Unusual, different. "Three Storytelling" volume: "Lu Bu and into the Northeast. A few days, see Sangma particularly the land." Hong Shen "after the robbery Peach" 18: "Wang translator on the attitude of remifentanil, it is something special."
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Extra. Ba Jin's "Family" 9: "He moved very slowly. Rickety body, head and become particularly important." Lao She "Camel" 9: "street cool to make her voice a significant special Qing Liang."
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No. 9
Specifically, deliberately. Zhou Enlai, "Report on the peace negotiations": "Today I invite you to this special meeting ... ... to you ask."
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In particular,
In particular. Lao She's "black and white Li to Market": "She seems very unhappy Lee brothers, especially the black plum." Mao Zedong "On the Ten Major Relationships" Second: "must be greater use and development of coastal industries, especially the light."
n.: exceptionally, in particular, exceptional, specialties, specialty, in general/particular, particular, most of all, worst of all, out of the ordinary unusual, of all things