Contents : thrill, stimulus n.: lather, fluster, fuss, hurrah, vibration, transport, inflammation, inspiration, flurry, state, rah, lose one's block, be in a storm, shock, sensation, flush, flap, fly off the handle, warm up, fermentation, ferment, emotionality, emotion, doodah, get into a flap, concussion, cheer, get sb. going, agitation, get it on v. émouvoir, exciter turn , cause , earnestness , rage , thirst , indignation , out of sorts , smolder , aggravation , anger affect dance , exult at , ebullience , Elegant Dance , follies , Huan Xin inspiration , Elated , stimulate , emotion , impetus , impetus , impulse , urge , inducement , temptation , absorb , head , impetus , acerbity , motivate , accelerate , stimulate , jab , disclose , puncture , exhort , constrain , irritate , aggro , suffer , iron , goad , dragoon , charm , annihilate , agitate , at , in common , contaminate , blurred , abate , prick , Poke attack , in a zigzag or alternating arrangement , stifle , bring...into derision , temporarily , agitation , care , tumult , ruin belt , shed the blood of sb. , taper , education , end , final , terminate , terminal , _insert_ , squeeze , thrust , stir up sb.'s feelings , afraid , care , shiver , care , up-end , over_set_ , upshot , constrain , oblige , will , a strong desire , on sb , regard hobble , perplex concern , anxious , bother , tension , o , intensity , intensity , chagrin , badger , acrimony , acuity , simplicity , exact , care , worry , fremitus , Asp Acquaint or amplify , tremble , bother , disadvantage , sway , flap to intervene , intervene , interfere , event , event , accident , accident , misery , contingency , accident , doom , spot , ruin , doom , perish , deficiency , malfunction , defect , defect , defect , flaw , defects , commit , forceful , papilla , physical disability of a specified type , incapacity , inadequacy , blot , violence incident , confusion , disproportion , disparity , crusade , interfere , crab , demand , supply , will , poverty , sake , agent , exiguity , motive , for success, fulfilment, etc , riot , death , ruin , belt , outwear , consume , exhaustion , from succeeding , imbroglio , spot , dullness , ruin , behaviour , mannerism , chaos , turbulence , discontented , appetite , consumed , go west , to kingdom come [to Kingdom Come] , curtain , sake Qinggemanwu , Luen Fung Mo Song kinetin agonist with emotion ablaze agitate