medicine : curative > Glycyrrhizic acid Ammonium
No. 1
  【中文名称】: 甘草酸单铵
  【简写拼音】: gcsda
  【英文名称】: potenline
  【所属类别】: 肝胆疾病辅助用药
  【别名】 甘草酸单铵;甘草甜素;甘草皂甙 ,强力宁
  【适应症】 本品主要用于慢性迁延性肝炎、慢性活动性肝炎、肝中毒、早期肝硬化等的治疗。
  【用量用法】 静脉滴注,每次40~80ml,加入10%葡萄糖注射液,250~500ml滴注,每日1次。
  【注意事项】 1.个别患者偶尔出现胸闷、口渴、低血钾或血压升高,一般停药后即消失。 2.长期应用,应监测血钾,血压等变化。
  【规格】 注射剂:40mg/20ml(甘草酸单胺)
Containing Phrases
mono-ammonium glycyrrhizinatemedicine made of two or more ingredients Glycyrrhizic acid ammoniumMedicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Inject fluid
For injection Medicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammoniummedicine made of two or more ingredients Glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Sodium ChlorideGlycyrrhizic acid ammonium cysteine Sodium Chloride
medicine made of two or more ingredients Glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Sodium ChlorideFor injection Medicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammoniumGanlikang Inject fluid medicine made of two or more ingredients Glycyrrhizic acid Ammonium
Medicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Inject fluid Potenline Inject fluidMedicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Compound liquorice Suanganmedicine made of two or more ingredients Glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Sodium Chloride Injection
Medicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Compound liquorice SuanganFor injection Medicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammonium lyophilizeMedicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammonium inject fluid potenline annotation
Glycyrrhizic acid ammonium cysteine Sodium Chloride Injectionmedicine made of two or more ingredients Glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Sodium Chloride InjectionMedicine made of two or more ingredients glycyrrhizic acid ammonium Inject fluid Potenline