metallurgy : facial > calorescence
English Expression
  1. :  ardor
  2. n.:  calorescence,  ignition,  anxious,  worried,  scorching hot
  3. v.:  be or become very hot
  4. pref.:  calor-
French Expression
  1. adj.  brûlant, ardent
Heat, fervency, calorescence, high temperature
be switched on, band, cohort, balteum, hysterics, commonplace, mediocrity, trivial, ban, cause, Bamboo, balmy, unnecessary noise or fuss, in this way, zone, flaming, ballade, chum, ballad, bakery, person who bakes and sells bread, etc, atrocious, without elaboration, condition that exists when two opposites are equal or in correct proportions, balance, bakelite, steadiness of mind, equilibrium, harmony, device with a floating ball that controls the water level in a cistern, A against B compare the value of one plan, argument, etc with that of another, bale, libratory, ballroom dance, balance, landed, And, vitally, flatly, litter, attractant, face to face, ballyhoo, chaos, delicious, ambrosian, devilish, evil, one's back is up, dulcet, disable, deprival church, ban, amok, enticement appetitive, mouthwatering, craziness, aberration, piping, balmy, acerb, indignation
Containing Phrases