animal > Flake former porpoise
  Chinese name: white spots dolphin
  Chinese Title: Cetacea
  Chinese Family: Dolphin Branch
  Chinese generic name: dolphin is
  Chinese Common name: White Point Vice-beaked dolphin, dolphin weak
  Latin name: stenella attenuata
  English name: white-dotted dolphin, spotted dolphin
  Species name and age: gray, 1846
  Species Information: body length 1.6 ~ 2.6m, weighs 127kg. Lanes spindle, extended low forehead. After about anal tail length of 1/2. Back iron blue, gray ventral, lateral view of iron from the middle of the blue area from the amount of the suspension of the dorsal fin, and the boundary line after a pale constitute part connected with the dorsal edge of the jet holes arc. Dark gray areas a lot of fine spots, there are many white spots gray area. Dorsal fin, flippers and tail fin are black, no spots. Dorsal fin large, triangular, ligand middle. Flipper is small, quite forward, triangle, about body length of 1/15. Caudal fin width of the body length of 2/9. Beak rather long, its length is 2.2 times the width. Maxillary teeth 41 and 45 on each side, each side of the lower jaw 40 to 43. Hi rookeries, often more than a thousand head of population. Spring and autumn breeding, summer may also have a third peak. Approximately 11.5 months of pregnancy, lactation approximately 11 months, male 8.2 years, 10.3 years male sexual maturity. The maximum age of over 40 years, the staple food, pelagic fish and squid, themselves were often large sharks, killer whales and false killer whale attacks, often are killed in tuna fisheries, at least 1970 years ago killed more than 10 million head per year . Distributed in the tropical Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, known in China found in Taiwan Province. Two other former dolphin known that s.graffmani and s.capensis are synonyms of this species.
  White Point dolphin
  White Point dolphin is Mammalia, Cetacea, Delphinidae. Latin scientific name stenella attenuata. Mainly in the tropical Pacific, the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic, warm waters, found only in Chinese waters near Taiwan Province.
  White kiss dolphin body length from 180 to 210 cm, was spindle. Dorsal fin is triangular, medium size, located in the middle of the body, concave trailing edge of a sickle shape, the tip of the song is obvious. Beak is black, white edge, longer, but not the ratio of the length and width, a length of about 2 times the width. Former two cervical healing, the first seven pairs of ribs for the double rib. Flipper is also triangular in shape, then bend the end of the tip, with five fingers. After flippers physical edge to the leading edge of the dorsal fin between the thickest.
  White kiss dolphin's back was iron blue belly is gray, but the females are pregnant or estrus with pink. Part of a dark gray fine surface spots, gray area there are many white spots. Caudal fin between the dorsal fin base to the front edge of the base has a charcoal gray stripes. Midline white. The outer edge of the lower jaw was black, the lower jaw to the throat is slate gray. Dorsal and caudal fins flippers showed black, no spots. The leading edge of the flippers to have a black belt between the quarrel, but not really as clear or striped dolphin dolphin. Around the eyes is black.
  The main point of the original white dolphins to fish for food. Every spring and autumn mating, pregnancy females for 11 months or so. When pups born 89 centimeters in length, breastfeeding was 29 months. 8 to 10 years to mature.
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