idiom : common saying > a slight more in one part may affect the situation as a whole
Indeed affect the whole body
  Explanation: Analogy move will affect a very small part of the global.
  Usage: Complex sentence; as object clause; analogy would be moving a very small part of the overall impact of
  Source: Qing zhen, "the scholar book": "afraid of such a big fuss over the story? But world affairs, there is one which will affect actors whom the body had to be extended and shall also contact class."
No. 2
  Affect a hair will involve the whole body. Analogy move will affect a very small part of the global.
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No. 3
  【发音】qiān yī fà ér dòng quán shēn
  【释义】 比喻动极小的部分就会影响全局。
  【出处】 宋·苏轼《成都大悲阁记》:“吾头发不可胜数,而身之毛孔亦不可胜数,牵一发而头为之动,拨一毛而身为之变,然则发皆吾头,而毛孔皆吾身也。”清·龚自珍《自春徂秋偶有所感触》诗:“一发不可牵,牵之动全身。”
  【用法】 复句式;作宾语、分句;比喻动极小的部分就会影响全局
  【示例】 这样做就是~。
English Expression
  1. n.:  a slight more in one part may affect the situation as a whole