idiom > like something the car has brought[dragged]in
Find any
  Explanation: Hardship and distress was unbearable. Described as a very embarrassed look.
  Usage: Partial official; as predicate, attributive, adverbial; containing derogatory
  Source: Song Xi "and the Government of Sapporo child": "wind sputum comes up, head spin halo, Jiyu lying on, exercises had been Leiri, slow mental becoming increasingly faint, the Committee is find any."
  Examples: Such as the churning of the sea applause surging toward the stage to go, which makes the class of red in the face of these ugly, ~. (Liu Baiyu "Lightning Song - miss Comrade Guo")
No. 2
  ◎ find any lángbèi-bùkān
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No. 3
  Embarrassed: they make "Tony Wolf" "Wolf Postscript." Described as tired, embarrassed look. "Three Kingdoms, Ma Chao Biography": "[beam width], [Zhao Qu] Ji gates closed, not into the super, advance and retreat in panic." To describe the situation is more difficult, distress look
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No. 4
  That tune find any mention ... was imperial talked, the idea that heads of meal cursed. - Qing Wu Jian, "Twenty years have witnessed the strange situation"
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No. 5
  Described as a very difficult position, distress. Song Xi "Notes on children and the Government": "Over the last occasion on March 6 shall serve in the wind sputum comes up, leader of vertigo, Jiyu stiff servant, so far completed Leiri, spirit are becoming increasingly faint slow, the Committee is to find any." Xu Chi, "Huang Shan Ji": "They only go half a Temple, find any, temporary peak Alice Wang, spellbound."
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No. 6
  Describe a very dilapidated. Ying "exile on April 30": "first temple rest houses find any."
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No. 7
  Embarrassed: embarrassed look. Hardship and distress was unbearable. Described as a very embarrassed look.
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No. 8
  【发音】 láng bèi bù kān
  【解释】 狼狈:又作“狼贝”、“狼跋”,窘迫的样子。堪,忍受,能支持。困顿、窘迫得不能忍受。形容疲惫、窘迫的样子。
  【出处】 《三国志·蜀志·马超传》:“宽、衢闭冀城门,超不得入。进退狼狈,乃奔汉中依张鲁。”
  【示例】掌声如翻腾的怒海汹涌的扑向台上去,弄得这些丑类面红耳赤,~。 ★刘白羽《雷电颂——怀念郭沫若同志》“狼狈不堪”这则成语的意思是形容环境十分艰难,进退不能之状。
English Expression
  1. n.:  like something the car has brought[dragged]in,  be badly battered,  get left,  in a dilemma,  like a drowned mouse,  in sore straits
French Expression
  1. adj.  fort malaisé
be difficult to cope with; be very embarrassing, find sth.both funny and annoying; be at a loss whether to cry or laugh, not know whether to laugh or cry
Containing Phrases
put [reduce] sb. to [in] a nonplus