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《carriage by sea》
Poet: Li Shangyin

  Shiqiao Dong Wang Hai grievances, Xu space does not allow for cents.
  Magu and sent straight back to scratch and may be ordered to stay where and when.
《carriage by sea》
Poet: Wen Tianxiang

  Blue Bird death horizon, sea Baiou tame.
  Non-crazy Uncle Wang Ji, Tao Qian Qi intoxicating.
  Officials in the country must be reported, can be hidden or fled to Qin.
  Something final nail body _set_, burning the midnight oil to see the sword frequency.
《carriage by sea》
Poet: Dai Min

  Million surface wave Asahi red whale, Cangzhou looked in all directions of infinite.
  Where is the Penglai seamounts. Asked the fisherman did not know times.
Beach; Island
  Seaside; island. "Lu relies on Jun": "chu-chu Li Shu Ao public affairs, away from the idea that living in the sea, while summer food Ling thickening, the winter is fresh chestnut oak." "Father of Historical Biographies Pingjin Hou Lord": "﹝ GONGSUN Hong ﹞ a poor family, animal husbandry line is the sea." "Later Han Xun Shuang Biography": "﹝ ﹞ after Xun Shuang was of Dong, hidden in the sea, but also the South Chinese Sea escape." Ming Lu deep "Chun Hall Essay ":" to house the sea, garden pavilion hi kinds of mixed flowers. "
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That lake
  Means the lakeside. "Selected Works of Jiang Yan" hate Fu "": "to move off the sea, stream Long Shu Yin." Lishan note cited "Han Dynasty": "Migration Su Wu Hun is no office on the North Sea."
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  Sea. "Han Zhi Jiao Si on": "and the Emperor to the sea, the alchemist fight words." Southern Liang Shen Yue, "Xi-line Night Crane Press" Poetry: "pity the sea of panic teal, injury cloud from the leisure of the crane." Tang Pi Rixiu "See Chin Feng Cui paid Send Rhyming": "Italian super sea eagle, transported 跼 House under the horse."
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Refers to Shanghai
  Refers to Shanghai. Still made in Shanghai. "Flowers in the" first back: "because the sea since the trade has been on the southern crescent containing fireworks." Feng freedom "China Education Association and the Patriotic Society": "Renyin spring, the other in Shanghai and Hangzhou Binglin Patriots ... ... Contact the sea because of lofty ideals, launching China's education authority for instigating. "Wang Ji students" on the relationship between fiction and improved community ":" I have heard various sea gentlemen, Fat is willing to co vigorously, both Continue the this report, complex requirements so modified those whom I not withheld from the jump 300, hi and insomnia also. "
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No. 8
  hǎi shàng
  1.海边;海岛。《吕氏春秋·恃君》:“ 柱厉叔 事 莒敖公 ,自以为不知而去,居於海上,夏日则食菱芡,冬日则食橡栗。”《史记·平津侯主父列传》:“﹝ 公孙弘 ﹞家贫,牧豕海上。”《后汉书·荀爽传》:“﹝ 荀爽 ﹞后遭党锢,隐於海上,又南遁 汉 滨。” 明 陆深 《春雨堂随笔》:“予家海上,园亭中喜种杂花。”
  2.指湖滨。《文选·江淹<恨赋>》:“迁客 海 上,流戍 陇 阴。” 李善 注引《汉书》:“ 匈奴 乃徙 苏武 北海 上无人处。”
  3.海面上。《汉书·郊祀志上》:“及 秦始皇 至海上,则方士争言之。” 南朝 梁 沉约 《夕行闻夜鹤》诗:“愍海上之惊凫,伤云闲之离鹤。” 唐 皮日休 《奉酬崔璐进士见寄次韵》:“意超海上鹰,运跼辕下驹。”
  4.指 上海 。犹言 沪 上。《海上花列传》第一回:“只因 海 上自通商以来,南部烟花日新月盛。” 冯自由 《中国教育会与爱国学社》:“壬寅春,旅 沪 志士 馀杭 章炳麟 ……因联络 海 上有志之士,发起中国教育会为策动机关。” 王旡生 《论小说与改良社会之关系》:“吾闻 海 上诸君子,发大愿合大力,既赓续此报,复求所以改良者,吾未尝不为之距跃三百,喜而不寐也。”
  5 指大量提供,给予物品,内容等。有时甚至超出需要。
  海 上 男,1952年11月生,上海市人。先锋诗人、自由作家。中国《现代汉诗》、《大骚动》、《文化与道德》编委,美国国际汉语诗刊《一行》的中国代理人。几十年代初于长沙创办《九星》诗社,组诗《岛,东方人的命运》在菲律宾《世界日报》发表后引起关注。因为诗歌前卫意念使作品苍茫大气,出神灵性;在海内外发表诗作及文稿500余首(组)。有《日光》组诗,《世态》组诗、《还魂鸟》散文诗组。还著有大量的诗集如《海滩儿歌》、《两界河》、《走过从前》、《灾年诗稿》等十几种。散文诗集《还魂鸟》于1998年出版,诗集《死,遗弃以及空舟》被台湾唐山出版社纳入《大陆先锋诗丛》套书中,年初已出版。《海上诗选》正在出版之中。海上的诗在民间诗界具有极大的召感力,被称为"最彻底而极端的先锋诗人"。台湾诗评家黄梁先生评语:"海上的诗气象苍茫,迷离的身体性知觉空间与死亡视点运用,展示革命性的诗意构成"。在国内多次荣获民间奖项。海上的著作百分之九十待出版,为新纪元带来文学新现象,语言老辣野性飞扬。
English Expression
  1. n.:  carriage by sea,  carriage by land,  maritime
French Expression
  1. adj.  en mer, au large
carriage by sea Community, Carriage by sea Juweihui
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