idiom > Blandishments
  Explanation: To compliment a variety of ways to please people.
  Usage: Partial official; as predicate, object; containing derogatory
  Source: Yuan Guan Hanqing "gold pool": "Then the children of anxious, that is, Qianlong entry, flatter him in every possible way, often leaving him afraid of a live, how just three days, will have to catch him out?"
No. 2
  词 目 百般奉承
  发 音 bǎi bān fèng chéng
  释 义 用各种方式来恭维讨好人。
  出 处 元·关汉卿《金线池》第一折:“百般奉承他,常怕一个留他不住,怎么刚刚三日,便要赶他出门?”
  语 法 偏正式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义;指讨好他人。