Explanation: Metaphor or two mismatched irrelevant answers. Usage: The main predicate; as object, attribute; containing derogatory Source: Ming Feng Meng, "the magistrate Luo Shan Su Jingshitongyan together again": "Damn it, Grandpa from the name high, Jiangxi, irrelevant!" Examples: The issues raised teacher he did not catch the spirit of the dispersed, the answer was ~.
niú tóu bú duì mǎ zuǐ
Analogy irrelevant answers or to pull together disparate things he did not understand exam questions, answer these cities had irrelevant to chaos.
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No. 3
Metaphor not answer the question or do not add up. "Jingshitongyan magistrate Luo Shan Su coincidence": "Zaoli pocket face to play a spit, cursed: 'Damn it, Grandpa from the name high, was from Jiangxi, irrelevant!'" Manan Village "Yanshan Night so do not eat meat eat Caigeng ":" Some people recite a few elegiac address, recite by heart. to the test when the subject is a birthday. He actually mechanically copied up to the funeral oration, which makes irrelevant. " also for "cow-not the horse-faced." "History of Civilization," the second four back: "do all their writing, the Tau are not horse face."
That's beside the point., over[answer]wide of the mark, irrelevant to the subject, alien, Wrong of, abracadabra, shoot off one's face, Foreword Do not take their words, be beside the point; farfetched answer or reasoning, never talk about anything serious, to talk at random (often devoid of truth), Ghost Talk, babble, speak thoughtlessly or casually nonsense, nag; say over and over again; constantly repeat, babble, whine, fuss, talk about sth, often in a grumbling or argumentative way, mutter, complaint, sue; accuse, complain irritably, whine, bitch, mourn, deplore, sorrow, chat, gossip, meander, rapid talk, talk quickly or glibly, ramble, have a soft spot for sb., confess, chat, chat, sth, turn sb. round one's finger, yack, toot Burble Said a solemn feast, yammer, fable
come to business (=get down to business), gossip understate, gossip Hugh said,, tanzhu, tanli, write and bring out important points from a mass of facts as one who plucks a pearl from the black dragon, tanlizhu