classification)
  Protozoa door
  Flagellate Programme (mastigophora)
  Whip planting subclass (phytomastigina)
  Euglena Head (euglenida)
  Euglena genus (euglena)
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Habitat and morphology
  Living in rich organic matter ditch, pond or slow flow. However, in the bank, wet soil or salt marsh in the Gulf have it, also in other algal body, plant debris, and small crustaceans also seen on the body. The camp is more common types of organic sewage water in the inside of. The large population of the warm season can often make the water green.
  Green lanes are fusiform, about 60μm, blunt front end, back-end tip. Later in the middle of a big worm, round the nucleus, when life is transparent. Surface covered with flexible, with a diagonal of the surface membrane (pellicle).
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Table membrane structure
  By electron microscopy, sheet film, said that one-third of the plasma membrane or plasma membrane (tripartie plasmalemma). Surface membrane is composed of many spiral stripes, linked together, each stripe on the side of a surface membrane inward groove (groove), on the other side are out of the ridge (crest). A striped trench adjacent to its associated ridge stripe (like joints). Euglena life, surface membrane stripes move relative to each other, probably due to crest in the groove in the slide results. Mucous membrane under the table body (mucusbody) outsourcing to film, is continuous with the surface membrane, mucus, control, communications to the ridge and groove. Mucus of the channel ridge connection of the "joint" may have smooth effect. Surface membrane covering the entire surface, cell pharynx, saving bulbs, flagella and so on. The Euglena to maintain a certain shape, but also for shrinkage movement.
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Sports and flagella
  There is a front cell body mouth (cytostome). Back the savings of even a swelling foam (reservoir), out of a flagellum from the cell population (flagellum). Flagella are dynamic cell surface processes. Flagellum with a two under the thin wire shaft (axoneme). Each axoneme end of the savings are, and a foam matrix (basal body) is connected, which it produces flagella. Matrix tablets on the parasite plays a central role split. From a substrate with a thin wire (root filaments rhizoplast) to the nucleus, suggesting that the flagellum by the nuclear control.
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Photographic and focus
  Euglena in motion in phototaxis, because the flagellar base is close to saving bulbs have a red eye point (stigma), close to the eye point near flagellar base has a swollen part, to accept the light, called photoreceptors (photoreceptor). Focus is buried in the matrix in the colorless carotenoids (carotenoid) consisting of small particles. It was also considered by the carotenoids (carotene) composed of a carrot or by the b factor and hemoglobin composition. Focus pale cup, the light only shines from the glass surface of photoreceptor openings, so, Euglena must be ready to adjust the direction of movement towards the appropriate light. Now some scholars believe that the focus is to absorb light, "shade" (light absorbing shade), the focus is between the light source and light sensor, the focus covered the light sensor, and cut off the supply of energy, so in the insect body and the formation of another regulation, the flagellum moved, adjust the worm movement, so that light shines continuously on the photoreceptors. This trend of continuous adjustment of the Euglena light. Photoreceptors in the eye point and the ubiquitous green flagellates, which are related to the way of nutrition for photosynthesis.
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  Within the cytoplasm of the Euglena chloroplast (chloroplast). Chloroplast shape (eg oval, coils, sheet, strip, star, etc.), size, number and structure (with or without protein in the nuclear and sub-starch sheath) of Euglena genus and species classification of features. Euglena primarily by chlorophyll in the light conditions using light energy for photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water, sugar, this nutritional approach (the same as the general green plants), as photosynthetic nutrition (phototrophy). Excessive formation of some of the food manufacturing sub-translucent starch grains (paramylum granule) stored in the cytoplasm. Similar to starch grains and starch deputy, is a kind of sugar, but the role of non-iodine was blue-violet. Deputy starch grains is one of the features eye worm, its shape and size is the basis for their classification. In no light conditions, Euglena can also be absorbed through the surface of organic material dissolved in the water. This nutrient is called infiltration nutrition (osmotrophy).
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Water regulation
  Euglena cell population is feeding the front of the solid food particles there are objections. But the port has been affirmed through the cell can expel excessive moisture. In the bubble next to a big savings stretching bubble (contractile vacuole), its main function is to regulate water balance. Too much water collected in the cytoplasm (which also dissolved metabolic waste). Savings into the bubble, and then excreted by the cell population.
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  Euglena in light conditions, the use of oxygen released from photosynthesis to respiration (oxidation) the role of carbon dioxide produced by respiration, but also be used to carry out photosynthesis. In no light conditions, the oxygen absorbed by the body surface, exhaling carbon dioxide.
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  Euglena reproductive method is generally longitudinal binary fission, which is one of the features outline flagellates. The first nuclear mitosis, the division does not disappear when the nuclear membrane, matrix copy for two, followed by worms began to split from the front, flagella shed, while the matrix and then grow new flagella, or a save the original flagella, Another generate new flagella. Cell population also slit in two, and then continue from front to back split off into two individuals.
  Adverse conditions in the environment. Such as the pool dried up. Worms and round eyes, secrete a resin encapsulated, surrounded himself. Newly formed cysts, showing a focus, green, yellow later by flow, focus lost, metabolism decreased, can live a long time, the wind scattered everywhere. When the environment is suitable, the parasites break out of the capsule in a capsule once or several times before the longitudinal split. Cyst formation through the adverse environment of Euglena is a good adaptation.
  Over the years with the basic theory of Euglena made many achievements. Not only the theory of genetic variation makes sense, but also to understand the colored and colorless flagellates genetic relationship between animals, insects, on the understanding of animal and plant genetic relationship of great significance. In recent years, is also useful Euglena as biological indicators of organic pollution of the environment to determine the degree of organic pollution, while Euglena radioactive material for water purification have effect.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  unicellular living things
Containing Phrases