idiom > Comfort in every possible way
Comfort in every possible way
  Explanation: Comfort in various ways. Comfort: comfort.
  Source: "Chinese History" (Book IX) Chapter III: "Daizong security for the History of Hebei though blindly down the palliative, comfort in every possible way, but they did not grateful, but as a sign of weakness."
  Examples: So the old woman ~, to soothe their young children's statements, one by one back out. ★ "nine nights"
No. 2
  词 目 百般抚慰
  发 音 bǎi bān fǔ wèi
  释 义 用各种方式进行安慰。抚慰:安慰。
  出 处 《中国通史》(第九册)第十一章第三节:“代宗对于河北安史降将虽然一味姑息,百般抚慰,但他们并未感恩戴德,反而视为软弱可欺。”
  示 例 老妇人于是~,把自己年轻时抚慰孩子的语句,一一背了出来。★《九夜》