| | - adj.: spiff, posh, precious, presentable, pretty, proper, pulchritudinous, rakish, ritzy, sassy, saucy, scrumptious, sightly, smashing, snappy, snazzy, personable, spiffy, splendid, spruce, stylish, swagger, sweet, swell, trig, trim, winsome, pleasant to look at, smart, swish, smart, fashionable or expensive, feat
| | cute, attraction agreeable, affable, exalting, giving pleasure, delightful, aesthetic, alright, dulcet, spry, peaceful, fastigiate, bouncing, amicable, pacific, halcyon, off, calm, deluxe, delicate, aphonic, low, breathless, balanced, almost, costive, aureate, costly, plain, velvet, spruce, firm, substantial, stable, balanced, no jiggly, firmly fixed, supported or balanced, cheesy comeliness, euphonic prevalent, in circulation, active, classy, of high quality, be in general wear, original, advanced, fashionable, hot, fresh, flash, novel, popular, prevalent, universal, generality genetic, immanent, brisk, bright and new-looking, admirable, aristocratic, superior | | smasher | plain | smug | stunning | a beautiful face | chic bombshell | Prime you | angel | a graceful young cat | a pretty picture | a well turned phrase | a cute hat | a pretty girl | a pretty little trick | a saucy little hat | exquisite painting | peach | personable | panoplied | decent | pretty-pretty | a good play | a well-flighted delivery | a goodly man | viewy | Sunday best, Sunday clothes, Sunday togs, Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes | zingy | swank | chic offensive against | prime empty | prime conch | Prime Luoke | Prime Yiyan | prime cob | prime begin | prime family education | prime archduchess | chic of marrow | chic deplume | prime stopping | prime reflection | looker | flash | shiner | screamer | perky | snazzy | peaches and cream | yummy new gown | a smart dresser | best bib and tucker | a mamma's baby | bit of stuff | sightly building | Shude smasher | belong Prime horse | prime Sergi | Prime blueness chemise | Prime green chemise | prime Eye Light | Prime Sai'erri | Prime enter harem | Prime red chemise | Prime Whirl boot | Prime small orange | Prime Black chemise | Prime Tiffany cloth | To like to look pretty or attractive of village | an exceptionally beautiful child | a sporty new pullover | a very snazzy new car | a snappy outfit | a nice pair of knockers | Prime Tieyu collar | prime mitt | cherub | profile | Prime dance small empress | Intown (the) most Chic goliath | Prime Poppet big storm | Prime Baseball White cap | a beautiful silk gown | pay court to a pretty woman | a spruce young dandy | spruce | Guilin (city) China sheet Prime card | consider , esp with a pen or pencil one-sided prime finance notify | rooters costume | rooters costume | Dihua Prime Poppet big storm | Ball control Turn around(=turn round) chic of Technology | A good face is a letter of recommendation. | Twelvemonth cascade Time Playmate go Prime Babi baby | Whereat assimilate Prime All come from Brattice Class | |