idiom > Thailand which has a very
Pinyin: tài jí ér pǐ

Usage: 复句式;作谓语、分句;指好事变坏事

Explanation: 好的到了极点,坏的就来了。

Source: 唐·刘禹锡《史公神道碑》:“侍中以帐下生变闻,泰极而否,当歌而哭。”

No. 2
  No, Thailand: "Book of Changes" Two Guaming; No: diagram is not smooth; Thai: diagrams well; most: at the end. Good to the extreme, the bad came.
Translated by Google
Laugh before breakfast, you'll cry before supper., Taijishengfou
Antonym Group
North old man in disguise, After rain comes fair weather ., Because of the calamity for the blessing, a fault on the right side, Misfortune may be an actual blessing., What one loses on the swings one gains on the roundabouts.