idiom > Sheng-Rong death sorrow
Health-wing death grief
  Explanation: Respectable living, dead people mourn. Revered by the people to praise the dead.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, attributive; for praise by the reverence of the deceased person
  Source: Qin Confucius' Analects sub-Chang ":" The students also wing, its death is also sad. "
Revered by the people alive, people mourn the dead
  Revered by the people living, dead, people mourn. Language of the "Analects Zi Zhang": "The students also Wing, the die of sorrow." Xing Bing Shu: "It is glory on, death is sorrow." Sanguo Wei Cao Zhi, "Wang Zhongxuan Dirge": "Health Rong death sadness also bore the wing. "Tang Wang Bo" platform Peru slightly favor funerals ":" Health Wing died sad, and he did not name was. "Song Wen Tianxiang," cried the mother Daxiang "Poem:" Mrs. founding sub-Qi Wei, Sheng-Rong sad death sent Heaven and Earth. "
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No. 3
  【发 音】 shēng róng sǐ āi
  【释 义】 活着受人尊敬,死了使人哀痛。用以赞誉受人崇敬的死者。
  【出 处】 先秦·孔子《论语·子张》:“其生也荣,其死也哀。”邢昺疏:“生则荣显,死则哀痛。”
  【用 法】 联合式;作谓语、定语;用以赞誉受人崇敬的死者
  【示 例】 宋·文天祥《哭母大祥》诗:“夫人开国分齐魏,~送天地。”
  【近义词】 生荣亡哀、流芳百世
  【反义词】 遗臭万年
  【故 事】 春秋时期,陈子禽故意贬低孔子说子贡超过孔子。子贡说孔夫子言谈得当,无人可以比拟,夫子的道德用到治国方面就得引导百姓,绥安百姓。所以夫子活在世上没有一个人不感到荣耀,夫子死了,没有一个人不为他哀痛。
Sheng-Rong death sorrow
Containing Phrases
Sheng-rong death sorrow accompany scope of operation