prefecture-level city : China > Henan province > name of a river River City
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  Luohe Shi
  Luohe Shi
    河南省辖市,中国著名牲畜、粮食集散地。位于省境中部。辖1区及郾城、临颍、舞阳3县。面积2617平方公里,人口217.01万;其中市区面积60平方公里,人口18.72 万。市区在19世纪末尚为小寨子,名螺湾河,后“螺”雅化为“漯”。1906年平汉铁路通车后为漯河镇。1950年改镇为地辖市。因地当沙河、澧河交汇处,上通襄城、舞阳、下通安徽蚌埠等地,豫东平原农副产品多经沙河水运至各地,使漯河镇成为沙河上的主要转运港。后利用其周围丰富资源,发展了食品、造纸、皮革和农业机械等工业。出产荷花牌卫生纸、如意牌香水纸巾、皮革制品等。京广铁路纵贯南北,漯(河)宝(丰)、漯(河)周(口)铁路横穿市区并在此接轨。全长200 多公里的漯(河)阜(阳)地方铁路已于1990年8月开通。沙河由北部穿过,夏、秋两季可通机帆船。
Name of a river River
Related Phrases
Name of a river Riveradministrative divisionsgeographywuyang
coeducationschoolmiddle schoolSalt companies
SaltSalt conservancyYancheng DistrictCharacters
EditorLinying CountyHenan province ProvinceDuqu Town
Gangzhang VillageAdministrative villages
Containing Phrases
Name of a river River cantonName of a river River city district
Name of a river River Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitalname of a river River City city district
name of a river River City a cotton millname of a river River City merchant bank
name of a river River City Kaiyue HotelName of a river river city orthopaedics Hospital
name of a river River City third Middle Schoolname of a river River City experiment Middle School
Name of a river River Municipal Center HospitalName of a river river city chiefly special (or technical) secondary school
Name of a river river city Gongliao Hospitalname of a river River City Staff University
name of a river River City Eastern guesthousename of a river River City Mianma Company
Name of a river river city railway Hospitalname of a river River City Doctor of traditional chinese medicine Hospital
Name of a river river city Blower QuhaoName of a river river city Kaiyue Hotel
name of a river River City Salt conservancyName of a river river city Ok Certify Bookstore
name of a river River City crazy houseThe communist party of china (cpc) Name of a river River Municipal appoint Party school
Name of a river river city Jindao HotelName of a river river city sworn brothers and sisters Hotel
Name of a river river city knit Chemical fibre factoryName of a river River Municipal Sanitary and antiepidemic Station
Name of a river river city Yinghua Travel AgencyName of a river river city secondly chemical works
Name of a river river city Yindou Hotelname of a river River City fifth demos Hospital
name of a river River City Salt conservancy be affiliated to subofficeName of a river river city Shaoling District demos Hospital
name of a river River City third demos Hospitalname of a river River City secondly demos Hospital
Name of a river river city Kejiao Culture and Arts CenterName of a river river city myelitis training school Hospital
name of a river River City Literature, the arts kingdom conferenceName of a river river city Place name City seminary
Name of a river river city staff Center HospitalName of a river river city Yuanhui District crazy house
Name of a river river city Yuanhui District maternal and child care service centreName of a river river city communication Center Hospital
Name of a river river city Adult Fancy toy LineName of a river River Municipal chiefly demos hospital
Name of a river river city communication Staff HospitalName of a river river city Yuanhui District Bone (department of) traumatology Hospital
Name of a river river city Xierongguoshi Osteopathy HospitalName of a river river city Wuyang county animal Quarantine Station
Name of a river River Municipal chiefly demos hospital one BranchName of a river river city Textile station Jiaotonglu emporium
Name of a river river city Textile acquisition Provide StationName of a river river city Film circle chemical fibre Corporation Ltd.
name of a river River City Textile printing and dyeing Costume ZongchangName of a river River Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital one Branch
Name of a river river city Yuanhui district Dizhuang village Township Coeducation dothe Communist Party of China (CPC) Name of a river river city Yuanhui District appoint Party school
Name of a river river city city cadre SchoolName of a river river city Mianye Textile Printing and dyeing factory
Name of a river river city Textile Station Textile CompanyName of a river river city Textile Station Costume Company
Name of a river river city Longtangqunan knitwearmeet with one's wishes Xieye Corporation Ltd.
Name of a river river city Senna SixieyezongchangName of a river river city Huifeng Costume Zongchang
Name of a river river city Knit Elegant ZongchangName of a river river city Craft leather Coir factory
Name of a river river city Group power leather leather shoes factoryName of a river river city costume appointment Company
Name of a river river city Luolisuo Xieye Corporation Ltd.Name of a river river city Yuanhui district surplus guesthouse
Name of a river river city Yuanhui district Jinhui guesthouseName of a river river city Massage Hospital dispensary
Name of a river river city Massage Hospital the National People's Congress outpatient serviceName of a river river city Preventorium Carriageway Street substation
Henan province province Name of a river river city chiefly chemical worksName of a river river city Fanghui Yaoye Corporation Ltd.
Name of a river river city Jiahua Neotype building materials Corporation Ltd.Name of a river river city Hongjin Municipal works Co., Ltd.
Name of a river river city Craft Coat curry Corporation Ltd.Name of a river river city Yan city county Understand Curry Xieye Corporation Ltd.
Name of a river river city Yuanhui district Delongxieye Leather goods factoryHenan province province Name of a river river city Liangyi Leather Corporation Ltd.
Name of a river river city Xieye Group Corporation Ltd.Name of a river river city Yaguang Glass Cheke Artwork factory
Henan province province Name of a river river city Wuyang County Family planning propaganda Stationname of a river River City Detach retirement of a veteran cadre regrade cadre sanatorium
Name of a river River Municipal disabled Conference rehabilitate medical centerName of a river river city Jiacheng Automobile bootleg Corporation Ltd.
Name of a river river city Yuanhui District Supply and marketing cooperatives Mianma CompanyHenan province province Name of a river river city sunrise Medical apparatus Corporation Ltd.
Name of a river river city Haotong Automobile bootleg Corporation of a river River City Food industry Adult Medium speciality school Name of a river River Machinery manufacture skilled workers training school
Name of a river river city Yongxing Condense beacon Corporation Ltd.Name of a river river city Yuanhui District Demos hospital one Branch