idiom > deep trenches and high ramparts, , strong defence
  Explanation: Deep trenches and high camp. Refers to the strong fortifications.
  Usage: Joint type; as object, attribute; that strong defense
  Source: Qin Han Fei, "said Han Fei forest": "General anger, will Shengougaolei; general anger, will slack off."
  Examples: You are ~, adhere to city. (Yuan Zheng Tingyu "Chuzhao Gong" First off)
shēn gōu gāo lěi
  Dig deep trenches, high barriers. Build a strong defense that also means the defense firm
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No. 3
  With a single step Shengougaolei, Caine and war do not camp. - "Records of the Historian Huaiyin Marquis Biography"
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Deep trench, high-construction of the wall
  Deep trench, high construction of the wall. That build a solid defense. "Han Fei said forest": "general anger, will Shengougaolei; general anger, will slack off." "Records of the Historian Huaiyin Marquis Biography": "a single step Shengougaolei, strong business and not to fight." Song Zhouhui " Qingbo other blog "volume:" I keep trying to use Jiujiang I therefore Xinjiang, Shengougaolei, said the authority. "
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No. 5
  词目 深沟高垒
  发音 shēn gōu gāo lěi
  释义 深的战壕和高的营垒。指坚固的防御工事。
  出处 《孙子·虚实》:“故我欲战,敌虽高垒深沟,不得不与我战者,攻其所必救也。”《史记·淮阴侯列传》:“足下深沟高垒坚营,勿与战。”
  示例 你则~,紧守城池。(元·郑廷玉《楚昭公》第一折)
  用法 作宾语、定语;指坚固的防御工事
English Expression
  1. n.:  deep trenches and high ramparts, , strong defence
trench bulwark