idiom > raven
  Explanation: Describe eating vicious and rapid killer look.
  Usage: Joint type; as predicate, adverbial, attributive; describe the way to eat
  Source: Qing Li Baojia "Bureaucrats" 34 back: "There is one inch square size, and in the rice, and did not work on the moment, wolf, actually eat the cleaners."
  Examples: This half-day walk, belly hunger, ~ ate one time. (Qing Chen Chen, "Water Margin after the transfer" The Fifth)
No. 2
  He threw himself on the eggs and bacon, eat up hungrily
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Eating too fast to describe a sucker
  Describe a sucker eat too fast. "Outlaws of the Marsh after the transfer" The Fifth: "This half-day walk, belly from hunger, devour eat for a while." Also for "wolf." "Exposure," the third four back: "I saw his chopsticks into a folder a broken hoof, the size of an inch square, and in the rice, and did not last minute work, wolf, actually eat nothing left." Wei Wei "Oriental" Part IV Chapter XV: "Everyone cram a few bowls, and the atmosphere immediately active."
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No. 4
  See "wolf."
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No. 5
  狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn
  【英译】gorge;gobble up;make a pig of oneself
  【示例】走了这半日,肚中饥饿,~吃了一回。 ◎清·陈忱《水浒后传》第五回
English Expression
  1. :  pig out
  2. n.:  edacity,  make a pig of oneself wolf down one's food,  gobble up,  devour ravenously,  be a devil to eat,  eat like a wolf,  twist it down,  make a pig of oneself,  scoff,  bolt down
  3. v.:  slummock,  act of scoffing,  raven,  ingurgitate,  guts,  gormandize,  gorge
  4. vt.:  wolf,  gulp,  gobble,  engulf,  engorge,  devour
  5. vi.:  stodge
French Expression
  1. v.  engloutir, dévorer sa nourriture, manger comme un ogre, bouffer comme un chancre, un morfale (成语)
overlook, be in a fidget, feeling of discomfort or nervous fear, utterly devoid of conscience; be entirely heartless, dehumanization, be struck with panic, willies, Large Gourmet Kitchen, consume, be on the anxious seat, Wits, tipsy, Kuang He booze, Drink ears flush from excitement, Drunk food eat, Fond, have no appetite for food, Wine lovers love to spend, Lianjiutanhua, preoccupation, too sad to eat, Xindanjulie, timorous agitation, Hunfeipoyang, absence, like an ant on a hot pan, One could hear a pin _drop_., wolf
Eschew Drink, A leaky house not ashamed, fair, be strictly honest under all circumstances, Is not no rice tea, have done nothing to make one feel shameful, study and relish the beauties of literature, be very poor, Palpable heart feel no qualms, Darkroom leaky house, Slowly, Quilt shadow-deserved, Food is not to have eaten one's fill, ravenously
Containing Phrases
gulp one's food