Physical Education (PE) > pole-climbing
No. 1
  ① also known as overstating. "A kind of standing up or hanging overhead vertical climbing bamboo (wooden) pole of the folk sports. Have hand, foot, or one with two hands and climbing method, and can be combined with action to do modeling. Has been classified as" National Physical Training Standards "one of the items. ② A surrogate has been popular acrobatic show, a search  fd5c , descriptions of the Legislative pole. stand pole on the ground, one to a few people climbing poles for support at the top of a pole or arm condyle foot pole hanging folder so thrilling action. The other two pole floor stand, actors  fe54  jump in performance between the two poles, said two-pole-climbing. " There will be a pole erected on the shoulders or the head of an actor, the other pole on the number of people performing.
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pá gān
  A sport or acrobatic performances, moving along a pole to climb
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No. 3
No. 4
  A kind of acrobatics. Upright pole in the ground or in the human body scapular, performers through the pole and on the various techniques for action.
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No. 5
  A kind of sports. Erect pole and a constant, do exercises with both hands, or hand, foot and pole to edge up and down. To exercise muscle.
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No. 6
  ① also called "pushed higher and higher." A kind of standing up or hanging overhead vertical climbing bamboo (wooden) pole of the folk sports. Or single-hand, foot and hands with two climbing method, and can be combined with action to do modeling. Has been listed as "National Physical Training Standards" one of the items.
   ② acrobatics show. Han has been popular with finding  fd5c , descriptions of the Legislative pole. Stand pole on the ground, one to a few people climbing poles for support in the top of a pole arm or foot pole hanging folder so thrilling condylar movements. The other two pole floor stand, actors  fe54  jump in performance between the two poles, called "double-pole-climbing." There will be a pole erected on the shoulders or the head of an actor, the other pole on the number of people performing.
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No. 7
  一种身体附着于长竿向上攀援的中国民间体育活动。又称拔高。爬竿起源很早。汉代张衡于《西京赋》中所言“都卢寻檋”,即爬竿,又称缘竿。爬竿在少数民族地区往往是一种特殊的娱乐健身活动,如广西苗族过节时常举行爬竿比赛:在空场立起一根光滑的长竿,顶端缚红绸等物,凡能爬到竿顶取物且下竿时头朝下滑而不碰地便能站稳的男青年 ,会受到称赞,并成为姑娘们爱慕的对象。现今一般的爬法是手握垂直而立的竹竿或木竿伸屈肢体而上,或用双腿夹竿 ,或用脚掌蹬竿,手脚协调配合,臂力较强者可两脚悬空,只用双手攀援。特别长的竿,可数人同时爬,亦可立若干根竹竿比赛,以最先到达顶端者为胜。
English Expression
  1. n.:  pole-climbing,  climbing pole