idiom > Langtunhushi
  Explanation: That swallowed as Langhu crunch. Analogy is extremely greedy cruel.
  Source: Anonymous Ming "Ming Fung Kee toward competition between two" private provision of your door, bribe, half courtiers, all from the view. Tiger wolf bite you swallow a million people disabled people, which led to a hero that Pepsi nowhere. "
  Examples: Since then the income, animal husbandry, the official Secretary, will be able to remove all tyranny ... ... damage to tame horses, obliterate rat tooth angle of blood in sacrifice birds, must ~ the end, do not panic no interference, then the people too wide, the best place. "Hua Yue Hen" Fifty-back
No. 2
  So eat as Langhu crunch. Analogy is extremely greedy cruel. Anonymous Ming "Ming Fung Kee II struggle between the DPRK": "You (Yan Song) A new private door, bribe, semi-courtier, all from Shun. You swallow the tiger bites the wolf a million people disabled people, has caused that there are no meritorious Pepsi into. "" Hua Yue "the 50th back:" Since the past, animal husbandry, the official Secretary, will be able to remove all the tyranny ... ... to harm docile horse to safety, obliterate Sparrow Rat Tooth Troubles angle, must swallow the tiger bites the end of the wolf, do not panic do not interfere, the people have wide course, the best traction. "
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No. 3
  成语 狼吞虎噬
  发音 láng tūn hǔ shì
  解释 像狼虎那样吞食咬嚼。比喻极为贪婪残忍。
  出处 明·无名氏《鸣凤记·二相争朝》:“你辟私门,贿赂行,半朝臣,皆从顺。你狼吞虎噬伤残了万民百姓,害得那有功臣百事无成。”
  示例 自此以入,司牧之官,必能扫除一切苛政……去害马以驯良,泯雀角鼠牙之衅,绝~之端,不惊不扰,民得宽然,各尽地方。《花月痕》第五十回
  用法 作定语、状语;用于比喻句