discipline of physics > physics
No. 1
  A foundation of natural science department. The basic structure of matter and material movement in the most general law. In Greek, it intended nature. "In ancient Europe, is the general name of natural science. In chemistry, astronomy, earth science, biology, respectively, after independent from the natural sciences, physics, rules and methods of other natural sciences and technical and scientific basis. according to the study of different forms of physical movement, can be divided into many departments and branches.
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No. 2
  What is the physics
  Physics is the study of nature, physical structure, the interaction between objects and object motion the most general laws of natural science. The scope of physics - the level and quantity of the material world-level Physics (physics) Proton 10-15 m spatial scales: physical structure of material substances interacting microscopic movement of microscopic particles of macroscopic matter mesoscopic mesoscopic material macroscopic cosmic matter cosmological quasar 10 26 m Time scale: life the universe of elementary particles lifetime 10-25 s 1018 s Introduction e-15e-12e-09e-06e-031me +03 e +06 e +09 e +12 e +15 e +18 e +21 e +24 e +27 smallest cells length of atomic nuclei of galaxies dna elementary particles stars from the Milky Way solar system, the recent Hubble radius of the Sun Hill to swallow snake tail supercluster map, the image size that the level of material space physics division at spatial scales: the physical universe of classical physics of quantum mechanics rate divided by the size of study: non-relativistic physics, relativistic physics, divided by the size of the object: macro-micro system, the system divided by velocity: the phenomenon of high-speed low-speed phenomenon of Theoretical Physics, Experimental Physics, Computational Physics today physics Physics.
  Physics is one of the inanimate nature of knowledge in the matter and make regular changes in the summary. This movement and change there should be two. First, the early extension of people through the visual senses, the second is for modern people observed and measured through the invention of scientific instruments used in the experimental results, an indirect understanding of the internal composition of matter on the basis of build. From a research perspective and the perspective of physics can be divided into two parts, micro and macro, the macro is not of a single particle group to consider the overall effect of the direct effect, is the earliest to have emerged, and micro-physics as the science and technology development theory gradually improved.
  Second, the physical but also a smart.
  As Nobel Prize winner, the German scientist Max Born said: "as they say this because I work published contains the discovery of a natural phenomenon, it is more because it contains a natural phenomenon on the scientific way of thinking base. "physics Zhisuo Yi 门 been acknowledged as a major science, not merely the laws of its Keguan Zuochu world reveals a deep, because it is developing, and growing up, forming a complete _set_ of unique and highly effective way of thinking system. Because of this, making the physics deservedly become the crystallization of human intelligence, culture treasures.
  ● Newtonian mechanics (mechanics) of the basic laws of mechanical movement of the object and on the laws of space and time relative
  ● Electromagnetic (electromagnetism) of electromagnetic phenomena in magnetic materials and electromagnetic radiation, such as movement of law
  ● thermodynamics (thermodynamics) thermal motion of matter and the macroscopic performance of the statistical laws
  ● relativity (relativity) of high-speed movement of objects related to the kinetics of effects and
  ● quantum mechanics (quantum mechanics) of the phenomenon of micro-motion of matter and the basic law of motion
  ● the invention and use of heat engine provides the first model:
  ● electrification, providing the second model: the use of nuclear energy generation laser tomography (ct) superconducting electronics technology - Physics - Technical Physics - Technical - x-ray scattering experiment physics discovery theory of low-temperature stimulated emission microscopic theory of superconductivity the birth of computer
  ● 1947 Bell Labs in Badin, Bratton and Shaw to the invention of the transistor, marking the beginning of the information age
  ● 1962 invented the integrated circuit
  ● 70 large scale integrated circuit appeared late
  ● 1925 26 established the quantum mechanics
  ● 1926 established the 费米狄拉克 Statistics
  ● 1927 established the theory Pueblo THz
  ● 1928 年 Sommerfeld Feiti guess the band
  ● 1929 Charles sent his proposed band gap, the concept of the same year Bette hole Fermi surface concept proposed
  ● 1957 年 Pippa was the first measurement of the Fermi surface superlattice materials, nano materials, photonic crystals invention of the transistor VLSI computer information technology and engineering
  ● Almost all of the major new (high) the creation of technology advance in physics over a long period of deliberation.
  ● Today the relationship between physics and two models of science and technology co-exist, intersect each other to promote "no yesterday, there is no scientific basis for today's technological revolution." - TD Lee band theory of quantum mechanics, five-man design materials. Physics method and scientific attitude of the propositions suggested answers to theoretical predictions modified theory of modern physics experiment is a combination of theory and experiment highly accurate scientific facts or observations from the new experimental facts extracted or deduced from the already established principles of the model; phenomena with known principles of qualitative interpretation, logical reasoning and mathematical calculations presented to the new theory must be falsifiable predictions for the experiment all the physical theory to observation or experiment will eventually be the fact that as a criterion when a theoretical and experimental facts when , it is modified or overturned faces six. how to learn physics, physicist Richard Feynman wrote: Science is a way. It teaches people: some things are to be understood how, what is known now learned what extent, how to deal with doubt and uncertainty, subject to any rules of evidence; how to think about things, make judgments, how to distinguish between genuine and superficial. the famous physicist Albert Einstein said: the development of independent thinking and independent judgments in general ability, should always be the first place, rather than professional knowledge should be the first place. If a person subject to grasp the basis of his theory, and learned to think and work independently, he will find his way, and compared the main details of the kind of knowledge to get people to their training, he will be better adapted to progress and change.
  ● learning perspective: from the overall logical and coordinated manner to learn physics, physics to understand the linkages between the various branches.
  ● the nature of physics: physics does not study the mechanism of natural phenomena (or simply can not research), we can only feel some of the phenomena in some of the rules of nature, and attempts to explain these rules to any of the things that occur in nature . We always try to limited understanding of the intellectual nature, and try to change nature, it is our physical, or even all subjects, the common goal.
  Related to basic science and physics: chemistry, astronomy, physical geography.
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What is the physics
  Physics is the study of nature, physical structure, the interaction between objects and object motion the most general laws of natural science. The scope of physics - the level and quantity of the material world-level Physics (physics) Proton 10-15 m spatial scales: physical structure of material substances interacting microscopic movement of microscopic particles of macroscopic matter mesoscopic mesoscopic material macroscopic cosmic matter cosmological quasar 10 26 m Time scale: life the universe of elementary particles lifetime 10-25 s 1018 s Introduction e-15e-12e-09e-06e-031me +03 e +06 e +09 e +12 e +15 e +18 e +21 e +24 e +27 smallest cells length of atomic nuclei of galaxies dna elementary particles stars from the Milky Way solar system, the recent Hubble radius of the Sun Hill to swallow snake tail supercluster map, the image size that the level of material space physics division at spatial scales: the physical universe of classical physics of quantum mechanics rate divided by the size of study: non-relativistic physics, relativistic physics, divided by the size of the object: macro-micro system, the system divided by velocity: the phenomenon of high-speed low-speed phenomenon of Theoretical Physics, Experimental Physics, Computational Physics today physics Physics.
  Physics is one of the inanimate nature of knowledge in the matter and make regular changes in the summary. This movement and change there should be two. First, the early extension of people through the visual senses, the second is for modern people observed and measured through the invention of scientific instruments used in the experimental results, an indirect understanding of the internal composition of matter on the basis of build. From a research perspective and the perspective of physics can be divided into two parts, micro and macro, the macro is not of a single particle group to consider the overall effect of the direct effect, is the earliest to have emerged, and micro-physics as the science and technology development theory gradually improved.
  Second, the physical but also a smart.
  As Nobel Prize winner, the German scientist Max Born said: "as they say this because I work published contains the discovery of a natural phenomenon, it is more because it contains a natural phenomenon on the scientific way of thinking base. "physics Zhisuo Yi 门 been acknowledged as a major science, not merely the laws of its Keguan Zuochu world reveals a deep, because it is developing, and growing up, forming a complete _set_ of unique and highly effective way of thinking system. Because of this, making the physics deservedly become the crystallization of human intelligence, culture treasures.
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  ● Newtonian mechanics (mechanics) of the basic laws of mechanical movement of the object and on the laws of space and time relative
  ● Electromagnetic (electromagnetism) of electromagnetic phenomena in magnetic materials and electromagnetic radiation, such as movement of law
  ● thermodynamics (thermodynamics) thermal motion of matter and the macroscopic performance of the statistical laws
  ● relativity (relativity) of high-speed movement of objects related to the kinetics of effects and
  ● quantum mechanics (quantum mechanics) of the phenomenon of micro-motion of matter and the basic law of motion
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物理学 历史
  ● the invention and use of heat engine provides the first model:
  ● electrification, providing the second model: the use of nuclear energy generation laser tomography (ct) superconducting electronics technology - Physics - Technical Physics - Technical - x-ray scattering experiment physics discovery theory of low-temperature stimulated emission microscopic theory of superconductivity the birth of computer
  ● 1947 Bell Labs in Badin, Bratton and Shaw to the invention of the transistor, marking the beginning of the information age
  ● 1962 invented the integrated circuit
  ● 70 large scale integrated circuit appeared late
  ● 1925 26 established the quantum mechanics
  ● 1926 established the 费米狄拉克 Statistics
  ● 1927 established the theory Pueblo THz
  ● 1928 年 Sommerfeld Feiti guess the band
  ● 1929 Charles sent his proposed band gap, the concept of the same year Bette hole Fermi surface concept proposed
  ● 1957 年 Pippa was the first measurement of the Fermi surface superlattice materials, nano materials, photonic crystals invention of the transistor VLSI computer information technology and engineering
  ● Almost all of the major new (high) the creation of technology advance in physics over a long period of deliberation.
  ● Today the relationship between physics and two models of science and technology co-exist, intersect each other to promote "no yesterday, there is no scientific basis for today's technological revolution." - TD Lee band theory of quantum mechanics, five-man design materials. Physics method and scientific attitude of the propositions suggested answers to theoretical predictions modified theory of modern physics experiment is a combination of theory and experiment highly accurate scientific facts or observations from the new experimental facts extracted or deduced from the already established principles of the model; phenomena with known principles of qualitative interpretation, logical reasoning and mathematical calculations presented to the new theory must be falsifiable predictions for the experiment all the physical theory to observation or experiment will eventually be the fact that as the criteria when the facts of a theoretical and experimental time , it is modified or overturned faces six. how to learn physics, physicist Richard Feynman wrote: Science is a way. It teaches people: some things are to be understood how, what is known now learned what extent, how to deal with doubt and uncertainty, subject to any rules of evidence; how to think about things, make judgments, how to distinguish between genuine and superficial. the famous physicist Albert Einstein said: the development of independent thinking and independent judgments in general ability, should always be the first place, rather than professional knowledge should be the first place. If a person subject to grasp the basis of his theory, and learned to think and work independently, he will find his way, and compared the main details of the kind of knowledge to get people to their training, he will be better adapted to progress and change.
  ● learning perspective: from the overall logical and coordinated manner to learn physics, physics to understand the linkages between the various branches.
  ● the nature of physics: physics does not study the mechanism of natural phenomena (or simply can not research), we can only feel some of the phenomena in some of the rules of nature, and attempts to explain these rules to any of the things that occur in nature . We always try to limited understanding of the intellectual nature, and try to change nature, it is our physical, or even all subjects, the common goal.
  Related to basic science and physics: chemistry, astronomy, physical geography.
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  Physics (physics) the full name of physics. Europe "physical" from the Greek word for the first φυσικός, intent is natural. Physics for the ancient Europeans called "natural philosophy." The broadest sense, that is the study of natural phenomena and laws of learning. Chinese, Japanese in the "physical" since the term scientists from the Ming and Qing zhi's encyclopedic book, "Physics little knowledge." In the field of physics, the study of the basic elements of the universe: matter, energy, space, time and their interactions; be analyzed by the Basic Laws and rules to fully understand the system. In the classical era of physics is very similar to its natural composition of the Institute of philosophy until the nineteenth century physics was separated from philosophy to become an empirical science. In modern physics has become a natural science one of the most basic subjects. Theoretical physics is usually expressed in mathematical form. After a lot of strict laws of physics experiment known as the laws of physics. However, as many other theories of natural science, these laws can not be proven, the correctness of the experiment only after repeated testing.
  Physics is closely related with many other natural science such as mathematics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and geology. Particularly in mathematics and chemistry. Chemistry and physics of the relationship in some far-reaching, such as quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and electromagnetism, and basic mathematics is the physical tools, is physically dependent on mathematics.
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  Physics is one of the inanimate nature of knowledge in the matter and make regular changes in the summary. This movement and change there should be two. First, the early extension of people through the visual senses, the second is for modern people observed and measured through the invention of scientific instruments used in the experimental results, an indirect understanding of the internal composition of matter on the basis of build. From a research perspective and the perspective of physics can be divided into two parts, micro and macro, the macro is not of a single particle group to consider the overall effect of the direct effect, is the earliest to have emerged, and micro-physics as the science and technology development theory gradually improved.
  Second, the physical but also a smart.
  As Nobel Prize winner, the German scientist Max Born said: "as they say this because I work published contains the discovery of a natural phenomenon, it is more because it contains a natural phenomenon on the scientific way of thinking base. "physics Zhisuo Yi 门 been acknowledged as a major science, not merely the laws of its Keguan Zuochu world reveals a deep, because it is developing, and growing up, forming a complete _set_ of unique and highly effective way of thinking system. Because of this, making the physics deservedly become the crystallization of human intelligence, culture treasures.
  Physics is a short summary of general laws, is the general experience of scientific understanding of the theory.
  Physical changes
  1. Physical changes: the material changes over time change; chemical changes: the old bond rupture, new bond formation. 2. Physical change phenomenon: the very broad, as long as the material changes in time are; chemical changes: light, heat, generate precipitation, generated gas is conventional secondary phenomenon, but some of which are invisible to the naked eye, such as carbon dioxide and water reaction.
  3. Physical change chemical change, including: chemical change to see if a chemical bond rupture and formation of new and old.
  Physical properties of material destruction and the formation of chemical bonds are not the manifestations of nature: physical chemical properties of chemical bonds through the destruction of the manifestations of nature (that is material to it via a chemical reaction that he had the chemical properties.)
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Research Methods
  The theoretical and experimental physics, the physical definition and measurement of hypothetical choices, the mathematical theory to start a comparison between theory and experiment agreed with the experimental laws, theoretical physics is the only target.
  People solve problems through a combination of such, is predicted to guide scientific practice, this is not a big materialistic thinking, in fact the purpose and structure of physical theories.
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Ideological and theoretical
  Physics and Metaphysics
  Metaphysics in the continual process of reflection arising from the principle of non-empirical basis of objective, physical theory can use it to determine its own scientific terms. They may not subordinate package depends on the idea of ​​school of philosophy. Description of the physical properties of the _set_, choose the simple nature of the other properties is the combination of imagination and clusters. Through the appropriate measurement methods and mathematical techniques to further understanding the nature of things have been. _Select_ the number of experiments, after the existence of a correspondence. Most experiments can have a relationship with their counterparts, but the experiment does not correspond to a variety of relationships. That is, a rule can be manifested in many experiments, but several experiments do not necessarily reflect only a rule.
  Theoretical predictions for the physics is consistent with the reality of whether or not the sole criterion of truth.
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Famous scholars
  Past winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics:
  Wc 1901 Roentgen (German)
  Found that x-ray
  1902 ha Lorenz, p. Zeeman (Dutch)
  Of magnetic field on the radiation
  1903 ah Becquerel (French)
  Found that the radioactive material
  p. Curie, m. Curie (France)
  In radioactivity
  Jw Rayleigh in 1904 (English)
  Gas density in the study and found that argon element
  Pea Raynald 1905 (German)
  Research in the cathode ray
  Jj Thomson, 1906 (English)
  Of theoretical and experimental study of gas discharge make an important contribution
  1907 aa Michelson (American)
  The invention of the optical interferometer and use of these instruments for spectroscopy and metrology research
  1908 g. Lippmann (French)
  The invention of color photography interferometry (ie, Lippmann interference in law)
  1909 g. Makeni (Italian), k. F. Braun (Germany)
  The development of radio communication
  ow Richardson (British)
  Thermionic phenomenon in the research, in particular, that Richardson's law
  1910 jo van der Waals (Dutch)
  Gaseous and liquid in the proposed program of research
  W. 1911 Wien (German)
  Found that thermal radiation law
  Ng 1912, Darren (Swedish)
  The invention can be lighted aids to navigation, buoy automatic gas section of the battery device used in combination
  Cameron Linang 1913 h. Nice (Dutch)
  Superconductivity in the liquid helium
  1914 mv Laue (Germany)
  Found that the x-ray crystal diffraction
  1915 wh. Prague, wl Prague (English)
  With x-ray, crystal structure analysis of
  1916 Not awarded
  1917 cg Barkla (British)
  Elements found in the characteristics of the secondary x radiation
  1918 m. Planck (Germany)
  On the establishment made great contributions to quantum theory
  1919 j. Stark (Germany)
  Found that very tunnel-ray Doppler effect and electric field splitting of spectral lines
  1920 ce Guillaume (Swiss)
  Found that the anomaly of nickel steel alloys and the importance of physics in the precision
  A. Albert Einstein in 1921 (German)
  Discovered the law of the photoelectric effect, etc.
  N. 1922, Bohr (Denmark)
  Radiation in the atomic structure and atomic research
  Milliken 1923 ra
  Basic charge and the photoelectric effect in the study
  1924 kmg West Barn (Sweden)
  Found the x-ray spectral lines in the
  1925 j. Frank, g. Hertz (German)
  Found that the collision rule atoms and electrons
  1926 jb Perrin (French)
  Discontinuous structure of matter and find balance between deposition
  Compton in 1927 ah (American)
  Found that Compton effect (also known as Compton scattering)
  ctr Wilson (British)
  The invention to the fog room, can show through the air, track electronic
  1928 ow Richardson (British)
  Thermionic phenomenon in the research, in particular, that Richardson's law
  Lv de Broglie in 1929 (French)
  That matter wave
  1930 cv Raman (Indian)
  Light scattered in the research, found that the Raman effect
  1931 Not awarded
  1932 wk Heisenberg (German)
  Created quantum mechanics
  1933 e. Schrödinger (Austrian), pam Dirac (British)
  Find new and effective forms of atomic theory
  1934 Not awarded
  1935 j. Chadwick (British)
  Found in neutron
  1936 vf Hess (Austrian)
  Found in cosmic rays;
  cd Anderson (American)
  Found that positron
  1937 cj Davidson (American), gp Thomson (British)
  Found that the crystal diffraction of electrons
  E. 1938, Fermi (Italian)
  Found that the new radioactive elements produced by neutron bombardment and found that nuclear reactions with slow neutrons
  Eo 1939, Lawrence (American)
  Invented and developed the cyclotron, and this made the results of artificial radioactivity
  1940 1942 Not awarded
  O. 1943 Stern (American)
  Developed a molecular beam method and the measurement of the proton magnetic moment
  1944 ii Rabbi (American)
  Invented the famous gas NMR
  W. 1945, Pauli (Austrian)
  Exclusion principle that
  Pw 1946 Bridgman (American)
  The invention of high pressure devices, and achievements in high-pressure physics
  Appleton, 1947 ev (English)
  Research in atmospheric physics, in particular the discovery of high-altitude ionospheric short-wave radio (Appleton layer)
  1948 pms Blackett (British)
  Improved Wilson cloud chamber method, and resulting in nuclear physics and cosmic rays of a range of discovery
  1949 Hideki Yukawa (Japanese)
  Proposed the meson theory of nuclear, and predicted the existence of mesons
  1950 cf Powell (British)
  To study the development of photographic emulsion nuclear destruction process recording method and found a variety of meson
  Jd Cockcroft 1951 (English), ets Walton (Irish)
  Bombardment by artificially accelerated atomic particles, prompting the production of nuclear reactions (transmutation)
  F. 1952, Bloch, em Purcell (American)
  The phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance in the material and the creation of nuclear magnetic measurements
  F. 1953, Zernike (Dutch)
  Phase contrast microscope invented
  Born in 1954 m.
  Wave function in quantum mechanics and statistical interpretation and research to contribute to
  w. Bot (German)
  Invention of coincidence counting method, to study the nuclear reaction and γ-ray
  Ram 1955, we (Americans)
  The invention of microwave technology, and then study the fine structure of the hydrogen atom
  p. Kush (American)
  With the RF beam accurately determine the electron magnetic moment, the nuclear theory of innovation
  1956 wh Bratton, j. Bardeen, wb Shockley (American)
  Engaged in semiconductor research and discovered the transistor effect
  1957, Lee, Chen Ning Yang (Chinese Americans)
  Parity laws on the study in depth
  Cherenkov 1958 pa, ie Tam, im Frank (Russian)
  Discovered and explained Cerenkov effect
  1959 e. G. Saige Lei, o. Chamberlain (American)
  Found that anti-protons
  1960 da Glaser (American)
  Found that the bubble chamber, replacing the Wilson cloud chamber
  Hofstadter 1961 r. (American)
  High-energy electron linear accelerator used in nuclear scattering and found
  rl Moose Paul (German)
  In the phenomenon of resonance absorption of γ-ray study and found a moose Paul Effect
  Ld 1962 Landau (Russian)
  Aggregation state of matter created in particular the theory of liquid helium
  Wigner 1963 ep (American)
  Found that the symmetry of elementary particles and nuclei in the dominant principle of interaction between protons and neutrons
  mg Meyer (American), jhd Jensen (German)
  In the nuclear shell model theory of
  1964 ch Townes (American), ng Basov, am Prokhorov (Russian)
  The invention of microwave radiation, and lasers and quantum electronics terms in basic research
  1965 Chao-Yong Zhen Ichiro (Japanese), j. s. Schwinger, rp Feynman (American)
  Aspects of quantum electrodynamics in elementary particle physics has a profound impact on basic research
  1966 a. Kastler (French)
  Discovery and development of the optical resonance and magnetic resonance together, so had the double beam and radio frequency electromagnetic resonance double resonance method
  Ha in 1967, Betty (American)
  Contribute to nuclear reaction theory, in particular, found the planet of energy
  1968 lw Alvarez (American)
  Through the development of liquid hydrogen bubble and data analysis technology to find many resonances
  Gherman 1969 m. (American)
  Classification of elementary particles and interactions that
  L. 1970 Neil (French)
  Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic in the research
  h. Alvin (Swedish)
  Engaged in basic research on magnetic fluid mechanics
  D. 1971, Gabor (British)
  Invented and developed a holographic method
  1972 j. Bardeen, ln Cooper, jr Schrieffer (American)
  Theoretically explain the phenomenon of superconductivity
  Ling in 1973, Ezaki Chennai (Japanese), i. Guai Fu (American)
  It was found that the semiconductor by the "tunnel effect" and the superconducting material
  bd Josephson (British)
  Found that supercurrent through a tunnel barrier layer of the Josephson effect
  Ryle, 1974 m., a. He Weisi (British)
  Radio astronomy in the pioneering research
  In 1975 an Bohr, br Mott Wilson (Denmark), j. Rainwater (American)
  In the internal structure of nuclei
  B. 1976, Richter (American), Samuel Chao Chung Ting (Chinese Americans)
  Found heavy neutral meson ╟ j / φ particles
  Pw Endrin in 1977, jh Fanfu Lake (American), nf Mott (British)
  In the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems the basic research
  1978, p. Kaer Cha (Russian)
  Of research in cryogenics
  aa Penzias, rw Wilson (American)
  Discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation
  1979 sl Glashow, s. Weinberg (American), a. Salam (Pakistan)
  Predicted the existence of weak neutral current weak interaction between elementary particles and electromagnetic effects and contribute to the unified theory
  Jw Cronin 1980, vl Fitch (American)
  Found that the neutral meson decay in the k parity (cp) is not conserved
  1981 km West Barn (Sweden) has developed a high-resolution measuring instruments
  n. Broad Mutombo root, a. Show Low (Americans) on the development of laser spectroscopy and high-resolution electronic spectra do not contribute to the
  1982 kg Wilson (American)
  Made with the phase transition theory of critical phenomena related
  1983 s. Chandrasekhar, wa Fowler (American)
  Physical processes in stellar evolution studies
  1984, c. Rubbia (Italy), s. van der Mel (Dutch)
  Found that weak interactions led to the transfer by field particles w ± and z 0 of the large-scale projects to make a decisive contribution to the
  Jin Feng Kerry in 1985, k. (German)
  Measured the Hall effect discovered and developed the technology for determination of physical constants
  1986 e. Ruska (German)
  Done a lot of basis in the electric field of optical research and development of the first electron microscope
  g. Bi Nige (Germany), h. Rhorer (Swiss)
  Designed and developed a new type of electron microscope - scanning tunneling microscope
  1987 jg Bedford Knowles (Germany), ka Miller (Swiss)
  Oxide high-temperature superconductors discovered
  L. 1988, Lederman, m. Schwartz, j. Steinberg (American)
  Μ subtype that neutrinos, which reveals the internal structure of leptons
  1989 w. Paul (Germany), hg Dermer Stewart, nf Ramsey (American)
  Created the world's most accurate time measurement methods - atomic clock, made outstanding contributions to physics measurements
  1990 ji Friedman, hw Kendall (American), re Taylor (Canadian)
  First to demonstrate experimentally the existence of quarks
  1991, pg Gennes (France)
  Engaged in liquid crystal, polymer theory
  1992 g. Charpak (French)
  Developed a multi-wire proportional counter
  1993 ra Hulse, jh Taylor (American)
  Found a binary pulsar, as the gravity of the study on new opportunities
  1994 bn. Brockhouse (Canadian), cg Shull (American)
  In the study of condensed matter neutron scattering techniques developed
  Per 1995 ml, f. Laiyin Si (Americans)
  Found the nature of subatomic particles: Υ leptons, neutrinos
  1996 d. m. Lee (American), dd Osheroff (American), rc Richardson (American)
  Can be found at low temperature helium flows without friction - 3
  1997 Steven Chu (Chinese-American), wd Phillips (American), c. Cohen ╟ Tanu Ji (French)
  The invention of laser cooling and trapping atoms using the method
  1998 Laughlin (USA), Sturmer (U.S.), Tsui (Chinese-American)
  Found the fractional quantum Hall effect
  1999 h. Hooft (Netherlands), m. Veltman (Netherlands)
  Illustrates the weak interaction physics in the quantitative structure plating.
  2000 Alferov (Russia), Kilby (American), Kramer (American)
  Because of their pioneering research laid the foundation of information technology, shared this year's Nobel Prize in Physics.
  2001 Ke Tele (Germany), Cornell (USA) and Weiman (USA)
  In the "dilute alkaline atomic gas Bose - Einstein condensate" and "Condensed Matter early basic research" to achieve success.
  Raymond Davis in 2002 (U.S.), Koshiba (Japan), 里卡尔多贾科尼 (U.S.)
  Made in the field of astrophysics pioneering contributions to the human observation of the universe opened two new "window."
  2003 阿列克谢阿布里科 Denisov (Russian dual citizenship), 维塔利金茨 Petersburg (Russia), Anthony J. Leggett (Anglo-American dual nationality)
  In theory of superconductors and superfluids made pioneering contributions.
  In 2004 David Gross, 戴维波利泽, Frank Wilczek (all Americans)
  The three scientists study quarks making science closer to realizing it as a "theory of everything built," the dream.
  2005 University of Colorado, John l · Hall, Harvard University, j · Roy Glauber and German Lee Ludwig Maximilian University (the University of Munich) of 特奥多尔亨 Shi
  Gps technology research results can be improved
  John Mather, George Smoot in 2006 (all Americans)
  Found the blackbody form and the cosmic microwave background radiation fluctuations of
  In 2007 Albert Fert (France) Peter Green Berger (Germany)
  Has independently found a "giant magnetoresistance" effect. This technology is considered to be "the future of the vast field of nanotechnology is one of the first practical application."
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Physical quote
  Truth is, with such power, the more you want to attack it, you attack to become more enriched and proved it.
  The earth beneath our feet is still in rotation!
  - Galileo galileo galilei (1564-1642)
  If I have seen further, it is because standing on the shoulders of giants.
  I do not know how people think about me, I just feel like a boy in the beach game, sometimes in order to find a smooth rock or relatively pleased with the beautiful shells, and the truth of the ocean is still undiscovered in front of me and .
  - Newton newton sir isaac (1643-1727)
  All the science is not physics, is the stamp
  [Font size = 2] - Rutherford [/ font] rutherford ernest (1871-1937)
  The most incomprehensible universe, the place is that it is understandable
  God does not play dice game and the universe
  All science and technology efforts, the total benefit of mankind, concern about the fate of mankind as the main swan's.
  In truth and awareness, any authority of the people consider themselves bound to laugh at in the fall of God!
  - Albert Einstein albert einstein (1879 - 1955)
  The equation of the United States, is more important than agreement with the experimental results
  science is concerned only with observable things and that we can observe an object by letting it interact with some outside influence.
  only questions about the result of experiments have a real significance and it is only such questions that theoretical physics has to consider.
  - Dirac paul adrien maurice dirac (1902 - 1984)
  I can sure tell you: no one really understand quantum mechanics.
  i can safely said (that) no body understands quantum theory.
  i believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy.
  Physicists always think you just need to be addressed: given such and such conditions, what the outcome will emerge?
  it doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. if it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
  No matter how smart you are, no matter how perfect your theory, if not practical, then it is wrong.
  - Feynman feynman (1918 ~ 1988)
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  Physics (physies)
  Physics in the past called natural philosophy. Physics involved in the natural
  In some respects, they can be a basic way, that is the basis
  Some of the basic principles and fundamental laws to be understood. As time
  Goes on, different special disciplines carve out from the physics, the formation of self-
  Own field of study. In this process, keeping its original physical
  Objective: To understand the nature of the structure and interpretation of natural phenomena.
  Some of the most basic part of the basic physics of mechanics and field
  On the. Mechanics involved in the particle or object to the motion under constant force. Field
  Physics involves the gravitational field, electromagnetic fields, nuclear force fields, and other
  Field of the origin, nature and characteristics. Mechanics and field theory on the structure together
  Understanding of science has become a natural phenomenon made by the most basic way.
  The ultimate goal is to understand through these two aspects of nature are all
  Like. Refer to the "classical field theory,, (elassieal field theory)," Power
  Science "(mechanies)," quantum field theory,, (quantum field
  theory) of each.
  Physics than the old points system, or call the classic is based on self-
  However, some general types of phenomena based. Of course, these self-
  However, the phenomenon was already known method is particularly suitable for applications to study physics
  Study of. According to this proposed approach, namely, classical celestial mechanics and its branches
  Mechanics, fluid mechanics and ballistics; heat and thermodynamics; gas movement
  Theory and statistical mechanics; optics, acoustics; and electricity and electromagnetism. This
  Kind of points system now has access, but many more have been
  Included in the branch of applied physics or technology trends, more is not a
  Inherent in the branch of physics itself.
  Branches of modern physics is based on the particular type of natural structure
  Relating to distinguish between the various branches. Thus, particle physics or
  High-energy physics is the latest branch, which involves elementary particles in particular
  For the heavy particles is the nature and behavior understanding, the so-called heavy particle
  - A meson, baryons and their anti-particles - in the billions
  Electron volts of energy levels generated by the collision. According to this proposed approach,
  The second branch is nuclear physics, which involves the formation of nuclei
  Neutron and proton association problem; nuclear structure, characteristics and energy
  State; nuclear reactions between, including the scattering process and radioactivity;
  And a variety of related phenomena, such as high-speed nuclear particles interaction with matter
  Effect. Atomic physics involved determined by the extranuclear electron atoms
  Structure and characteristics; the electronic state of motion, including, for example energy level,
  Angular momentum and magnetic moment of the nature of such subjects; and atomic absorption of radiation
  And launch.
  This points system to continue, with the increase in complexity, there
  Molecular physics, which involves the molecular composition of each atomic system, sub-
  The nature of intermolecular forces, chemical binding energy, molecular vibration spectra and rotational spectra
  And so on. Followed by solid-state physics, fluid physics, physics of gas
  And plasma physics. Mainly used to study plasma physics
  Highly ionized atoms are formed after the nuclear and electronic mixed nude
  Body, the nature of the so-called ion plasma.
  This sub-method can also include biological physics, it is a matter
  Mathematical methods and physical methods to explain the structure of biological systems and should be
  Other more specialized sub-method can deal with special equipment or special skills
  Technique to distinguish, such as X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction
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  , Physical
  Indeed xue_-W
  "Physics" (dead h eve si shell.) Asia in the ancient Greek philosopher
  German written a book on natural philosophy. It is the motion of Seoul
  As a qualitative study of natural things, discusses the general nature
  And motor development of the law. Volumes of the original book may be a number of independent
  Questions or notes of the later compiled by his disciples made. Business Day
  Published in 1982 Zhangzhu Ming's Chinese translation.
  The book is divided into 8 volumes. Review the past before the two volumes of natural philosophers clothing
  Origin of all things different on the issue and put forward the main arc of the "four pay 'tin
  3, the volume of a natural object associated with this movement and space,}
  Unlimited, limited concept, proposed last volume movement of the natural world Lei
  Result, the first movers.
  Results in the camps on the basis of past natural philosophy, the book presented: from the group
  Should have four reasons (or primitive), that is, material, form, power and purpose
  More important than the material cause for, because it makes things from the potential to become a reality,
  Power side of things wonderful.
  The book presents a comparative theory of motion of the system. That transported by
  Material from the potential into reality. Plant movement and the object can not be separated. Movement is permanent (
  Neither beginning nor end. Movement can be broadly divided into four categories:
  Self. Stick in the end
  Quality matters ridicule
  This is a deduction
  (Entity), the nature, number and location of the movement. One location}
  Action is the most basic form. All movements have a certain spatial location;
  Between the premise, movement and space, time is indivisible. Space and
  Not a thing of the "virtual air but an object to be around and around it}
  Between body "boundaries." Time is a measure of movement, it sports a;
  Is continuous, eternal, infinite. This part of Aristotle's thinking〕
  Is materialism, but also contains a wealth of dialectics. However, he considered
  Constant movement will have an eternal reason, which made the first push of a CD
  As a source of perpetual motion throughout the universe. The highest motive is non {
  , And its fixed, Macross, and another is eternal, the only goes for the ether
  Separable, there is no volume. On the destination under the influence of Aristotle:
  Order into the idealism and metaphysics. (Huang Xiang Jie
  Yanjiatuoka of Gaimaidushun Cup too
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Physics Encyclopedia
  Material existence of the universe of physics all the main basic forms, their nature, exercise and conversion, and internal structure; to know the group element of these structures and their interactions, the basic laws of motion and transformation. Geosciences and life sciences are an important aspect of natural science, there are important social role, but there are creatures such as the planet Earth in the universe is rare, so the land does not belong to science and life sciences, physics range. Of course, the basic law of physics that, even if the phenomenon and the phenomenon of life on Earth, it also plays an important role.
  Classical Mechanics
  Classical mechanics of macroscopic objects in low-speed mechanical movement of the phenomena and laws, such as the macro is relative to the atoms in terms of microscopic particles. People in everyday life is often directly exposed to the object that contains a huge amount of atoms, so the macro objects. Speed ​​is relative to the speed of light in terms of. The speed of the fastest jet aircraft are generally not to the millionth of the speed of light in physics is still considered low. Spatial location of objects change over time as mechanical motion. Direct contact with daily life to be studied are first and foremost a low speed mechanical movement.
  In classical mechanics there are three most common basic physical concepts: quality, space and time. Quality can be used as a measure of the amount of material, space and time are universal forms of material existence. The dimensions of the existing principle of all physical quantities can be by the quality, space, time, combining the dimensions of expression. Physical quantities with different dimensions of the qualitative differences exist between. Dimensionless physical quantity to some extent reflect the quality. The same physical dimension of quality can be the same, but not necessarily the same.
  Early in the 19th century, classical mechanics has become a mature branch of physics disciplines, it contains a wealth of content. For example: particle mechanics, rigid body mechanics, analytical mechanics, elasticity, plasticity, fluid mechanics and so on. Classical mechanics of Hamiltonian canonical equations has become an important equation in physics, and applied to statistical physics, quantum mechanics theory of modern physics. Application of classical mechanics, involving energy, aviation, aerospace, machinery, construction, water conservancy, mine construction until the security and other fields. Of course, the engineering problems are often the problem is a comprehensive, but also a comprehensive study of many disciplines in order to fully resolve.
  Thermal, thermodynamics and classical statistical mechanics
  Heat generation and conduction of heat, hot state of matter in nature and how these properties change with the change of thermal state. It very early concept of hot and cold. Using fire history of the development of human civilization is an important milestone. For the thermal phenomena of gradual clarification on the vague concept of heat (for example: a distinction between temperature and heat, that they are closely linked and have a difference between the two concepts.) On this basis, began to explore the nature of thermal phenomena and universal law. On the thermal phenomena is called the universal Law of Thermodynamics. To the 19th century, thermodynamics has become mature.
  There are many kinds of energy can exist in the form, mechanical phenomena are kinetic and potential energy of objects. Objects have internal movement, it is the internal energy. Experimental Study of the 19th century proved that the system: the internal body heat is the energy of the performance of movement disorder, so call this energy the internal energy, formerly known as thermal energy. Mid-19th century, JP Joule and other experiments to determine the heat and use the quantitative relationship between power, thereby establishing the first law of thermodynamics: energy macro-mechanical movement of the internal energy can be transformed into each other. To an isolated physical systems, regardless of what form of energy into each other, the total value of the energy is constant, is the first law of thermodynamics law of conservation of energy and conversion of a performance.
  Thermodynamics is a phenomenological theory. Depth study of the nature of thermal phenomena, to produce a statistical mechanics. According to statistical mechanics, material composition and microstructure of the interaction of a large number of particles by the nature and behavior of macroscopic objects, the statistics law, is an important branch of theoretical physics.
  Macroscopic objects contained within a large number of particles. To study each of the state of molecules in each moment actually can not. In order to understand the law of thermal phenomena, and without the detailed knowledge that
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English Expression
  1. n.:  physics,  physics,  physical science
Physics and dynamics, natural philosophy
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