astronomical > lunar module
No. 1
  For astronauts traveling in the Lunar orbit a manned spacecraft and the lunar surface and from between the spacecraft flight. "Apollo" was manned lunar module spacecraft are irregularly shaped, 9 meters high, 4 meters in diameter and weighs 14  5 ~ 16 吨. Consists of two parts: (1) declining stage. A lunar rover, instruments and equipment and drop the engine; (2) ascending. There can carry two astronauts sealed pressurized cabin equipment and increase the engine. When the spacecraft reached lunar orbit, the astronauts will take the lunar module from the spacecraft, landing face down in the month. Activities of the lunar surface the astronauts completed the task after they dropped segment as the launch pad, driving up segment on track to return in the ring waiting for the spacecraft rendezvous and docking, will also abandon the riser, take the spacecraft back to Earth.
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No. 2
  美国 “阿波罗”飞船由指挥舱,服务舱和登月舱组成,登月舱分上升段和下降段:上升段有乘员室,气温24度,室内充满1/3大气压的纯氧。下降段装有登月舱向月面降落减速使用的逆喷射火箭,备有火箭的燃料、氧化剂槽、水和氧气槽,还有调查月面的科学仪器。登月舱在月面时,上升、下降段合二而一,但从月球表面再度起飞时,保有上升段起飞,下降段则是发射架,发射完毕后置留于月球表面。
  1969年7月21日(美国东部时间)下午4时17分40秒,美国宇航员阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林驾驶 “阿波罗”11号飞船的登月舱平安降落在月球 “静海”的西南部,这是世界首次降落在月球表面的登月舱。他们在月面竖立了美国国旗,采集了月面岩石标本,安放了地震仪和激光反射器,并进行了月面探测。21时36分20秒后,他们点燃登月舱上升段火箭,飞离月面。这时另一名宇航员柯林斯正在指挥舱中作环月轨道飞行,与其会合对接后,阿姆斯特良与奥尔德林将收集到的资料通过80厘米的 “隧道”移入指挥舱后,登月舱的上升段便被抛开甩掉。大约两天半后,即1969年7月24日(美国东部时间)12时50分35秒时,载有三名宇航员的指挥舱安全溅落在太平洋上,结束了他们为期195小时18分35秒的月球航行。
  此后,美国又有 ”阿波罗12号、14号─17号的登月舱各载两名宇航员分别着陆于月球表面,进行了大量的月央活动和科学探察,从中获得许多宝贵资料。
  lunar module
English Expression
  1. :  part of a spacecraft circling the moon that can be detached to make a journey to the moon's surface and back,  lunar excursion module
  2. n.:  lunar module,  a lunar module, ie used to land on the moon
Containing Phrases
apollo lunar module