idiom > to continue to study even in old age
After the first poor white
  Explanation: The first white: bald; poor through: to concentrate on studying the classics. That until the old classics are still studying, describing and diligence
  Usage: Partial official; as the predicate attribute; with compliment
  Source: Song Zhe, "Fan the town can be too much for a house to Shi Du Notice the word": "that the white poor by the first of the music, can still be pushed to and the people."
  Examples: Youth for Fu, Haoshouqiongjing; pen although a thousand words, the chest is no one policy. (Ming Luo, "Three Kingdoms" back forty)
bái shǒu qióng jīng
  White first: hair white; poor through: focus on studying the classics, ancient books. White hair, still concentrated on studying the classics, ancient books. Described as old and eager to learn
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No. 3
  Prince-year-old, multiple down Yuxi book encyclical Teli said: white, poor economic and tireless in teaching, not too far in cases of scholars, former Kerry has been giving the name of this complex decree intended. - "Special Li Chuan Zhang Yuan Dynasty"
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That until the old classics are still studying
  That until the old is still studying classics. Described diligence. Song Su Che "Fan Zhen Shi Du too can make a palace Notice the word": "that the white poor by the music first, can still be pushed to and the people." Ming Xu Bang "Jinan Chi Cheng is not something harsh": "Fuke Gong people in white, poor by, get the diligence of its study, the I still have. "
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No. 5
  Until old age, still studying classics, still made live and learn.
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No. 6
  词 目 白首穷经
  发 音 bái shǒu qióng jīng
  释 义 直至年纪老了还在钻研经籍,犹言活到老,学到老。
  出 处 《元史·张特立传》:“壬子岁,复降玺书谕特立曰:白首穷经,诲人不倦,无过不及,学者宗之,昔已赐嘉名,今复谕意。”
  示 例 青春作赋,皓首穷经;笔下虽有千言,胸中实无一策。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第四十三回)
  用 法 作谓语、定语;指勤学。
English Expression
  1. v.:   continue to study even in old age
The first white north, Hoary head Poor by