idiom > Yuk House, went to call
Yuk went to call
  Explanation: Ms literati word of premature death.
  Source: Tang yin "Li biography" Nagayoshi to die when suddenly one day and see Fei Yi people, driving red dragon, holding a blackboard, if the seal or the thunder Shiwen Pacific ... ... Feiyi people who laughed and said, 'God into Baiyu Lou, Li Zhao Jun to record. '"
  Examples: Suddenly he heard a cry, see boiling up inside, yet a Man Park, thirst disease Simaxiangru, actually made the Li Changji a 』. ★ Qing Zeng Pu, "Flower" back to the twenty-fourth
No. 2
  词目 玉楼赴召
  发音 yù lóu fù zhào
  释义 文人早死的婉词。
  出处 唐·李商隐《李贺小传》:“长吉将死时,忽昼见一绯衣人,驾赤虬,持一板书,若太古篆或霹雳石文者……绯衣人笑曰:‘帝成白玉楼,立召君为记。’”
  示例 忽听见里面一片哭声沸腾起来,却把个文园病渴的司马相如,竟做了』的李长吉了。(清·曾朴《孽海花》第二十四回)
  用法 作谓语、定语;指死
  成语名称 玉楼赴召 汉语拼音 yù lóu fù zhào 成语释义 文人早死的婉词。 成语出处 唐·李商隐《李贺小传》:“长吉将死时,忽昼见一绯衣人,驾赤虬,持一板书,若太古篆或霹雳石文者……绯衣人笑曰:‘帝成白玉楼,立召君为记。’” 使用例句 忽听见里面一片哭声沸腾起来,却把个文园病渴的司马相如,竟做了』的李长吉了。