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Brief introduction
  University of Oxford
  Country: United Kingdom
  Founded: 1167
  Oxford University has a history, a reputation in the world. Although the strengths and resources of the relative decline of the country, the University of Oxford and Cambridge high living highest in the world is no longer the day. But it is still British society and higher education systems have an extremely important position, and still have a worldwide impact. UK education and even the world to adhere Oxford; Britain and the world a lot of young students who are to enter Oxford ideal badge.
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Famous Alumni
  19th century England, only two universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and Cambridge is also the founder of the early 13th century by some teachers and students at Oxford. In history, many famous people have been educated at Oxford, including four British kings, 46 Nobel Prize winners, 25 British prime minister, three saints, 86 archbishops and 18 cardinals:
  Edward VII (ChristChurch): Queen Victoria and King Edward VII Saxony - Coburg - Gotha - the eldest son of Prince Albert, sealing Guardian Knight, Prince of Wales, Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Luo Tese Dublin Earl. 1859, into the Oxford University, Oxford University, was the first to enter the Crown Prince. When serving in the Irish Army, worked with an actress consorting. His father Albert to Ireland to persuade him, and died in the way back. Therefore, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert Edward's death was due to the absurd, ever since he was not allowed to intervene State or royal affairs. In 1863, the Prince of Denmark Christie Ann married the eldest daughter of Princess Alexandra. 1901, 60-year-old Edward ascended the throne, said Edward VII.
  Edward VIII (Magdalen): Full name Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David). Since January 20, 1936 his father died until December 11, 1936 initiative to give way, less than a year he became king of England. Edward is the only voluntary abdication of the British monarch. December 10, 1936 he signed the abdication document, the British Parliament approved the next day, Edward abdicated.
  Anthony Eden (ChristChurch): British politician, served as foreign minister during the Second World War (Foreign Secretary), and later served as British Prime Minister in the fifties. Public generally believes that he has to bear the Suez Crisis of 1956 on the vast majority of the responsibility. From 1945 to 1973, Eden was Chancellor of the University of Birmingham in England.
  Harold Macmillan (Balliol): 1894 年 2 月 10 日 -1986 on December 29) is a British Conservative politician and served as Prime Minister during the period 1957-1963. In 1964 he refused the royal knighted exit from the lower house until 20 years after 1984 was canonized Queen of hereditary aristocracy - Earl of Stockton, two years after his death.
  Harold Wilson (Jesus): 1916 年 3 月 11 日 -1995 on May 24), is one of the most important 20th century British statesman. Were raised in 1964, 1966, presidential election in February 1974 and June 1974 in the win, although he just win every election, but in all, he won a number of times in the general election, ranks first among all of the 20th century British Prime Minister. In addition, compared with other contemporary politicians, he is widely regarded as an intelligent politician.
  Margaret Thatcher (Somerville): 1925 年 10 月 13 was born in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England city. 1943 Women into Somerville College, Oxford University to study chemistry. College to attend the Conservative Party, and served as President of the Oxford University Conservative Association. Has visited China four times, in 1984 the British government on behalf of the Chinese government and Zhao Ziyang signed the "Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong" in Beijing representative. To return to China has laid a solid political foundation.
  Tony Blair (StJohn's): 1953 年 5 6th (Taurus) was born in the northern part of the Scottish capital of Edinburgh a middle class family. He graduated from St. John's College, Oxford University, Faculty of Law, in 1984 became a barrister in 1994 Queen Elizabeth II was crowned, an official of the Privy Council. Prime Minister in May 1997, became the youngest British prime minister since 1812, after the finance minister and concurrently minister of Ministry of Civil Service chief. He later served as Prime Minister of Labour bold innovation, the original Conservative government's domestic and foreign policies carried out a series of adjustments. June 2001 general election win again, re-elected prime minister, became the first Labour Prime Minister in British history re-election.
  Bill Clinton (University): impoverished after Clinton got a degree in international relations from Georgetown University School of Foreign Affairs, and received a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University to study. Served as the 42nd President of the United States, up to 8 years. Beat him with his deputy, Albert Gore in 1992 re-election of George Bush was elected president, and in 1996 overwhelmingly defeated Republican Senator Bob Dole election. To leave in 2001, was one of President Clinton's definitely up to the public to get the history.
  Ron Atkinson (Queen'sCollege): English actor, comedian, who starred in local TV series Blackadder (the translation of "Blackadder") and Mr Bean (the translation of "Mr. Bean"), and its "foolish. Mr. Bean "image the public. He was born in North East England County Durham (Durham) is a wealthy rural family, educated at Durham Choristers School and St Bees School, studied electronic engineering at the University of Newcastle and the University of Oxford The Queen's College, Oxford repair Reading Master. 1977 began his comedy performances.
  Daniel Boorstin: American historian, naturalist and former Librarian of Congress.
  TS Eliot (Merton): famous British modernist poet and literary critic. September 26, 1888 Born in Missouri, USA. 1906 into the study of philosophy at Harvard University, the University of Oxford in the UK continued, and when the teaching staff in England. 1908 began writing. There are poems "Prufrock and Other Observations to things," "_Select_ed Poems," "Four Quartets" and so on. Represented as poem "The Waste Land" to express the spirit of a generation disillusioned with the West, is considered a landmark work of modern Western literature. 1948 because of "innovative modern poetry, a pioneer outstanding achievements", won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  Hugh Grant (New): Hugh Grant is a standard England in 1960, was born on September 9 in London, grew up in London, the University of Oxford University study is famous. Grow in such an environment, the raising of the statue, he naturally worry about the appearance and temperament exudes elegant English gentleman special nobility. "Oxford Love" will be a Hugh Grant's first film, tells the love story between a group of students at Oxford University, co-star of the year also included as young James Webby (JamesWilby). Hugh Young, playing in the name of the leader, he was still using the name - Huey (Hughie).
  Stephen Hawking (University): born January 8, 1942 in Oxford, England, has graduated from Oxford University and Trinity College, Cambridge, Cambridge University and received a doctorate of philosophy. The reason why he sat in a wheelchair for 46 years, because he was 21 years old when he unfortunately suffered the cause of Lou Gehrig's disease, muscular dystrophy, lectures and quizzes can only be done by a speech synthesizer. Professor of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University, the most important contemporary general relativity and cosmology home, is one of the great international reputation of this century, is known as the greatest living scientist, also known as "the universe the king. "
  Robert Hooke (ChristChurch): British physicist and astronomer. July 18, 1635 Born in Isle of Wight's 弗雷施瓦特. His father was vicar. After 1653 into Christ Church College, Oxford Hooker became acquainted with Boyle. 1655 Huke Cheng as Boyle's assistant. 1662 onwards until his death served as the Royal Society of Experimental administrator. 1663 Hook received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Oxford University, and was elected member of the Royal Society.
  Philip Larkin (St.John 's): British poet. August 9, 1922 Born in Coventry. 1943 graduate of St. John's College, Oxford University. Has working in Wellington (1943-1946) Public Library, and Lester (1946-1950), Belfast (1950-1955), Hull (1955-1985) and other university libraries. Honorary Fellow of Society Chairman poems, big members of the English Arts and Literature Association Committee, American Academy of Arts. December 2, 1985 due to throat cancer, died in Hull. The collection of poems "Northern boat", "little by cheaters," "Whitsun Weddings" and "high windows." Won the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry, American Academy of Arts and Literature Academic Award Luoan Nice, Germany FVS Foundation Shakespeare Literary Award and the WH Smith Award. Larkin is recognized after TS Eliot's most influential twentieth century British poet.
  John Locke (ChristChurch): The famous British philosopher John Locke is the first comprehensive and systematic exposition of the basic ideas of constitutional democracy writer. His ideas profoundly influenced the founding fathers of the United States and many of the French Enlightenment philosophers major. 1656 bachelor's degree, master's degree in 1658. Locke youth science produced on a very strong interest, 36-year-old was elected to the Royal Society. His famous chemist Robert Boyle hobnobbing wave, old age and become friends with Isaac Newton.
  Qian (Exeter): Formerly known as Yang first word Zhe Liang. Formerly known as Bell book, word Mocun, No. Huai together, who uses the pseudonym in the book monarch. Xuantong two years on October (21 November 1910) was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Is a famous modern Chinese writer, literary researcher. Shu-year-old Dong Lin into primary, secondary Taowu in Suzhou, Wuxi Catholic school to secondary education, nineteen-year-old was admitted to Tsinghua exception. Specializes in Chinese poetry when Qian was born in a family, a child affected by the history of the traditional aspects of education, secondary schools, English, mathematics, science but on poor results. When candidates Tsinghua University, mathematics only 15 points, but the Chinese, English scores, which is to get out of English, Foreign Languages ​​Department of Tsinghua University in 1929 was exceptional admission. After 1933 graduated in Foreign Languages ​​Department of Tsinghua University, in Shanghai Guanghua University. In 1966, after the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution under attack, and in November 1969, together with his wife Yang Jiang was sent to Henan "cadre school." Returned to Beijing in March 1972, the year in August, "Guan" finalized. 1979, "Guan", "Old Man four" was published. 1982 has served as vice president of China Social Sciences, School and special adviser; 1984, "Tan Yi Lu" (Supplement to the) publishing; following year, "Seven decorated collection" was published. He died in Beijing December 19, 1998, at the age of 88 years old.
  Bo Guagua Bo Guagua participate in the UK by the end of 2005 college entrance examination, at the most competitive in the UK economy, philosophy, politics three professional colleges of Oxford University Comprehensive create history by a national examination and re-examination and then eliminated the school as the other side program, Bo Guagua top, becoming the first Chinese college students of the profession, and received a full scholarship. After the October 2006 official enrollment, the highest in the Oxford Union Council election, was elected as executive director, is also the first to enter the Chinese people that would lead agency. Bo Guagua small outstanding achievements, talented, clever name studious, witty, Bo Guagua has served at Oxford; "highest Oxford University Federation executive director, assistant to the chairman of overseas aid poor Oxford Student Association, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Overseas important positions in the head student volunteer corps, the British member of Adam Smith Economic Research, University of Oxford, politics, economics, philosophy and other association spokesman.
  Shelley (University): 1810, 18-year-old Shelley entered Oxford University, the British Liberal thinkers influenced by Hume and Godwin, who works Shelley habit, such as his thoughts on God, politics and social issues written booklet distributed to some of the strangers and asked them to look after the comments. 1818-1819, Shelley completed two important poem "Prometheus Unbound" and "Qian Qi", in a very immortal masterpiece "Ode to the West." "Prometheus Unbound" and "Queen Mab," the same can not be published, but Shelley most mature, the most perfect structure work, "Qian Qi" were British critic called "the worst of contemporary works , it seems out of the hands of the devil. "
  Arnold Joseph Toynbee: It is well-known British historian. His uncle was also a historian specializing in the history of economic development but also called Arnold Toynbee (1852-1883). To distinguish between the two, we usually call two full name to avoid confusion. Arnold Joseph Toynbee history has its unique vision. His ten volumes masterpiece "historical research" about the rise and fall of each of the major ethnic groups in the world, known as the "greatest achievement of modern scholars."
  Oscar Wilde (Magdalen): 1854 年 10 月 16 日 -1900 on November 30, 2009) (also translated Oscar Wilde) advocates British aestheticism art movement, the famous writer, poet, dramatist, artist.
  Stephen Wolfram (St.John 's) scientist, one of the inventors of mathematical software Mathematica. 1959 Born in London, England, the son of the novelist and his mother was a professor of philosophy. He was studying at Eton, into the St. John's College, Oxford University student, he developed software Mathematica, founded Wolfram Research Company, engaged in the development and release of Mathematica.
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School Characteristics
  Currently, a total of 39 Oxford colleges, and schools of their relationship as the relationship between the central government and local governments the United States as using the federal form. Each college management by HeadofHouse and several Fellows, who are experts in a variety of academic fields, most of the schools have jobs. 6 prospective college (referred to as "permanent private school"-PermanentPrivateHalls, the Office for the religious sects), has retained their religious charter. There is also a further education college. In 35 colleges, All Souls College currently no students, only Fellows (including Visiting Fellow). Scale ranging from various faculties, but all 500 people, students, teachers (academician) from different professional disciplines.
  In addition to the College, Oxford University, teaching and research activities (especially the latter), mainly organized by the Faculty, the Faculty is not autonomous units within the University, they are inter-college institutions not affiliated with any college, but each faculty Teachers and students must first be a member of the Oxford University for a college. Oxford existing 16 Faculty: Faculty of Anthropology and Geography, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Clinical Medicine, English and Literature, Faculty of Law, classics, philosophy and ancient history of the Faculty of Mathematics Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages ​​Department, Faculty of Modern History , Faculty of Music, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Sociology, Faculty of Theology, the text of the Department of Science and men generally longer, the rationale underlying science is divided into more than 30 lines, but also some of the Faculty Let some centers and institutes. In addition, some institute (such as the Institute of Education, recruit graduate students) is not affiliated with the Faculty above all, and directly under the university.
  Oxford's strong research capabilities in its teachers, and there are 83 members of the Royal Society, the British Academy 125. In the field of mathematics, computer science, physics, biology, medicine, etc., which are among the highest in the UK and the world. In recent years, Oxford, not only in science but also in the liberal arts, not only in basic science but also in the application of scientific research has made remarkable achievements.
  In the biomedical field, since the discovery of penicillin in Framingham London, Oxford 1940s Florey scientists of this century and it will be put into Zion clinical applications, the results of three people shared the Nobel Prize. Today, the most widely used antibiotics, 1955 Oxford Edward Abu Abraham found. Oxford is also committed to the clinical application of molecular biology, the principles used in medical diagnostic MRI, the body's immune system and application melon genetic engineering techniques in the clinical problem, Oxford has played a leading role in the discovery. The school in HIV, transplant surgery and other diseases and genetic studies have great potential. 1987 Si Kuibo Sons donated £ 20 million school of Pharmacy to support their research.
  In the field of environmental science, the Oxford research involving forest history, climate change, remote sensing, land use, wildlife conservation, livestock management, pollution, erosion, desert, and many other topics infringement.
  Oxford, solid state physics, high magnetic, laser research, elementary particle physics and atmospheric research etc occupied first place in the world. Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory plays a special role in the world in the field of nuclear research. Basic research is also an important industrial-oriented development, including the establishment of a company such as Oxford, Oxford Instruments laser companies and enterprises.
  Only in the Department of Chemistry, Oxford currently has four Nobel laureates on. The school has a major achievement came in protein synthesis of new inorganic materials, computer-aided molecular design and other aspects, and in the chemical, pharmaceutical, microelectronics industry and other fields to promote the application.
  Oxford in the Earth's interior dynamics, terrestrial deformation field research, cryogenic processing and paleontology, also a lot of achievements. Oxford Institute of Mathematics, living in the world in many branches of mathematics, and computer science research at home and abroad have a certain position. Oxford is internationally recognized as the UK's economic center. Not only financial, management subject matter experts, and law, psychology and natural sciences to economics experts also participated in the research. 1987 Oxford graduates entering the business, the number of jobs in other industries has been exceeded.
  Research and Development Economics and International Relations at Oxford are also very active, also known as one of the most active research center for contemporary China.
  Oxford University has many distinguished theologians, philosophers, jurists, historians, musicians, writers and literary critics, it's political science, geography, sociology, psychology forces are quite strong.
  There are 104 libraries in Oxford, Bodleian Library is one of the UK's second largest library (second only to the British Library), a collection of six million.
  Oxford famous, is the world's largest university press. In particular, it's 20 volume "Oxford English Dictionary", world-renowned.
  Young students into Oxford to study, it should be said that the leader of the opportunity, the temptation is both painful and infinite things, is a glorious way. However, the British society, beyond the glory another meaning. Oxford, Cambridge is the way leading to the highest authority of the important and full of hope. They train every year for the British elite group of knowledge, some people will board the peak power. Just one example of this can be seen on the temptation of components. 1979 that parliament, 339 Conservative MPs, there are 94 from Oxford, 75 from Cambridge. And the composition of these alumni clubs, alumni associations, mutual help, through thick and thin, and, by the parent generation to the child generation, forming a network of relationships. Just think, and this is what kind of situation?
  1963 British "Financial Times" president, dean of the London School of Economics Robbins proposed a "Robbins reports." Accused Oxbridge monopoly and brought rigid, conservative hard seriously affect change. At that time the British government deep that within 48 hours to approve the report. The Government decided to _set_ up more universities to dilute the impact of Oxford and Cambridge. Soon, eight university started it. But soon people were shocked to find that almost eight universities of Oxford and Cambridge is no different, school of architecture, style and pattern of the campus, as if from Oxford, Cambridge trace over, more interesting is that this eight universities are respectively, by a vice-chancellor of Oxford or Cambridge as president.
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School History
  Oxford Thames Valley is a major city, its importance is in 1167 in the establishment of the University of Oxford. Oxford determine cow related. The legend is ancient cattle ford over the place, hence the name of Oxford (Oxford). Oxford, London has always been a focus on the westbound route, as early as 1096, it was already lecturing at Oxford.
  Oxford University is the oldest English-speaking university. Before the 12th century, Britain was no university, people are going to study in France and other European countries. 1167, when the King of England happened quarrel with the King of France, King angrily, the British scholar at the University of Paris Jidu recall, they go to the University of Paris prohibited. Another argument is that the King angrily, the British scholar from the University of Paris back to England. Regardless, these scholars returning from Paris, gathered in Oxford, engaged in teaching and research scholasticism. So people began to Oxford as a "general science", which is actually the predecessor of the University of Oxford. The reason why scholars will gather at Oxford, is due at the time of Henry II built a palace to him at Oxford scholars to obtain the king's protection, they came here. 12th century, Oxford is known as the "teacher-student university." In 1201, it had first president. In 1213, the school obtained a charter from the first papal envoys there.
  It was in the Middle Ages, those active thinking, living and uninhibited, often debt owed by young students, inevitably conflict with local residents. Cambridge is also the founder of the early 13th century. One of the biggest time of conflict, hundreds of students were arrows shot. It is the result of the suppression of the King came forward, and sentenced to 500 years at Oxford University public compensation expense.
  College of Oxford University has many constitutes founded between 13-16 century, Christ Church College was created in 1525 渥西 Cardinal, Bishop of the Church as a training institute. Tom garden square tower half is Len built in 1682, is the city's largest tower. When Tom bell hung in 1648, a total of 101 college students, so in the evening 9:05 pm (Oxford, Greenwich slower time than 5 minutes) under the big clock struck 101, to alert students to the curfew (1963 ceased implementation).
  Merton College is the oldest college in Oxford (1264). Other are: New College (1379), Queens College (1695) and so on. Each college has its glorious history, fabulous architectural monuments, you can draw all kinds of interesting facts.
  During the 17th century many battles in the Civil War broke out near Oxford, here was a student supported by the General Command of Charles I's. When the Royalists were forced to flee Oxford, Karen Vail self-styled president of the University.
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Oxford and Cambridge
  For a long time, Oxford and Cambridge have been been linked together. In English, there are a proprietary word: Oxbridge-Oxbridge. In fact, the difference between the two schools is not large. School organization, building format is very similar. As mentioned earlier, the Cambridge itself after Oxford University students and citizens in the conflict, and students living in Cambridge established. Contacts and exchanges between the two schools has been very close.
  Of course, the difference is no need to can be found. Some of Oxford and Cambridge to do the analysis, Oxford University will ask: "What do you think?", Cambridge will ask: "? What do you know" seems to focus more on ideas from Oxford University, and the University of Cambridge, more attention knowledge. This is probably out of the 29 prime Oxford, Cambridge out of 61 Nobel laureates reasons. A university, impressive so far, no one can match his.
  1168, founded the University of Oxford. 1209, Oxford, a student practicing archery, a town a woman manslaughter, causing a riot. Angry citizens of Oxford teacher caught two innocent tortured, causing conflict. The results have to kill teachers and students are the people flee. 12 teachers and students living in Oxford to Cambridge, Bishop of Ely is housed. After that, some scholars are attracted elsewhere, a new university gradually built up, is the University of Cambridge. Today's people, most of them engaged in school-related work, has long been in harmony with the students, but to expect honest folk, but is unlikely, because the two towns have a typical tourist destination.
  Between the two schools is somewhat similar to China's Tsinghua University and Peking University, the relationship between them and the competition is for people attracted worldwide attention. Hundred years regatta held every year Oxford won 71 times, won 77 times in Cambridge, basically leveled. The general view is stronger humanities Oxford, Cambridge, engineering and technology advantage. Ranked universities in the UK has an annual alternation of the two schools is usually the first, two. In recent years, high-tech strength, the number of former Cambridge more. 2002 Times ranking is the latest Oxford home the crown.
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Oxford City
  Unlike other universities in the University of Oxford, integrated urban and universities across the street from the campus on. University of gates and fences not only failed, but have not even officially sign. Building of minarets in the misty rain looming, the tall stone walls covered with vines, sparse green leaves blooming red flowers, ancient town seemed simple elegance. Oxford City antique building, belonging to different schools in different historical era buildings. In Oxford Street, walking trail, not just back to the historical grounds? This style of thousands of buildings, which Yunfei Langjuan campus, this gorgeous cultural heritage for centuries.
  Britons to Oxford as a tradition, a symbol A nostalgic and one quest. Where can recall past good times, you can relive its former glory. The city has a Saxon tower of St Michael's Church, Norman fortress and ramparts ruins, etc., always gives historical depth, no wonder the British have a Minyan: "through the city of Oxford, as if into history."齐尔维 River and Isis River (Thames flows through the city's name) on the Riverwalk, you can also hire punts, spend a leisurely afternoon on 齐尔维 river.
  Oxford College has many medieval architectural treasures, and clustering around the city center. Street lined with medieval courtyard, each courtyard is a college, because at that time the Church of academic patents, and therefore are in college seminary building design, but four weeks is often surrounded by a beautiful garden. Although most colleges have changed over the years and more, but many of its original features still fused. Each college has its glorious history, fabulous architectural monuments, you can draw all kinds of interesting facts. Oxford common early impression, each college will feel all like those worn throughout the Chinese temple, a door gives a feeling of loneliness and desolation. Because each college is totally looks like a medieval monastery, which also reflects the deep feelings strong feelings Oxford man.
  Multi-city tower construction, it is also the name "Tacheng." Quaint medieval towers, Renaissance-style building, filled with romantic atmosphere; located in the quadrangle of the public library, built in 1371, is England's oldest library; University Botanic Gardens, built in 1621, was the first British teaching Botanical Garden; twists and turns, deep lingering Queen streets, from the Oxford school has been retained to the present, the fast 700-year history, and roadside stone bench covered with moss, reminiscent of the start of Oxford. Wilde sat on a wooden bench, leaning over George Bernard Shaw shelves are just not moving. So the outside environment, into the building, people feel more historical weight. The first library in the school library Korean Fresnel Duke, time seems to be stationary, silence filled the temple of this book. From the floor to the roof, all manuscripts and unpublished data, they are like a treasure waiting for the same person to develop later.
  Radcliffe Square (RadicliffeSquare) is the center of the University of celebrations and various cultural activities, which is the center of the ancient city, which are separated by the main street noise. Copper nose near the ground red brick alley (BrasenoseLane), Lane thirty-two pedestrians, trees shrouded, people think Xinkuo God escape. St. Mary's Church (St.Mary 'sChurch) is located in the south of the square, before the seventeenth century, the school's main celebrations, concerts are held here. BrasenoseCollege west of the square was built in 1509, the college because when founding, there is a copper "lion nose Door Knockers" and named on the door. School main entrance of heaven, there is a navy blue sundial clock, but because England peculiar haze weather, a summer, but also did not see the sun's shadow on the bell several times. Someone said: "Britain is only the climate, there is no weather." Not exaggerated, often can be seen between January snow, rain, and even the sun, it is very common situation.
  Western corner of the square was built in the fifteenth century seminary (DivinitySchool), classical-style domed building is the Oxford Radcliffe very special building. It is the original building libraries. Early as a university seminar classroom purposes, is now BodlienLibrary University Library reading room.
  Oxford Kleist church was affectionately called for "TheHouse". Holy Spirit School (AllS0u1sC011ege) is the only college in Oxford many college students do not have college, because college students only, and thus is regarded as one of the senior academic institutions in the world's most authoritative. Castle east of Magdalen College, known as the "solidified Music", is indeed a beautiful exception. Belfry large bluestone masonry, overturned high means. It is said that ten iron bell hanging from the building when they have sounded as if the song forceful majestic symphony!
  Was built in the seventeenth century Sheldonian Theatre Sheldon is the first building designed by Christopher Wren, was held at the University of Oxford traditional degree-granting ceremony venue. . Every summer, the end of the semester, wearing a black robe, wearing a party hat students who will parade through the streets, into the theater, where honors were awarded degrees.
  Bridge of Sighs (THEBRIDGEOFTHESIGHS) very beautiful, this beautiful landmark built in 1914, is a replica of Venice steep arch, connecting Hete Fu Academy (HERTFORDCOLLEGE).
  Church of Our Lady: It is said that this is a big school with a church of England's most visited parish church, including the oldest part of the tower was built in the early 14th century, from the top you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Oxford church is three martyrs in 1555 was called pagan place. The most prominent feature of the building is built in 1637 in Baroque south porch.
  Lincoln College: College of the best preserved medieval one. Early school still retains the roof, including the use of smoke rip loose.
  Magdalen College: It is both typical and beautiful Oxford College. Its 15th century style garden party at 齐尔维 Magdalen bridge across the river to the park into contrast.
  The most valuable is the library, the possession of many famous articles, music manuscripts. These manuscripts placed in delicate glass case for people to visit. But after watching the tour, visitors, managers immediately covered up with a black velvet, its treasure of antiquities preservation of love, is evident.
  The main theater venues  University currently Xue years celebrations (SheldonianTheatre), located in the plaza just north. In the seventeenth century or so, as St. Mary's church clergy protest too many activities held at the church, affecting the church Kiyonaga. So in 1669, by the then Archbishop of university presidents Sheldonian, financing the construction of the theater. Opposite the theater is the world's second largest bookstore Blackwell bookstore, in which you can buy or order the books from around the world.
  Oxford is the world academic institutions. There are 104 libraries in Oxford. One of the biggest Bodleian Library opened in 1602, the British Museum Library than 150 years earlier, the existing collection of more than 600 million copies, has a huge underground reservoir stacks. Cambridge also has a library of nearly 100, about 500 million copies of books, textbook funds annually about 300 million pounds (equivalent to more than 40 million yuan). According to the British book trade hall 1611 decision, a publishing house for books of any UK must provide free books to a library of Oxford and Cambridge, so far.
  Almost as much as the Oxford bookstore and library, there are more than 100 large and small. The world's largest academic bookstore Blackwell bookshop (Blackwel), there are many very small but rich connotation old bookstore. Century-old Blackwell was founded in 1897, is located opposite the 博德林 library, selling books at the same time it also engaged in publishing. From outward appearances, this bookstore although only three small stores, but three floors and a basement bookstore connectivity, as well as the top-most used bookstores, book number and variety of many-to-find books must use the signs to the point. From the opening of the bookstore, there's a famous piece inlaid wooden plaque on the wall. On the card is still opened during that period of a hundred years ago people happy words: "No one will ask what you want, you want to read any book handy, though, if you need help yourself, the store staff ready to serve you. service book or books whether a customer point of view, will be subject to the same welcome. "It has 78 stores in the UK alone there are more than 10 branches in Oxford, operating the arts, literature, and other categories of books and audiovisual materials. Also in other countries there are many branches. And now through the network, the reader can quickly check book, stapler, book and enjoy a first-class international service. June 8, 1994 U.S. President Bill Clinton back to his alma mater, the University of Oxford to attend an Honorary Fellow of the ceremony, but also specifically to the bookstore to buy books. The bookstall is everywhere.
  In addition, the Oxford Museum is also an important cultural representatives. Which Ashmolean Museum (AshmoleanMuseum) was built in 1683, is the UK's first museum, than the British Museum (BritishMuseum) as early as 70 years, is now the UK's second largest museum. Others, such as the Oxford Story Museum, the Museum of the History of Science, Pitt Rivers Museum ethnographic history, Modern Art Museum, University Museum of Natural History, etc., they have enjoyed a high reputation in science, art, culture and other fields.
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Study at Oxford
  Higher provisions of the United Kingdom, the general college entrance examination without further, with high school graduation rates to enter; but into Oxford and Cambridge have to register separately. Press in recent years, the program in general is this: First of all, wanted to join the high school students need a secondary school teacher before school principals recommended enrollment year. So it is generally honors student enrollment. Then Oxford, Cambridge primary school students in enrollment, usually 3-5 times the amount of enrollment. Some engineering profession may be lower, and some professions, such as medicine and so it may be to more than 10 times.
  Admission to the University of Oxford University's Department is required to obtain the consent of the reach college enrollment simultaneously. Oxford students at the end of the initial admission to Oxford Academy exam. Examinations are generally three days, including a written test and several interviews (oral). The students can get the conditional acceptance by the condition that the student's high school graduation exams next year. General requirements are three main subjects are A. But for the more specialized or very cold desired student may also be low. The students who received admission to get the desired results if the June examinations in the following year, you can be after a happy holiday, prepare the school.
  When there is no plan to create the unified Oxford University campus, was rented to students and teachers in different places in the city. Later, in order to facilitate the management of joint schools on the use of independent college way, and gradually built a college, has kept this tradition. Oxford College in Oxford and its agencies scattered throughout the city. Each college teachers and students from the 300-500 to form a collective engaged in teaching and research in different disciplines of science and engineering text basically complete. University buildings are basically self-contained various colleges. College is a piece of green envelops the lawn and surrounded by medieval Gothic buildings khaki constituted a seat Quadrangle. And most of the college is the hospital in the hospital. Some college even rivers, lakes,
  Flowers, grass, insects, fish, birds, beasts readily available. The Chinese college English word translated as "college", probably from Oxford and Cambridge Quartet "hospital." Although architectural appearance, very old Oxford, but look inside the device, but it is very modern. At the University of Science area, you can see engineering science, nuclear physics, biology and other fields of advanced equipment.
  Oxford University, the oldest so far is said to Merton College, founded in 1264, the youngest is called St Catharine's College, built in 1963, two college full seven centuries away. College students in addition to caring for accommodation outside and arrange for all kinds of sports, group social activities, is responsible for assigning tutor (tutor) to take care of students. Due to the financial situation of each college varies, and some college a lot of money, a majority of the venues and good equipment or welfare, like the rooms, library and laboratory and so on. The university's role is mainly out on behalf of the College, the school arranged lectures (lecture) and Seminar (Seminar), and has presented a diploma work. On the substantive point of view, the relationship between students and their respective colleges, far more than the university.
  School name sounds strange, in fact, a lot of college is named after accidental causes. For example, Christ Church College, Oxford because the oldest cathedral in the School of; Souls College to commemorate the souls of the war dead of the Hundred Years War; Oriel College is because it just created, bought a college "Aurel" (meaning oriole) the name of the house. There is also a college called "Blas Reynolds," The word is from the English word "copper nose" of evolution, because bronze doors on the college door is like a nose ring, but still available in the college restaurant. College nor by the professional division, but in the development process, various colleges gradually formed its own characteristics. For example, Christ Church College with a strong aristocratic atmosphere known; Merton College, a lot of poets; St. Edmund Hall College particularly like to recruit athletes; Oriel College focused on training pastors; Mode Lin School has many masters rowing . These colleges equal to each other, students can learn at any one college until graduation.
  Qian graduated from the Exeter College (Exeter), on the opposite side of Jesus (Jesus) College. Can be found next to near WaltonStreet grams to board alleys, money is the name of the morning train grams to other universities.
  School management is very strict. 10 students per school with a janitor to take care of the students, for their beds, clean room; addition, it is responsible for the morning wake up late for students to check whether students go to class. Janitors have this dual responsibility, so they have a very special call, called "reconnaissance."
  Oxford, teaching is the most important feature "mentoring." Student mentor by the researchers as they learn more for goods superb scholar, in certain areas renowned for their contribution. Mentoring requires students to meet once a week with a tutor, will research and write their own papers a week to tutor read. In addition, there are many lectures. Each seminar instructors or students either, whether senior or junior, you can speak freely and equal discussion. Brighter talk is very attractive, but after talking to homework. Meet individually with the instructor, took a week to research and write papers, the mentor to comment, to ask questions, if not the quality of the paper, the respondent not to affect the results, the impact of graduation. Notice, once a week, shall not be delayed, but week after week, how can there be so many new ideas, new ideas yet? However, the instructor did not believe an explanation. This learning method does drive, inspire students to think independently, to encourage, to urge students to make progress, but the pressure once a week anyway so that young students not so easily.
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School resources
  Oxford University, the total number of all students who have twelve thousand people, which is about nine thousand undergraduate students, and staff there were five thousand four hundred people. University of chief executives, are _select_ed from a professor and researcher at Oxford itself. Chancellor (Chancellor) is an honorary post, is the most senior figures of the school, presided over the school all the main ceremony. The actual administrative work, every four years by the school to appoint a "vice president" (ViceChancellor) management, he was in charge of the school council - the organization responsible for the day to day affairs of a school by a faculty composed of elected. Academic affairs by the Board of Management at the University of gross, Chairman of the General Board elected every two years.
  Vice-Chancellor in turn generated by the college, four-year term. All graduates of the University of Oxford Council (Convocation), each responsible for electing the president. The actual administrative oversight, the proposed work by faculty Assembly (Congregation) are responsible. Assembly elected eighteen Executive Committee (HebdomadalCouncil), weekly meetings, in conjunction with school administrators, determine the direction of school development. University of the Dean of Students also elected by the College of rotation. Served as Dean of Students for additional compensation, can be in the office, get all the books published Oxford University Press, and in their degree gowns, but also life plus with a black strap to the table thanks to their school work . Also in University campus police, were student nicknamed "Bulldog" (Bulldog). When they perform the work, still wearing the traditional top hat, quite archaic, responsible to the university campus police discipline.
  Oxford school organization to 16 Division (Faculty), based on some college also has a Faculty of subordinates. Each college has a board of directors elected, the Board is responsible for its undergraduate programs where the school. Each college themselves admit, supervision, inspection results for all graduates of related subjects. In recognition of the board to get the total cases, it is also responsible for the appointment of staff, as well as all College academic subjects related things included. Many colleges are in the form of the Department organized; no organizational unit in the Department of Arts and Humanities mainly. Some programs (such as education) by the Commission and not by the College Board. Served in the teaching and research mission of academic disciplines typically belong to a particular college.
  2005 Overseas Students (informative) Tuition:
  Arts: 5,720;
  Science: 7,580;
  Medicine: 13,960
  Bio - physical - psychological: 8,910;
  Clinical: 16,337;
  MBA: 16,000;
  Other: 6,684;
  Accommodation costs: Annual: 6,900
  According to the Oxford school reports, starting in 2006, in Oxford, UK students studying on annual tuition will be adjusted to 3,000 pounds (about $ 6,000), but the highest tuition fees for foreign students will be likely to reach 2 million pounds (about 40,000 per year dollars).
  Overseas Students' Although it is not possible to obtain lucrative subsidies enjoyed by local students in the UK, but have access to a variety of lucrative scholarships, most of the full award. Oxford University scholarship opportunities for overseas students can apply for many reasons, including: KCWONG scholarship, ST.HUGH 'COLLGE scholarship, CITIBANK / FCO scholarship, scholarships Hong Kong Oxford Scholarship Foundation, and Shell Transport and Trading Company Centennial Scholarship and so on. The amount is about twenty thousand pounds per year, including tuition and living expenses for accommodation. All want to attend the University of Oxford undergraduates must apply to the university. Depending on the applied disciplines, applicants may be required to participate in entrance examinations.
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School reputation
  After the baptism, and the process of modernization of the Renaissance and the Reformation, Oxford University and now has developed into a more than 30 colleges, more than 10,000 students a comprehensive university. Oxford University natural science and applied economic sciences, continuous improvement and innovation achievements of the three major areas of business management philosophy, shocked the entire world, but also to the rich variety of teaching methods and famous: a variety of methods to read, experiment, mentoring and other combination learn to respect the law, to mobilize the enthusiasm of students to learn and train generations of Oxford called favored elite. The school in psychology, biology and law, engineering, social sciences, economics, philosophy, history, music, chemistry, biochemistry, literature, French, German, Danish, mathematics, physics, earth sciences are within the line of leaders.
  In the nearly 800-year history, Oxford University has five kings, 26 British Prime Minister (including former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former Prime Minister Tony Blair), the heads of a number of foreign governments (such as former U.S. President Bill Clinton), nearly 40 Nobel laureates as well as a large number of well-known scientists, economists such as Adam Smith, philosopher Francis Bacon, the poet Shelley, writer Green, chemist Robert Boyle, astronomer Halley and so on. Even the 2001 Nobel Prize for Literature laureate VS Naipaul, is also a graduate of Oxford University Department of English. 2001-2002 school year, the total number of students studying at Oxford University more than 1.65 million people, of which foreign students from more than 130 countries accounted for 1/3, the number of graduate students is about 5,000 people. Oxford University is the development and progress of human civilization has made a significant contribution.
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  Alec Douglas - Hume, 1963-1964 (Christ Church)
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  niujin daxue
  Oxford University
  University of Oxford
  The oldest known universities in the UK and Europe's oldest and one of far-reaching university. Founded in the mid-12th century, the city of Oxford, as named. Scholars live together initially poor reading of the Department, and later the development of learning theology, humanities, natural sciences institution. Several college was established early in the 13th century (University College, 1249; Balliol College, 1263; Merton College, 1264). Renaissance in the 16th century, the school in order to disseminate new knowledge, new ideas known. Each college has the land, industry, foundations, and teaching in both economic independence, hospital president presided over the affairs of the _select_ed fellows; university headquarters just each college in order to perform the exam, degree-granting, maintaining student discipline and student adjustment and municipal joint administration between the authorities and the establishment of the 19th century, only the expansion terms. Oxford University until 1979 a total of 37 college students about 1.1 million people. The original girls only a few specially designed for their college education, all colleges are now coeducational achieved. The original university undergraduate education, graduate students also increased in recent years.
  In Britain, Oxford, Cambridge and social impact on university education occupies a special place, for the British upper class talent to create the highest institution. 3-year undergraduate academic structure, the implementation of mentoring, student mentors primarily through individual guidance, self-learning, discussions with mentors improved. In addition, through a variety of physical activities and the students themselves organized extracurricular activities, access to physical training, personality, knowledge and eloquence area. As the Oxford Union debate completely emulate the British Parliament, many government figures are often later in this first outcrop angle.
  Oxford University location
  Oxford University's Bodleian Library and its famous Ashmolean Museum, with each college, professional library, the possession of books, very rich heritage. School teachers and students has always been the achievements of the humanities and social sciences is famous, in the natural sciences, medicine, also calendar has done, especially in the fast development in recent years. Most liberal arts college with all other major disciplines, but be focused, have a traditional, university professors headquarters the organization, a number of renowned scholars to teach courses, open to the whole school to supplement individual counseling. University has a publishing house, has 500 years of history, to publish high-quality academic writings known.
  Most of the city was occupied by the Oxford Institute, College of building simple majority, there are large areas of grassland enclosed, lush flowers and trees, there are two rivers flowing through the meantime, teachers and students to cultivate here, poet men, has not changed. (See pictures Christian College, Oxford University, UK)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Oxford University
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