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·Author: Qi Che·qì chē·qì chē
·No. 4·No. 5·Automotive Overview
·Automotive application of physical knowledge·King of the world's four major automobile·The ten fastest production car lot
·Automotive ancestor·Car History·China's automobile history
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Qi Che  

Magic Fairy Mystery《电客之异界纵横》

qì chē
  With four or more wheels, do not rely on track and frame lines, capable of self-propelled land vehicles. Formerly known as automatic vehicle, "because the more equipped with gasoline engines, so that car, and still in use. With high-speed, mobility, and simplicity. Primarily for human use or carriage of goods by, modified, can also be used for lifting, fire, ambulance and other special purposes.
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qì chē
  Is usually the automatic four-wheeled vehicle, for street and road transport, usually by the use of volatile fuel (eg gasoline) internal combustion engine driven
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No. 4
  A kind of internal combustion engine-powered, with four or more rubber tires, mainly in the road or on the roads means of transport. Ding Ling, "On Travel taohuaping": "We are a group of people by bus to the Seven-Mile Bridge." Chen Dengke such as "broken record" Chapter II: "wiped off the face of legislation such as the blood Hsu, dressing properly and ran into the manager's office when of past and awaken a long taxi ride, has emigrated. "
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No. 5
  Refers to the train. Qing Chen Tianhua "discipline students welcome the Sun Junyi cents Tokyo things": "railway car, a very rough beginning of evil, following the gradual improvement."
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Automotive Overview
  Automotive (automobile; car) that has the power to drive itself, not to be _set_ up by rail or electricity, to drive motor vehicles. Broadly speaking, with four vehicles, more commonly known as the automobile. Although the academic community for a long time: "Who is the inventor of the first car", there are different views and discussion. However, the vast majority of scholars are the German engineer Karl Benz (kralbenz) as the first inventor.
  New definition: the car is to have independent sources of power, mainly in the road or on the roads of transport, usually have four or more of the rubber tires. To transport people or goods
  The definition of a car must be taken into account the following factors:
  First, the automobile production and development. Automotive production and development has gone through two hundred years of history, different periods have different structural characteristics of car and car types and uses are also changing;
  Second, the car is based on intent. Car from the West, the original intent of the text should be based primarily on the west, combined with the modern sense of the car to be defined. English in the "car" that "automobile 〃 by" auto (own) "and" mobif  will move the "composition, which is the" automobile  car, "the origin, which means they will move, that automatic car ;
  Third, the car compared with other similar machines there is a difference. Definition in the car, should not completely cover all the characteristics of similar machinery.
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Automotive application of physical knowledge
  First, the mechanics
  1, the quality of the car chassis are larger, which can reduce the car's center of gravity, the increase in vehicle driving stability degree.
  2 car body design into a streamlined, to reduce the resistance by moving vehicles.
  3, the car forward momentum - in the face of the friction driving wheel (driving wheel and driven wheel and the ground friction in the opposite direction).
  4, the car move forward in the straight road uniform - resistance to traction and balance each other, the car suffered a supportive balance between gravity and the ground.
  5, the car turning when:
  ① drivers fight the steering wheel - power to change the state of the reasons for the movement of objects;
  ② passengers will be turning the opposite direction to the dump - because passengers have inertia;
  6, vehicle braking (deceleration) is:
  ① driver hit the brakes - power to change the state of the reasons for the movement of objects;
  ② the direction of the passengers to the dealers dumping ╠ ╠ inertia;
  ③ driver stopped with a smaller force will be able to leverage cars ╠ ╠;
  ④ the brakes hard - to increase the pressure to increase the friction;
  ⑤ brakes, the wheels of friction with the ground by the sliding friction into rolling friction change;
  7, the different uses of the car wheels, there are differences in size and number - which is the size of cars on the road related to the pressure
  8, car seats are designed to be both broad and large, thus reducing the pressure on the person's car, people take comfort
  9, fast-moving car, the car's tail will form a low pressure area, which is often able to see the movement of the rear of the car causes the dust winch
  10, the traffic management requirements:
  ① car drivers and front seat passengers must wear seatbelts - it can prevent the inertia of the hazards;
  ② overloading of vehicles is strictly prohibited - not only reduce the damage to vehicles on the road, as well as reducing friction, inertia, etc.;
  ③ non speeding - to prevent the brakes, because of reaction distance and braking distance is too long and caused a car accident.
  11, simple mechanical applications:
  ① steering wheel, wheel, window cranks are all axles,
  ② speed control lever, auto door lever device is
  12, to adjust the vehicle speed when climbing: from p = fv, power is constant, reduce speed, increase the traction
  13, on speed distance, time, computing problems; reference the description of the problem with the state of motion
  14, recognizing the speed, mileage, Jin Ming and other signs, to understand its meaning
  Second, the acoustic
  1, the car horn sound to sound, the engine sounds to try to eliminate (the engine fitted silencer) ╠ ╠ this is less noise at source
  2, to reduce traffic noise on the road when the impact on the residents, _set_ up barriers in the road or planting ╠ ╠ can decrease noise in the communication process
  3, horn sound: power ╠ ╠ mechanical energy
  Third, the thermal
  1, commonly used in automotive diesel or gasoline engines - they are the internal combustion engine - the use of internal energy to do work
  2, the engine equipped with a water jacket outside, with a circulation of water to help engine cooling - large heat capacity of water
  3, winter, antifreeze bad for the tanks at night when the water tank to drain to prevent thermal expansion and contraction of the harm ╠ ╠
  4, the car's rear window glass embedded in a channel of electric wire - it can prevent the formation of fog inside the glass and attached to the condensation
  5, just got into the car or a passing car from your side, it will smell the thick of gasoline - diffusion
  6, air-conditioned car window glass designed to prevent heat transfer layer of ╠ ╠
  7, environment-friendly vehicles using gas fuel, can reduce the pollution of the atmosphere
  Fourth, the electrical
  1, the car's engine used low-voltage motor starting: electric motor is based on the current role of the magnetic field made of truth, the work to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.
  2, motor vehicle (motor vehicle) used car battery (battery) power supply, car running wheel drive vehicle can take advantage of the generator, to charge the battery. To charge the battery, the electrical energy into chemical energy stored up, this time with electrical batteries; batteries to the motor power supply, the chemical energy into electrical energy, then the battery is the power supply, car batteries are also used as a vehicle equipped with air conditioning, fans, tape recorders, cd drive, and various uses of the lamp power supply, easy to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, sound energy, light, etc.
  3, the tanker's tail is usually a chain directly linked to the road, doing so will help make the bumps during transport due to the charge arising from the rapid spread on the land, to avoid electrostatic discharge and disaster
  4 LED lights: power ╠ ╠ light
  Fifth, the optical
  1, after the concept car next to the mirror, with the intersection of all convex observation mirror, can broaden our horizons
  2, the car driving at night when the car is generally not turn on the lights, which prevents passengers in the car in front of the windshield on the driver imaging, to determine the correct driver interference
  3, the car is usually not standing in front of the windshield (except for car chassis tall), which is equivalent to a plane mirror inside the car because the windshield is easy through its imaging objects in front of the driver, the drivers of the judge
  4, taillights Shade: corner reflectors can be anti-light shot to the back, behind the vehicle to ensure safety
  5, the car headlights: concave mirror reflection principle, close-focus light in the vicinity of the filament, the filament in the focus on the distance the light has incomplete
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King of the world's four major automobile
  Germany and the world's future will be Audi's four kings "good hi," BMW's "Rolls Royce", Mercedes "Maybach" and the public, "Bentley."
  1, Po Ma Zhigui: Rolls-Royce
  BMW acquired the Rolls Royce of the UK in 2003 after the launch of the BMW 7 Series included high-advanced technology, the new Rolls-Royce's top luxury cars, a 12-cylinder 450 horsepower engine. $ 75 million marks.
  2, Mercedes: Maybach
  Mercedes 'Maybach' body is not only the longest in the hearts of the Germans have the highest position, almost from a car has its name on behalf of extremely luxurious.
  Germany's Mercedes-Benz luxury cars will produce "Maybach." Price starts at 650,000 marks, v12 engine 476 horsepower. Because the current most expensive Mercedes-Benz cars are also only twenty tens of thousands of marks, it is not prepared to Mercedes-Benz car as a Mercedes-Benz brand products, but a separate brand, separate sales.
  3, Austria Di Zhizong: Good hi
  Audi may be the top car in its re-introduction of ultra-a8 on top limousine "good hi."
  "Well hi" (horch) is the German "Audi", and "Audi" is Latin for "good hi", the Chinese are "listening" is the name of the founder of Audi.
  4, the mass to China: Bentley
  Rolls-Royce and Bentley combined two formerly the British company after the acquisition by BMW, which sold to Bentley and Volkswagen. Thus the public can also bid farewell to the history of mass car production, the introduction of Volkswagen's top luxury cars are.
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The ten fastest production car lot
汽车 跑得最快的十大量产车
  Winner: Ford sscultimateaero super sports car to 273 miles / hour (about 437km / h) top speed topped the list, compared to the world's fastest airliner - "Concord" take-off speed of only 360km / h .
  Runner-up: saleens7twinturbo
  Runner-up: Bugatti veyron (406km / h)
  Fourth: koenigseggccr (388km / h)
  Fifth: Ferrari enzo (350km / h)
  Sixth: Dodge vipersrt-10 (348km / h)
  Seventh: Pagani zonda (345km / h)
  Eighth: Mercedes-Benz slrmclaren (334km / h)
  Ninth: Lamborghini murcielago (330km / h)
  Tenth: Porsche carreragt (330km / h)
  Of course, many high-volume vehicle and completely than the speed of combat fighters, ranked No. 6 Dodge vipersrt-10 within a distance of 800 meters faster than f-16 fighter. It should be noted that the board high-speed car top 10 of all production vehicles.
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Automotive ancestor
  In primitive society, people invented a simple tool that will place heavy logs below, then pulled away, the weight can be moved from place to another place. This is known as an early wooden wheel transport. Later it was discovered that a large wooden wheel with a diameter of transport speed, so increasing the diameter of round wood, and gradually evolved into a wheel with a shaft, which will form the first prototype of the wheel. Wheel is our nation's ancestors first invented. Human history, the first vehicle, but also in the skillful hands of our ancestors and the wisdom of opening up, the first onto the stage of history. In ancient Chinese mythology, the repairer of the Yellow Emperor said, it was also known as the Yellow Emperor Huangdi's. Xuan is a kind of ancient shed around the car, House is the car's basic components. So the vehicle should be the Yellow Emperor invented the first.
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Car History
  Car since the inception of the last century, has gone through ups and downs of one hundred years. From Karl Benz's first create a three-wheeled vehicle speed of 18 kilometers per hour, go now, even the birth of the acceleration from zero speed to 100 km / h requires only a little more than three seconds of the super sports car . This century, the car speed of development is so amazing! Meanwhile, the auto industry has created a number of giants, who single-handedly created the General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Honda in some of the important national economic well-known companies.
  Overall, the car history may be divided into Before the invention of the steam engine, steam cars come out, a lot of water production vehicles starting in three stages.
  The initial work of human labor to complete entirely by itself, does not have any cars and engines, if any, without the use of cattle and horses prior to using the body to encouraging this engine. Slave is a "bio-engine." As human progress and development, people's understanding of the natural world more and more, use and transform the nature of the increasing ability of people not only use of human, animal, and that the use of hydro, wind.
  In 1705, New Zealand can not rely on the door first invented to make human and animal power, but by the mechanical power to make the practical steam engine. This steam engine used to drive machinery, will produce a landmark first industrial revolution. With the steam-driven machinery that the car was born, human society has opened endless prelude to the development of the car.
  In 1769, the French nj home New Zealand (cugnot) created the world's first steam-driven three-wheeled vehicles. To the 1804's, the de-Wei Dike (trouithick) has designed and built a steam car, this car also took ten tons of cargo traveling on the railway of 15.7 km.
  As the steam itself is clunky, heavy car, take the steam car hot and dirty, in order to improve the engine, Aiti force Renault (etiencelenor) in 1800 created a fuel-burning steam engine in the external (ie external combustion machine) of the different engines, so fuel in internal combustion engine, it was said that this type of internal combustion engine.
  1876 ​​Conte. Ni Guzha Otto (countnicholasotto) invented the air entering the cylinder and fuel mixture is compressed first and then the ignition, improve engine efficiency. This engine has intake, compression, for power, exhaust four stroke, in honor of Otto's invention, people of this cycle of change is called Otto cycle.
  In 1879 German engineer Karl Benz benzene (kartbenz), the first successful test of a two-stroke experimental engine. October 1883, he founded the "Heights of benzene gas engine plant companies and the Rhine" in 1885 he made the first car in Mannheim benzene Benz patent motor vehicle, the vehicle for the three-wheeled vehicles, using a two-stroke 0.9 horsepower single-cylinder gasoline engine, this car has the basic features of modern cars, such as spark ignition, water cooling loop, steel frame, leaf spring suspension, rear wheel drive front wheel steering and brake handle and so on. At the same time in 1893 with William Mai Bate cooperation made the first experimental high-speed gasoline engine of the German Daimler (daimler) and the Mai Bate's help, and in 1886 巴特坎施塔became the world's first specially designed "no-horse car." The car was bought a four-wheel "U.S. coach" coat made with their power of 1.1 horsepower, 650 rpm per minute speed of the engine, the car was 18 km per hour so-called "choking" speed towards Constance Tate from Stuttgart, the world's first gasoline engine-driven four-wheeled vehicles was born. The actual use that this car uses good. The second year the first time three benzene Benz car sold to a French Parisian, because of this three-wheeled car design, reliable, material _select_ion and manufacturing of fine, well received, market day wide.
  For these reasons, it is generally regarded as the car the first year of 1886, some scholars Carl benzene Benz produced the first year of a three-wheeled car (1885), as a car born years. Daimler Benz is the title of benzene and the originator of the automotive industry. This is the second car in the history of major events.
  Be noted that, when the bus driver must be brave, resourceful mechanical repairman, in many cases he had "climbed from the car or climb under the car," or where the blacksmith to repair to the countryside, so most people are Mo and the cars look. Nevertheless, sitting very noisy and very powerful mechanical vibration, not only to endure the ridicule and the sun and rain pedestrians, and has absolutely no driver comfort and style today, Moreover, that the car to seize the hand carriage of their business, when parallel with the carriage car, they often raised the whip whip car driver.
  Just a few years, the car has grown from an experimental invention into related industries most extensive industrial technology spill-over effects the largest integrated industrial. Therefore, the auto industry depends not only on the automotive industry's technological progress itself, but also on the automotive industry to apply these technologies and the ability to invest the delivery capacity of the world auto market, the two affect each other and by the overall economic development of the situation, and people environmental requirements and energy and raw material supply, unexpected changes and the impact of national policy. For example, World War I that the car transport mobility, but also the military truck driving training for many drivers, many of them who also learned a number of automotive mechanical technology, so the booming post-war car sale in the United States, car manufacturers and suppliers of accessories full capacity can not meet the requirements of rapid growth. Car prices several times before the war. However, because of the economic xiao long after the high demand of car that came to an end. To World War II, in the UK, the car needs more than World War I, nearly the number of production can be sold much. World War II made a fortune in the United States, more and more prosperous post-war American industry, automobile production in the world is always far ahead. Automobile, steel, construction of these three industries has been called "three pillars", and the automotive industry is a symbol of pride of American industry, a long time, they have to study the luxury car-based. But when the first oil crisis in 1973, the U.S. auto industry will be severely affected, while Japan seems to have long been aware of their large development and production of small fuel-efficient cars, the results finally in 1980 the United States off the the "car of the Kingdom," the throne instead.
  In order to occupy the future auto market, now there are many companies to a variety of advanced technology and equipment, such as micro-computers, radio communications, satellite navigation and more new technologies, new equipment and new methods, new materials are widely used in the automotive industry, automobile is moving towards automation and electronics. With satellite navigation system, car satellite communications can receive traffic information to determine vehicle location, which automatically provides the best route, and show traffic patterns; automotive radar systems can be obstacles to tell the driver the distance and size This parking easier; and language-aware systems can be used graphs, charts and sound to tell the driver the car all parts of the case, but can also press the "tone" to act, perform the driving instructions and so on. Another car energy consumption, emissions, noise and pollution will reduce pollution but also on the security, ease of use will be increasing, even if another oil crisis, the automotive industry will not be greatly affected. Experts believe that the car is currently the world's leading transport in the future it is still the world's major transport any other vehicle can not start the car completely replaced.
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China's automobile history
  China's auto industry entered a new stage of development of China's automobile industry can be roughly divided into three stages: first stage: the birth of China's auto industry 1953 to 1978, before the reform and opening up. Initially laid the basis for the development of the automotive industry. Automotive products from scratch. The second phase, 1978 to the late 20th century. China's auto industry has been considerable development in the automotive industry to form a complete system. From trucks to cars, has begun to develop. This stage is China's auto industry from a planned economy to a market economic system in transition. The third stage of the 21st century. China's auto industry after China's accession to wto, entered a market, production has expanded rapidly; full integration into the world automobile industry body.
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World Histroy
  1766 British inventor Watt (1736--1819) improved the steam engine, beginning the prelude to the first industrial revolution.
  In 1769 the French army engineer Cournot (1725--1804) to produce the first steam engine driven a car.
  As the test when the steering system failure, like a holy slave Arsenal hit the wall pieces, which is the world's first with motor vehicle accidents.
  1771 Cournot improved steam car, speed up to 9.5 km, traction 4-5 tons of cargo.
  Sri Lanka down the British in 1794 first proposed the special blend of fuel and air mixture for combustion concept.
  Waltz 1796 Italian scientists invented the world's first battery, the invention of the automobile brought about the birth and development of a historic turning point.
  1801 Le French principle of the proposed gas machine.
  1803 French engineer Terry Vico (1771-1833) using a new high-pressure steam engine, can take eight people at an average driving speed of 13km, from, starting with the steam-driven car in the actual application.
  1827 within the UK Kerry Duke (1793 - 1873) built a steam car to become the world's first fully operational steam bus. Passenger capacity of 18 people, an average speed of 19km.
  1838 British inventor Heng Nate invented the world's first internal combustion engine ignition device, the invention is the world calls "the world a revolution in automotive history."
  1842 American Goode invented hard rubber tires, the tire is solid, moving bumps very powerful.
  Lona in 1858 by French engineer invented the world's first insulation made of ceramic electric ignition spark plug.
  1859 French physicist invented the lead-acid batteries for electric cars to create the conditions, known as the "far-reaching invention."
  1860 French electrical engineer Leno made his first spark ignited the gas with the gas machine.
  1862 French electrical engineers developed a two-stroke internal combustion engine Leno. Others began to study the four-stroke engine.
  In 1867 German engineer Otto (1832--1891) successfully developed the world's first four-stroke reciprocating piston gas engines.
  1876 ​​Otto made a horizontal single-cylinder, 2.5 compression ratio of 3 kilowatts for the gas machine.
  ① 1, 1886 January 29, Mannheim, Germany Patent Office approved the Carl Benz in 1885 for its successful development of three-wheeled vehicle patents, most of this day is known as the birth of the modern day car. ② German Gothic Philip Daimler made the first car with four vehicles. ③ Otto renounced his own four-stroke engine to obtain the patent, any person can freely create as needed.
  1887 Carl Benz ① his first car was sold to the French Emile Rogers, which is the world's first modern automobile sales. ② Carl Benz founded the world's first automobile manufacturing company - Mercedes-Benz car company.
  1888 ① ② Peugeot founded the British Dunlop invented the pneumatic tire.
  ① Daimler in 1889, his car equipped with a sliding pinion on the use of four-speed gear transmission. ② 6 9, Daimler's v-type engine patented in Germany, Karl Benz was in his car on the use of this type of engine, and pay royalties Daimler 37,000 marks. ③ the successful development of the French Peugeot transmission and differential gear device.
  ① Daimler founded the company in 1890. ② Americans Oz gasoline engine manufacturing plant established.
  1891 ① Chicago developed the first electric car. ② French Panhe De Leyva Saul and the use of front engine, rear-wheel drive the structure, and designed a special chassis. This structure has laid the basic type of automobile transmission, for a long time to be duplicated around the world.
  1892 American Duryea invented spray-type carburetor pipes.
  1893 ① German Diesel in his paper "rotary heat engine principles and structure" for the first time discussed the principles of diesel engines. ② Paris, France, the introduction of vehicle registration, driver's license using the license plate and issue. ③ Duryea developed the first in American history, a gasoline engine car.
  1894 ① Diesel exhibited his first commodity-type diesel engine. ② French Michelin brothers invented the inflatable rubber tires. ③ produced 135 Mercedes-Benz brand vehicles in Victoria, and with a Michelin invented the detachable pneumatic tire.
  1895 ① world's first car magazine "horseless age" was published in the United States. ② French Leiva Saul developed hand manipulation of the gear shift gear. ③ the United States held its first motor racing champion who finish with a 9 hours 50 miles (80.45 km) away.
  1896 ① Henry Ford developed 2-cylinder four cars. ② U.S. publication for the first time using the "car" (automobile) word. ③ Americans lamps for automotive lighting. ④ British first use of asbestos brake linings.
  ⑤ Germany for the first time car meter. ⑥ International Auto Expo was first held in London, exhibited cars, vans, and electric vehicles. ⑦ Peugeot was founded. ⑧ German Duci as the originator of taxi operators. ⑨ first cars imported from Japan.
  ① Oz in 1897, the Lansing, Michigan established the "Olds Motor Factory." ② the United States held the first automotive publications and Exhibition (May 13). ③ British Lanchester brand car with a high-pressure lubrication system, thus the inventor patented. ④ U.S. auto insurance was first introduced, Lu Smith's single-cylinder car to its production rate by 0.75% for the property insurance. ⑤ the UK established the world's first automobile association - the Royal Automobile Club, which is now rac predecessor. ⑥ Diesel made of compression-ignition diesel engine 1.1 kilowatts, up to 26% thermal efficiency. Stunned the world. ⑦ Englishman George Smith became the first person convicted of drunken driving.
  1898 Franklin American ① developed overhead-valve 4-cylinder air-cooled engine. ② a bus came first. ③ rotor engine come out. ④ the French Renault car for the first gimbal drive, and the invention of bevel gear type final drive gear, replacing the chain of transmission. ⑤ Renault company. ⑥ British made diesel engine vehicles.
  1899 Fiat ① the first one come out. ② with a whole tank of cellular radiator, transmission and sub-file by the first accelerator pedal Daimler applications. ③ New York established the nation's first auto repair shop. ④ Xi Weier became the first German car driver died in a car accident.
  1900 ① U.S. Oz brand car production. ② 威廉麦金莱 (1897-1901 years of the 25th U.S. President) became the first U.S. president to take the car. ③ Germany to produce the first armored vehicle. ④ the advent of all-metal body. ⑤ German Porsche developed the car windshield with a surface. ⑥ Mercedes-Benz to make steel instead of wood frame.
  ⑦ tilt steering wheel for the first time round in Germany. ⑧ New York driver's license issued by the first, saying "engineer certificate."
  ① 1901 Olds Motor plant in Detroit fire, to resume production after the use of subcontractors by the scattered parts machining and assembly plant production organization. Later, these workshops have been independent, the city of Detroit to become the car. ② New York began issuing license plates (with a number of aluminum disk). ③ Germany Pausch's high-voltage magneto ignition device invented. ④ Oldsmobile car first to use the tachometer. ⑤ low voltage magneto ignition system used by Daimler.
  ⑥ China imported the first car.
  ① 1902 Cadillac Motor Company founded. ② disc brake patent obtained by the British. ③ drum brake patent obtained by the French Renault. ④ independent rear axle suspension to be installed in the French race. ⑤ friction dampers used in the UK. ⑥ replaced with two front wheels of the rotation axis of rotation of the steering Avery Ott began to apply the principle. ⑦ American Automobile Association in Chicago.
  ① 1903 Ford Motor Company was established. ② v France developed the first engine. ③ London taxi there. ④ U.S. tire company Goodyear tubeless tires have been patented. ⑤ British production steel body car. ⑥ "father of traffic safety," Eno published "rules of driving," a book. ⑦ Boston police policing the first to buy a car.
  1904 ① began to use air brake system. ② Cadillac vehicles equipped with anti-theft ignition system. ③ the United States developed a stab drain tires. ④ British invention Heath hydraulic brake system.
  ① developed in France in 1905 closed the drive axle. ② France developed a tire pressure gauge. ③ Society of Automotive Engineers (sae) was established.
  1906 ① come out with a bumper spring. ② the advent of front wheel brakes in Germany. ③ Buick's battery as the car will be standard equipment. ④ Le Mans, France held the first Grand Prix. ⑤ torque rod damper come out.
  ① 1907 Rolls-Royce Company began production of "Phantom" brand wagon. ② American Automobile Manufacturers Association announced automotive power formula, the formula in some countries as the car was later the basis for taxation. ③ France using acetylene lights.
  ④ Japan, a gasoline engine to produce the first car.
  1908 ① Cadillac car due to the production of interchangeable parts and the British Royal Automobile Club's Dewar Award presented. ② Ford "t" car come out, Ford built flow-lines, began a new car production.
  ③ Durant founded General Motors. ④ tire Etched machine in the United States come out. ⑤ the Americans in the automotive electric horn on the application.
  1909 ① Carolina American Indians built the first high-speed race track, which is the origin of Indy racing. ② Cadillac and in general.
  1910 United States emerged fire.
  1911 ① U.S. Detroit marked the first time on the road centerline. ② U.S. automobile race held at 500 miles, the winner of the car on the first installation of the mirror. ③ de Carmen proposed streamlined concept cars. ④ French Peugeot design four brakes. ⑤ light by the Americans for automotive lighting. ⑥ Auto stocks listed in New York.
  1912 ① automatic starter in the Cadillac was first installed on the vehicle used. ② dual overhead cam engine in Switzerland come out. ③ Buick v12 engine uses aluminum pistons. ④ tire material plus carbon black can improve the wear resistance of the experiment a success.
  1913 Bridge ① four cars come out. ② curved windshield come out. ③ car headlights are placed on the fender.
  ④ car sales for the first time installments. ⑤ the first gas station built.
  1914 ① steel body of the Dodge brand passenger cars come out. ② Detroit appear first stop for traffic lights. ③ quality mica insulator of the spark plugs come out in the UK. ④ British double-decker bus production.
  1915 ① detachable rim instead of embedded rim. ② box-shaped body of the "t" car came.
  1916 ① tilt windshield popular manual wiper is mounted on the car. ② Americans are beginning to use the parking lights. ③ Britain's last batch of "Pearson - Cox" brand steam car production.
  Lincoln Motor Company was established in 1917.
  ① U.S. registered passenger cars in 1918, more than 500 million. ② Americans Mike Muluo West Germany made four hydraulic brake and patented. ③ Chevrolet and General Motors combined. ④ British German Ackerman apply parallel-link steering patent, and later changed to French Qiongte its trapezoidal-link.
  ① 1919 Ford passenger car production reached 750,000, more than the U.S. passenger car production in 1 / 3. ② efficient use of the brake loading.
  ① Japan was established in 1920 Toyo Automotive Industry Corporation. ② the United States built a total length of 191 km of highway.
  ③ Citroen and Blue Flag Company began to use steel stamping disc wheels. ④ GM dome light installed in the car. ⑤ Lincoln vehicles come out.
  1921 ① Lincoln will shift to the signal device as standard equipment. ② Ford production accounts for 55.45% of total production the United States. ③ technology is used in nickel-plated radiator and lights. ④ tetraethyl lead in gasoline antiknock effect has been found. ⑤ Detroit design synchronization of traffic lights and security platform above the ground. ⑥ first car Hotel opened. ⑦ adjustable car seat come out.
  1922 ① air filter, fuel indicator is used in cars. ② Blue Flag car with a v6 engine and four-wheel independent suspension. ③ rubber suspension came in the United States. ④ specializes in traffic engineering, traffic management issues, "Eno Transportation Foundation" was established.
  1923 ① Daimler invented the automatic painting device. ② a Mercedes-Benz produced the first diesel trucks.
  ③ Ford's annual production capacity of 2 million vehicles. ④ Fiat launched tone steering wheel. ⑤ Le Mans, France held its first 24-hour car racing.
  1924 ① DuPont Introduces New quick-drying paint. ② the United States every seven people have a car. ③ Franklin developed a clutch shock absorber. ④ mullite ceramic insulator of the spark plug come out in the United States. ⑤ Pausch company began production of electric wipers. ⑥ The first toll road opened to traffic in Italy. ⑦ dual wire-type headlamps come out.
  ① 1925 Oldsmobile five car come out. ② year's supply of the user's car attachments are: Jack, parking lights, tank cover locks, luggage rack, mirror, ashtray, cigarette lighter and thermometer. ③ Chrysler company.
  ① 1926 merger with Daimler-Benz, began producing Mei Xie Tess - Mercedes-Benz brand vehicles. ② the United States developed the gasoline octane number table, with the gasoline antiknock measure. ③ reduce the height of the bridge and drive the adoption of the automobile hypoid gear to lower center of gravity. ④ GM will auto headlight dimmer switch moved from the steering wheel on the floor, use the foot control. ⑤ GM _set_ up bodywork studio. ⑥ Cadillac use shatterproof glass.
  1927 ① vacuum booster automatically come out. ② through the use of steel parts in the filling in wool fabric and method of the jet car muffler to muffler. ③ the 27th International Auto Expo car show car show trends: air filters, fuel filters, oil filters, crankcase ventilation device and mirrors have been used. ④ "t" car stop, the cumulative production of 15,007,033, which the United States, the popularity of cars made an outstanding contribution. ⑤ hydraulic brakes come.
  ① 1928 Ford "a" car instead of rage, "t" car. ② GM introduced the Chevrolet with a variety of luxurious accessories, 6-cylinder engine car, get users. ③ synchronous transmission for the Cadillac car. ④ "BMW" brand cars come out.
  1929 ① Henry Ford museum. ② taillights to start the installation. ③ the United States will choose the car radio as supplies. ④ "car" father of Karl Benz's death.
  1930 ① advent of ultra-low pressure tires to improve the car's performance in the soft roads. ② tin piston come out.
  ③ Daimler for automotive hydraulic coupling will change the way the traditional mechanical transmission.
  1931 ① using independent suspension cars come out. ② GM's largest auto manufacturing company established position.
  ③ centrifugal, vacuum auto-ignition timing adjustment device developed by the Chrysler Corporation. 1932 annular fender to be used.
  ① 1933 Toyota Automatic Loom Factory established Automotive Division, the Department was independent of Toyota Motor Corporation. ② the predecessor of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. was established Sammy. ③ non flow-through ventilation system was successfully developed car. ④ car parking charges come out counter.
  ① 1934 Chrysler "Airflow" brand passenger cars come out, the car took the lead with a streamlined body, the body belongs to a class of the Beatles. ② front-wheel drive Citroen car come out. ③ advent of semi-automatic transmission.
  1935 ① global vehicle population reached 35 million. ② button gear manual transmission come out. ③ Siemens began producing alumina ceramic spark plug insulators. ④ Jaguar limousine come out.
  1936 ① from just two-pipe system, torsion bar and the emergency braking system consisting of the advent of new security devices. ② Japan's Mitsubishi Corporation began producing cars. ③ the first diesel engine equipped with Mercedes-Benz 260d model cars come out.
  In 1937 the company established Toyota Motor ①. ② Isuzu Motors was established. ③ "Plymouth Heights" brand car began to use safety glass. ④ Ford introduced v8 cars. ⑤ public company formed beetle cars come out.
  1938 ① the Americans for the automotive air-conditioning unit. ② people started to look at the phenomenon of the car lift.
  1939 ① U.S. auto production reached 7.5 million. ② Oldsmobile vehicles using a hydraulic - mechanical joint transmission.
  ① 1940 Chrysler developed a safety rim, it can not ensure that after the tire was punctured from the rim. ② closed automobile headlamps come out.
  1941 ① four-speed automatic transmission and hydraulic coupling developed by the Chrysler Corporation. ② four jeep come out in the United States.
  ① 1942 for "World War II" requires the U.S. military vehicle production over civilian cars. ② amphibious tanks came.
  1943 GM mass production aircraft engines.
  1944 ① GM production amphibious car. ② the former Soviet Union provided 345,000 U.S. cars to support their fight against Nazi Germany.
  1945 GM workers strike.
  1946 ① rear engine buses come out. ② steel vans come out. ③ Mi Xilin company developed the radial tire. ④ the first cars equipped with wireless phones.
  1947 ① "automobile king" Henry Ford's death. ② Japan's first postwar production, "Datsun" brand car. ③ Ferrari brand vehicles come out.
  Honda was founded in 1948 ①. ② curved windshield come out. ③ advent of tubeless type tires. ④ Mercedes-Benz cars for the first time equipped with power windows.
  1949 Chrysler ① start using the ignition key. ② Ford introduced v8 ship cars.
  ① 1950 by the British butterfly brake patent. ② the British Land Rover introduced the world's first use of gas turbine engine of the car. ③ production of 10.57 million vehicles this year, for the first time more than 10 million. ④ the advent of the first direct injection diesel engine. ⑤ International Automobile Federation was established, standard motor racing since the beginning.
  1951 Chrysler introduced a hemispherical combustion chamber v8s engine.
  ① General Corporation in 1952 launched the "Buick" brand cars, the car became the representative of the fish-shaped body. ② steering booster loading used. ③ Americans began to use seat belts.
  1953 ① glass fiber reinforced sheet plus the advent of body composition. ② Ford's first 40 million vehicles off the assembly line.
  ③ Americans Dana Fuller created a 264 km / hour on the ground driving record, the record has been maintained for 18 years. ④ GM has produced more than 50 million vehicles. ⑤ Jaguar car loaded with butterfly brake. ⑥ transistors are used in automotive ignition system.
  1954 ① triangular rotor engine come out. ② the advent of fuel injection engines.
  1955 ① Ford "Thunderbird" brand two-seater car come out, this is the most representative of the first U.S. individual car models. ② Ford, Nissan has created a world record of 10,877. ③ Toyota launched the "Crown" brand car. ④ electronically controlled door locks come out.
  1956 ① China First Automobile Works was established, "Liberation" brand cars come out. ② four lighting system is used.
  ① 1957 Lincoln - Continental Automotive uses a combination body. ② brake hub with the advent of film cooling.
  1958 ① Fuji developed the "fast wave 360" cars. ② CVT come out. ③ Japanese auto exports to the U.S. company for the first time.
  1959 ① UK launch of the "Mini" brand small car, the car front-wheel drive and transverse engine. ② Toyota factories in the United States, local production, local sales. ③ the first time Mercedes-Benz car crash and rollover tests. ④ pollution control crankcase vent developed.
  ① 1960 Cadillac launched the "one-off chassis lubricant." ② "Thunderbird" brand car with external tilting steering wheel. ③ Chrysler made practical car alternator.
  ① 1961 Mercedes-Benz uses a belt around the Servo - disc brake booster unit. ② the advent of synthetic rubber tires, their life than ordinary rubber tires more than doubled.
  1962 ① polyester resin tire line developed. ② Toyota's promotion of "Kanban" mode of operation, after the corporate world to follow. ③ France developed Dianwu car headlights.
  1963 ① spare tire inside the tire with the advent of the tire to the tire burst after the use of the spare tire to travel 160 kilometers. ② global annual production of more than 20 million vehicles, up 20.38 million. ③ Honda come out. ④ wedge-shaped car come out.
  1964 Pontiac ① "strong" brand car turbo engine used to create a new era. ② using computer-aided design of new Ford models. ③ _Select_ the button on the automatic transmission in accordance with "reverse - neutral - drive - low - high-speed" in order to achieve standardization. ④ Ford began using a new electronically controlled painting process. ⑤ come hemispherical combustion chamber.
  ① the United States in 1965 issued the "Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations," "Clean Air Act." ② U.S. auto manufacturers are still chasing the United States, Japan and Germany auto output was 11.12 million, 1.87 million, 2.98 million.
  ① the United States in 1966 using collapsible steering wheel. ② British designed car air exhaust system, the method was later widely used.
  1967 ① GM introduced the ignition key is compatible with anti-theft alarm device. ② concealed windshield wipers became popular. ③ GM's total production of 100 million cars. ④ the establishment of South Korea Hyundai Motor Company.
  1968 ① exhaust emissions control system as standard equipment on all vehicles. ② cumulative production of 250 million U.S. cars. ③ Toyota's annual output reached 100 million.
  1969 Audi car shape by Wald Award.
  1970 Mercedes-Benz developed a simulation ① anti-lock braking system. ② Toyota built multi-purpose vehicle wind tunnel.
  ③ Iacocca as Ford, General Manager. ④ Japan as the world's second largest car producer.
  ① 1971 Porsche produced the "moon rover" is American "Apollo 1" spacecraft to the moon mission, to create a car traveling in alien miracle. ② Chevrolet has introduced all-aluminum engine.
  ③ Honda developed a compound vortex controlled combustion engine (cvcc), the machine equipped with a catalytic device, the exhaust purification level achieved in 1975, the United States launched the "Clean Air Act" standard. ④ the world's auto output exceeded 30 million mark, reaching 33,430,000. ⑤ Audi is Volkswagen takeover.
  ① Beetle 1972 more than 1500 million units of cumulative production, breaking the Ford "t" of a single type of car maintained the world record for the highest cumulative production. ② Korean Daewoo Corporation was established.
  ① the U.S. government in 1973 states: All U.S. sales of new passenger cars must be installed front and rear bumpers, and can withstand 9 km / h collision. ② oil crisis, fuel prices have risen. ③ Chrysler made electronic ignition. ④ Toyota's "lean production" to promote throughout Japan, thereby giving rise to the world's attention.
  1974 ① U.S. regulations have to be equipped with new passenger car seat belts and the ignition interlock system. ② Volkswagen Beetle headquarters discontinued.
  ① the United States began in 1975, revised 1970 "Clean Air Act," the car's emissions to very strict control. ② American car began to use electronic fuel injection system. ③ Iveco company.
  1976 Mercedes-Benz ① sake of size of modern automotive wind tunnel reconstruction, the air speeds up to 270 km / hour.
  ② Peugeot and Citroen merger. ③ Honda "Accord" sedan come out.
  ① 1977 the first international conference held in the U.S. electric vehicles, on public display more than 100 electric vehicles. ② the world's auto output exceeded 40 million, reaching 40.95 million.
  ① Japan in 1978, developed a composite fuel cars, that internal combustion engine - electric vehicles. ② first car Cup held in Stuttgart, Germany.
  1979 Ford ① Iacocca was fired, and became general manager of Chrysler Corporation, president. ② Chevrolet's first million cars off the assembly line. ③ Brazil to produce alcohol as fuel cars. ④ golf cart to the market.
  ① Japan auto output in 1980 (11.04 million) for the first time surpassed the United States (801 million), the world's top automobile manufacturers Kingdom. ② trial of the Spanish solar car.
  1981 ① front-wheel drive cars in the U.S. epidemic. ② Japan developed the car can be turned in situ. ③ Ford developed a methane-fueled vehicles, per liter of methane can travel 11.5 kilometers. ④ the first 20 million beetles cars off the assembly line.
  1982 ① Ford's twin-turbo engine high-speed access to Plymouth v8 Alex Award. ② U.S. auto output down to the lowest point since 1958, -510 million. ③ car's aerodynamic performance has become an important vehicle design specifications. ④ the first mass-produced cars drag coefficient to 0.3 (Audi 100).
  ① 1983 Ford introduced a new aerodynamic concept of "Thunderbird" sedans. ② turbocharged engine technology is widely used. ③ copper core spark plug come out.
  1984 ① Lincoln's "mainland" and "Mark Ⅱ" cars using the adjustable air suspension system, a first-class cars on the U.S. market. ② Chrysler's joint venture with China's Beijing Jeep Cherokee brand. ③ the United States developed the all-plastic engine, weight 84 kg. ④ General Motors, Toyota's joint venture, "New United Motor Company" production. ⑤ New York provides: The following ten passenger car driver, front passenger and the child must use seat belts.
  1985 ① Japanese auto exports to the U.S. reached 300 million, for the future of automotive trade friction between the two countries laid the fuse. ② luxury sedan produced in the United States commonly used anti-lock braking system. ③ 6 25-29 May, the world's first solar car race held in Switzerland, with 68 cars participating, won the first prize of the Mercedes car speed of 71 km. ④ Japan's Nissan and Mazda has developed a rear-wheel steering cars. ⑤ Toyota a kind of trial body, chassis and wheelbase can stretch and shorten the small passenger car. ⑥ GM's total production of 253 million vehicles. ⑦ Sino-German joint venture "Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd." established.
  In 1986 GM acquired Lotus ①. ② Toyota's cumulative production of 50 million vehicles.
  1987 Ford ① investment £ 3.5 million to build an automobile driving performance testing room. ② Chrysler to China's "FAW" supply of engine technology and equipment. ③ Chrysler acquired American Motors Corporation.
  1988 ① China's "FAW" the introduction of Audi's factory in South Africa "Audi 100" body line of the old mold. ② golf car production reached 10 million total. ③ Ferrari's death.
  1989 Honda variable valve control systems are available.
  ① 1990 Honda navigation systems are available. ② the advent of unmanned vehicles, laser, ultrasound, video cameras to replace the human eye.
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Auto Categories
  Generally classified according to four methods of car:
  The overall structure is divided into cycling by car and train. Cycling is a basic form. Used 4 × 2,6 × 4,4 × 4,6 × 6 and other symbols that drive characteristics. First number represents the total number of wheels (twin and still be considered a loaded wheel), the latter number represents the number wheel. If all wheels are driving wheels is known as all-wheel drive vehicle. Train or bicycle towing by tractor trailer or semi-trailer components (see car trains).
  Car by driving into the road conditions, road car and non-road car. The former is based on the requirements of highway and urban road design; which is mine, dirt roads and other areas dedicated road or no road design, road from the car axle load, overall size and other restrictions.
  Car used by the power plant is divided into gasoline vehicles, diesel vehicles. In addition, electric cars, solar cars. The late 1960s, the hybrid car is equipped with two power units of vehicles, one of which must be energy recovery system with energy storage devices. Common composite is powered by internal combustion engines and batteries.
  Car-use can be divided into six categories:
  ① car, also known as passenger cars, generally not more than nine seats (including driver seat).
  ② buses, more than 9 seats (including driver seat), including city buses, highway passenger car, tourist bus and so on.
  ③ truck, commonly known as truck, mainly used for transport of goods.
  ④ tractor, trailer or semi-trailer designed for towing.
  ⑤ special vehicles, special cargo requirements by design, there are only cars and trucks equipped with the appropriate ancillary equipment such as dump trucks, tank cars, refrigerator cars, bulk cement, automobiles, container and automobile.
  ⑥ special vehicles, mainly cars used to complete other tasks, such as ambulances, fire engines, garbage trucks, sprinklers and various engineering vehicles.
  Special Purpose Vehicle specialpurposemotorvehicle: is equipped with special compartments or special equipment, special transportation or engaged in special operations vehicles. With economic development, special purpose vehicles and the increasing number of species. Frequently used special-purpose vehicles have more than 500 species in industrialized countries, up to one thousand kinds of special varieties of the car over. Special Purpose Vehicle can be divided into general production of special vehicles and mining vehicles into two categories.
  Off-road vehicle crosscountryvehicle: the road is in poor road or wilderness, mountains, slopes, swamps, deserts and snow-free surface areas such as driving a car. Off-road vehicles used for military transportation, military operations, surveying, mining, construction and forestry, transport and so on.
  Truck: carrying goods vehicles, commonly known as trucks. Loaded with cargo cargo compartment is usually mounted on a chassis cab, and in accordance with the requirements made of various forms of transport.
  Truck is divided into light, medium, heavy-duty three. National classification and standards vary. China is graded according to vehicle load, load capacity 3.5 tons for light truck, 4 to 8 tons of medium-sized truck, eight tons of heavy truck. Load of 1 ton of multi-purpose car light truck chassis restructuring, mainly for urban transport food, household goods, industrial products and other small quantities; some made of mini-vans.
  Electric vehicles: the vehicle power supply for the power, motor-driven wheel driving, in line with road traffic, the requirements of vehicle safety regulations. The advantage of electric vehicles: pollution of the atmosphere itself does not emit harmful gases, and even by the converted power plant emissions, in addition to sulfur and particulates, but also significantly reduce other pollutants, as most power plants built away from populated dense urban, less harm to humans, but the plant is stationary, focused discharge, get rid of various harmful emissions easier, but also has the relevant technology. Because electricity can be obtained from a variety of primary energy such as coal, nuclear, hydro, etc., to lift people's concerns about depletion of oil resources growing. Electric vehicles can also take advantage of low night when electricity surplus of electricity charging, both day and night to make full use of power generation equipment, greatly improving its economic efficiency. Some studies have shown that the same crude oil through refining, power plants sent by the charge into the battery, then battery-powered vehicles, energy efficiency than through its refining into gasoline, and then by gasoline-powered cars is high, it is beneficial to conservation energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, it is these advantages, the research and application of electric vehicles as the auto industry a "hot spot."
  Car train (combinationofvehicles): by car or tractor and trailer vehicles consisting of the column. There are two trailers: trailers and semi-trailers. The total weight of the trailer under its own called trailers; part of the total weight of the trailer from the tractor trailer is called to bear. Often also referred to the whole trailer trailer.
  ◆ ten types of vehicles
  1) sedan
  This is most common in the street four-door sedan, called the Chinese mainland car, China Taiwan people call cars. As wide this, on par, Buick.
  2) coupe
  Usually this is two sedan English name. Richer sense of the times, more cool. In North America, a car brand there will be many versions. Like, accordcivic have two versions of the car. Usually the favorite of the young coupe. However, as recently seen on the Hyundai coupe sports car news, coupe is not a sports car, just a strong sense of movement.
  3) hatchback
  That is, exposing the back style. Usually hatchback, the rear doors can be up on the off. Small and exquisite appearance, in general, the price is cheaper, it is relatively open economy. In North America, the most common is civichatchback. Typically, young people are more open this car, the students also account for a certain percentage.
  4) wagon
  5) van
  6) suv
  7) pick-uptruck
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About the world's leading auto show
  According to the current international practice, was recognized as the international auto show there are "five", which the European three: Frankfurt Motor Show, Paris Motor Show and the Geneva Motor Show; a North America and Asia: North American Auto Show and the Tokyo Motor Show.
  1, North American Auto Show
  Annual, formerly known as the former Detroit International Auto Show the U.S., has nearly a hundred years of history, the American founder of one of the oldest auto show.
  In 1957, Europe has finally crossed the waters from the depot, the first time, Volvo, Mercedes, Porsche figure, won the American public's attention, the Detroit auto show "King of the flag" was erected. 1989 Detroit Auto Show was renamed the North American International Auto Show, an annual exhibition in January.
  2, Paris Motor Show
  The exhibition originated in 1898, the International Automobile Salon will be until the 1976 annual session, then every two years. The end of September each year to early October.
  3, Geneva Motor Show
  Geneva Motor Show known as "the International Automobile trend benchmark," said, in Europe the only auto show held each year. Geneva Motor Show was founded in 1924. Since 1931, the annual held in Geneva, Switzerland.
  4, Frankfurt Motor Show
  Frankfurt Motor Show, formerly known as the Berlin Motor Show, founded in 1897, moved to Frankfurt in 1951 held an annual, rotating exhibition of cars and commercial vehicles. Frankfurt Motor Show is the world's largest auto show, the "auto Olympics," said.
  5, Tokyo Motor Show
  Tokyo Motor Show is the shortest of the five largest auto show in the history, known as the "Asian car vane", founded in 1954. Tokyo Motor Show is Asia's largest international auto show. Tokyo Motor Show every year on a rotating basis once a car and commercial vehicles.
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Vehicle maintenance
  Vehicle maintenance, means to maintain and restore performance of automotive technology to ensure the car has good usability and reliability, it contains a lot of knowledge. Timely and proper maintenance will extend the life of the vehicle, safety performance, save money and save a lot of repair of the trouble. However, nowadays the "repair on behalf of Paul," the concept still exists in the ranks of the driver, due to lack of maintenance or improper maintenance caused by traffic accidents occurred frequently. Therefore, the timely and correct vehicle maintenance is to extend the service life of vehicles, to ensure road safety an important part.
  Vehicle maintenance, mainly from the Keep the car in good technical condition, to extend the life of the vehicle in for work. Mainly in the following three aspects:
  A body maintenance. Used as car maintenance and body beauty. The main purpose is to remove cars and the car body, a variety of in vitro oxidation and corrosion, and be protected, try to highlight the car's "beauty." It includes: paint maintenance, carpet cushion and maintenance, bumpers, skirts and maintenance, instrument maintenance, plating and maintenance, maintenance of leather, plastic, tires, wheel maintenance, windshield maintenance, chassis maintenance, engine maintenance exterior.
  Second, the car maintenance. Body maintenance is to make the car forever young, car maintenance, the aim is to make car driving hundreds of thousands of km without major repairs, ensure the car is in the best technical condition. It includes: Lubrication System, fuel system, cooling system, brake system, carburetor (injector) of maintenance.
  Third, the body refurbishment. Such as deep scratches diagnosis, treatment, multi-material bumper repair, wheel (cover) Mishap repair, leather, chemical fiber material renovation, renovation of the color of the engine.
  Regular maintenance and vehicle maintenance is divided into two major categories of non-scheduled maintenance, regular maintenance are routine maintenance, a maintenance, two maintenance; non-scheduled maintenance and maintenance of a run-in period seasonal maintenance. Nothing more than major work, vehicle maintenance and cleaning, inspection, adapter, adjustment and lubrication and so on. But with the development of science and technology and the automotive industry, computer-based advanced technology widely used in the car, so that gradually the future of automotive intelligence, and therefore the content of vehicle maintenance has been given a new meaning.
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Automotive Terminology
  anti-lockbrakesystem (abs) anti-lock braking system
  anti-theftsystem anti-theft system
  bdc BDC
  body body
  brake brake brake
  chassis chassis
  clutch clutch
  compressionratio compression ratio
  cylinder cylinder
  damper shock absorber
  diesel engine
  discbrake disc brakes
  distributor distributor
  driveshaft driveshaft
  drivingwheel wheel
  exhaust-gasrecirculation exhaust gas recirculation
  finaldrive rear axle final drive
  gearbox gearbox
  overhead-cam (ohc) overhead cam
  pickup sensor
  piston piston
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The impact of cars on the human
  1 to facilitate people's lives;
  (2) increased labor productivity;
  3. To promote the development of national economy (Figure 0-2): In 2003 the top 10 Fortune 500, the car companies accounted for 30%. Japan's rapid economic development in 15 years, the auto industry output increased by 57 times, thereby stimulating economic growth by 36 times. Automotive industry annually consumes about 24% of world steel production, rubber 18%, oil 46%. The automotive industry is a 1:10 industry.
  4. To promote employment: in the United States every six jobs on a vehicle-related. Some experts predict that by 2030, the number of practitioners of China's automotive industry will reach one million people or more.
  5. To promote scientific and technological development: car is a sound, light, mechanical, electrical, thermal, electronic, chemical, art in a high-tech products, is the world's only one part to thousands, tens of millions production , ownership of millions of dollars, the price of thousands of dollars of merchandise.
  6 Security issues: there are more than 40 million people worldwide each year died in car accidents, 12 million people were injured, causing enormous economic losses.
  7 emissions: more than 600 million cars around the world, emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere each year 700 million tons.
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Automotive Overview
  "Car" (auto, automobile)
  English translation of the original "automatic car" in Japan also known as "automatic car" (Japanese characters in the car while the train is what we call) other languages ​​are also mostly "automatic car", the only exception of China.
  According to the latest national standard GB / T 3730.1-2001 definition of the car: the power-driven, with four or more wheels of a vehicle carrying non-track, mainly used for: transporting personnel and (or) goods; traction and carrying (or) cargo vehicles; special purpose. The term also includes: a) associated with the power line of vehicles, such as trolley buses; b) Unloading weight more than 400kg of three vehicles.
  Society of Automotive Engineers standards SAEJ 687C in the car is defined as: driven by its own momentum, with driving device in the road outside the track or fixed geographic vehicles transporting passengers and cargo or towing vehicle.
  Japanese Industrial Standard JISK 0101 is defined in the car: its engine and equipped with control devices, do not rely on a fixed track and overhead line in land vehicles.
  According to the latest national standard GB / T 3730.1-2001 divided into passenger cars and commercial vehicles.
  Passenger cars: in its design and technical characteristics is mainly used for carrying passengers and their carry-on baggage and / or temporary goods vehicles, including the driver's seat, including up to more than nine seats. It can also be towing a trailer. Divided into ordinary passenger cars, live top-passenger, high-level passenger cars, small passenger cars, convertible cars, the back passenger compartment, station wagons, utility vehicles, short head of passenger cars, off-road passenger Private passenger vehicles such as cars and 11 categories;
  Commercial vehicles: the design and technical characteristics used to transport people and goods on the vehicle, and can be pulling a trailer. Passenger cars are not included. Commercial vehicles into passenger cars, trucks and tractor trailer and other three categories. Subdivided into small passenger bus, city bus, coach, tourist bus, articulated bus, trolley bus, cross-country bus, special buses. Subdivided into ordinary trucks trucks, multipurpose vehicles, tractor trailer, off-road trucks, special operations vehicles, special vehicles.
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Basic structure
  Car generally by the engine, chassis, body and electrical equipment such as four basic components.
  I. car engine: the engine is the car's power plant. By two large organizations composed of five major systems: crank; Valve; fuel supply system; cooling; lubrication system; ignition system; starting system.
  1 Cooling System: general by the water tank, water pump, radiator, fan, thermostat, water temperature and turn on the water switch. Automotive engine cooling in two ways, namely, air cooling and water cooling. Generally use more water-cooled automobile engine.
  2 Lubrication System: engine lubrication by the oil pump, _set_ filters, oil filters, oil passages, pressure limiting valve, oil the table, pressure-sensitive components such as plug and dipstick.
  3 Fuel system: gasoline fuel by the fuel tank, fuel table, gas pipes, fuel filter, fuel pump, carburetor, air filter, into the exhaust manifold and other components.
  II. The car's chassis: the role of supporting the chassis, install the car engine and its components, assembly, forming car's overall styling, and accept the power of the engine, the car in motion, to ensure normal traffic. Chassis from the transmission system, driving system, steering system and brake system in four parts.
  1 Transmission: the power emitted by automobile engine by train delivered to the drive wheels. Transmission system with slow, variable speed, reversing, interrupt power, wheel and axle differential between the differential between the functions, and engine work together, to ensure that working conditions in a variety of vehicles under normal driving, and has good power and economy. Mainly by the clutch, transmission, universal joints, drive shaft and drive axle components.
  Clutch: its role is to make the engine power and smooth gear engagement or temporarily separated, so that the driver for the car start, stop, shift and other operations.
  Transmission: the transmission case, transmission cover, the first shaft, second shaft, intermediate shaft, reverse gear shaft, gears, bearings, mechanical manipulation of body composition, etc., for automotive speed, variable output torque. / Z & K1 ww $ L
  (2) driving system: from the frame, axles, suspension and wheels and other components. Driving system of the function is:
  a. Accept the power transmission system, the role of the road through the wheel and generate traction, making the car normal driving;
  b. bear the total weight of the car and the ground reaction force;
  c. uneven road to face the body to ease the impact, the vibration attenuation of car driving, keep driving the ride;
  d. meet with the steering system, to ensure vehicle handling and stability.
  3 steering system: the car used to change or restore their driving direction of specialized institutions known as the steering system. The basic composition of steering system
  a. steering body mainly by the steering wheel, steering shaft, steering column and other components.
  b. turning the steering wheel steering will be turned into a swing arm or rack-axis linear reciprocating motion, and zoom power steering body. Steering is generally fixed in the vehicle frame or body of the vehicle, steering forces through the steering gear will change after the general direction.
  c. turning the steering transmission output power and movement to the wheels (steering knuckle), and to a certain relationship between the left and right wheel deflection of the body.
  4. Brake system: the car to the outside world (mainly roads) in the automotive parts (mainly the wheels) to impose a certain force, which forced them to some extent braking system referred to as a series of specialized devices actuation system. Its role is: to make a moving vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the mandatory drivers slow down or even stop; to have been suspended road vehicles in a variety of conditions (including ramp) stable parking; to maintain the speed of the car downhill stable.
  Brake System Classification:
  a. Press the role of the braking system
  b. Press brake control energy
  Braking system can be divided into human braking system, power brakes and servo-brake system. As the only body in the driver's braking system known as the human energy of braking the brake system; completely transformed by the power from the engine or hydraulic pressure from the form of potential energy for the braking system known as dynamic braking system; either human power to brake and engine braking system known as the servo brake system or power braking system.
  c. Press the brake energy transmission
  Braking system can be divided into mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electromagnetic, etc. At the same time using two methods to upload can be called the combined braking system, braking system.
  Braking system in general by the brake control mechanism and brakes of two main parts.
  a. brake control mechanism
  Produce braking action to control the braking effect and braking energy transmitted to the various brake components and brake wheel cylinders and brake lines.
  b. Brake
  Hinder the movement of vehicles or the movement trend of force (braking force) components. Are commonly used in automotive brake components and rotating components with fixed working surface of friction brake torque generated, known as the friction brake. It has drum brakes and disc brakes two structural types.
  III. Auto body: the body installed in the chassis frame to the driver, passengers ride or load cargo. Cars, buses are generally the overall structure of the body, truck body is normally provided by the cab and cargo boxes of two parts. .
  Automotive body structure, including: the body shell (body in white), doors, windows, front sheet metal parts, both interior and exterior body parts and body accessories, seats and ventilation, heating, air conditioning, air conditioning and so on. In trucks and special vehicles and other equipment including carriages.
  1 body shell (body in white) of all the body parts of the installed base, usually refers to the longitudinal beams and other load-bearing pillars and their components, and sheet metal parts connected together to form a rigid spatial structure. Bus Body has a clear majority of the skeleton, while the car body and truck cab is no clear framework. Body shell is usually also included in the laying on of noise, heat, vibration, corrosion, sealing materials and coatings.
  2 door hinge mounted on the body through the shell, its structure is more complicated, is to ensure that the performance of important body parts. Sheet and so on. These sheet metal parts to form a system to accommodate the engine, wheels and other parts of the space.
  3 exterior trim mainly refers to decorative articles, decorative wheel covers, logos, embossed text, and so on. Radiator mask, bumper, lights and mirrors and other decorative accessories are also obvious.
  4 car interior parts including instrument panels, roof, walls, seats and other surface cover accessories, as well as curtains and carpets. In the car on the widely used natural fiber or synthetic fiber textile, leather or multi-layer composite material, foam skin surface covered with ornaments and other materials; the bus on the extensive use of fiberboard, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, rubber plate pattern and composite materials, decorative panels decorative cover.
  5 body accessories include: door locks, hinges, glass lifts, a variety of seals, windscreen wipers, windscreen washer, visor, mirrors, handles, cigarette lighter, ashtray and so on. In the modern automobile is often equipped with a radio close and Player and rod antenna, car bodies, some also equipped with wireless telephones, television or small furnace heating food and small refrigerators and other ancillary equipment.
  6. The interior of the ventilation, heating, air conditioning and car air-conditioning is to maintain a normal environment, to ensure driver and passenger safety and comfort important device. The interior seating is also one of the important devices. Seat by the frame, seat, backrest and regulatory agencies and so on. Seat and backrest should have a certain flexibility. Seat adjustment mechanism can move up and down and around, or adjust the seat and backrest angle. Some seats have elastic suspension and shock absorbers, suspension can be adjusted to its flexibility so that drivers are still under the effect of different weight to ensure proper seat height from the floor. In some truck cab and passenger compartment is also _set_ to adapt to long-haul travel needs at night sleeper.
  7 To ensure traffic safety, widely used in modern cars to impose constraints on the passenger seat belts, head restraints, airbags and car occupant injured in collision against a variety of buffers and package pad device. According to the different types of cargo, goods carriages can be a common field plate structure, platform structure, the structure dump, closed trunk, gas tank and transport granular goods (grain, powder, etc.) used in air force blowing or unloading tank dedicated capacity for roads, railways, waterways, air transport and international transport of a variety of standard containers.
  IV. Electrical equipment: electrical equipment and electrical equipment by the power of two parts. Power, including batteries and generators; electrical equipment, including the engine starting system, ignition system of gasoline and other electrical devices.
  1 Battery: battery starter's role is to supply electricity, or starting the engine at low speed to the engine ignition system and other electrical equipment supply. When the engine at high speed sufficient generator, the battery can store excess energy. Every single cell battery has a positive and negative column.
  (2) Starter: its role is to transform electrical energy into mechanical energy to drive the crankshaft rotation, start the engine. Starter used, should be noted that each starting time shall not exceed 5 seconds each time interval of not less than 10-15 seconds of continuous use not more than 3 times. If consecutive starting times, will cause a lot of discharge and battery overheating starter coil smoke, easily damaged parts.
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Performance parameters
  1 vehicle equipment quality (kg): vehicle fully equipped with good quality, including lubricants, fuel, vehicle tools, spare tire and all the device quality.
  (2) the maximum gross mass (kg): the total mass when fully loaded car.
  3 Maximum load mass (kg): vehicle on the road when the maximum load mass.
  4 Maximum axle load mass (kg): Auto-axis carries a maximum total mass. By sex-related and road vehicles used in the car so as not to damage of the acid-base objects.
  5 car length (mm): car length distance between the end poles.
  6. Width (mm): car width direction of the distance between the end poles.
  7. Height (mm): the highest point to the car the distance between the ground.
  8. Wheelbase (mm): auto front axle center to rear axle distance from the center.
  9 Track (mm): about the same car sedan centerline distance between the tire tread.
  10 Front overhang (mm): front axle to the front of car distance from the center.
  11 rear overhang (mm): end-to-last car from the center of the rear axle.
  12 Minimum ground clearance (mm): fully loaded vehicle, the lowest point to ground distance.
  13. Approach angle (°): the salient points to the car front wheel and the ground lead of the tangent angle.
  14 Departure Angle (°): the salient points to the rear car back and the ground lead of the tangent angle.
  15 Turning radius (mm): steering, the car outside the central plane of the steering wheel support the vehicle on the track radius plane. Steering wheel position to limit the turning radius of the smallest turning radius.
  16 maximum speed (km / h): the car straight on a road to achieve maximum speed.
  17 Maximum grade ability (%): car loaded with the maximum climbing ability.
  18 The average fuel consumption (L/100km): the car on a road average fuel consumption per hundred kilometers.
  19 wheels and wheel a few number of (n × m): the number of wheel to wheel basis for measuring the number, n the total number of representatives of car wheels, m the number of representatives of the driving wheel.
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Vehicle classification
  Car-use is divided into:
  (1) Truck: mainly used for transporting goods, and some can also be towing trailers of the car. Based on the maximum total mass can be divided into mini-truck (1.8 tons), light goods vehicles (1.8-6 tons), medium trucks (6-14 tons), heavy trucks (14 tons).
  (2) Dump Truck: The delivery of goods and there is tilting the main unloading box cars. Bad way or no way for regional travel, and more for defense, forest and mines.
  (3) off-road vehicle: the main road or blind alley for the bad parts of all-wheel drive with high adoption of the car. Bad way or no way for regional travel, and more for defense, forest and mines.
  (4) car: used for sending personnel and their belongings, and seats arranged in two-axis between the four vehicles. According to engine displacement size can be divided into mini-cars (1L or less), general-Class (1-1.6L), mid-size sedan (1.6-2.5L), high-class cars (2.5-4L), limousine (4L above).
  (5) Bus: a rectangular compartments, mainly used for sending personnel and their carry-on luggage car. According to different uses can be divided into long-distance bus, group bus, city buses and tourist buses, etc.
  (6) towing vehicle and trailer towing vehicle: specifically or mainly used for pulling a trailer or semi-trailer vehicles. According to pulling a trailer can be divided into semi-trailer towing vehicle, and all linked to traction vehicles.
  (7) Special Purpose Vehicle: equipped with a special device-specific functionality for specialized transportation tasks or take special operations vehicles. Used to complete specific tasks, such as fire engines, ambulances, tankers, armored vehicles, construction vehicles.
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Chinese history
  Old China there is no car manufacturing industry. China land the first car is 1903 American-Oldsmobile type car brand, was the first lead vehicle driving license plate number, the owner of the Shanghai businessman. Existing in Beijing's first passenger cars in 1908 dedicated to the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Yuan.
  Chinese-made cars in the Manchurian warlord Chang Hsueh-liang try general support in 1928 to hire technicians to guide the United States, the success of military factories in Shenyang Beidaying American nations replica brand trucks, one year out of 10 are installed.
  In 1936 the Chinese government had a plan in cooperation with the German Mercedes-Benz, the establishment of government-run "China's auto manufacturing company", to be first assembled car, after car manufacturing. The following year, Sino-Japanese War broke out, this proposal then shelved. Until 1949, the KMT left the mainland, the Chinese only use of vehicles and repair industry.
  After the founding of New China, China's auto industry was able to establish and develop.
  China's auto industry could be divided into three stages: creation stage, independent stages of development and opening-up phase.
  1. Creation phase
  1953 to 1958, China's automobile industry to create phase, the completion of Changchun First Automobile Works is a sign of this phase. This stage is characterized by the construction work is in full support of the former Soviet Union carried out, the product introduced by the Soviet Union, the design process from the Soviet Union, the main equipment provided by the Soviet Union, even the plant design is borne by the Soviet Union. First Automobile Works is designed annual production capacity of 30,000 vehicles, the product is the truck load 4t and the corresponding off-road vehicles. First Automobile Works was founded in 1953, 1956, from the first automobile factory assembly line out on the first "liberated" brand car. 16 000 1958 production car vehicles.
  2 independent stages of development
  3. Opening stage
  The mid-1980s, China has undergone an intense debate, not subject to the development of car consumption and car production. The result is that China needs to debate the development of cars, the central authorities decided to establish a modern car industry, which is the development of China's automobile industry is an important decision.
  In 1984, the first vehicle manufacturing joint venture by the Beijing Automotive Industry Corp. and Chrysler's car production joint venture company was born, which marks the auto industry entered a new stage of development - opening stage. Since then, a large number of joint ventures in China was born.
  This stage has the following characteristics: the car industry as the focus of development; introduction of foreign investment, joint ventures; the introduction of foreign products, processes and management methods, the implementation of a high starting point, the initial mass approach, and soon formed a certain scale; companies to do initial to run according to market mechanisms.
  The mid-1980s, changes in China's automobile industry an initial integration with the world industry. 90 years occurred in China's social and economic systems from the central planned economy to socialist market economy, a major shift, and began to integrate into the international economy, joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations and achieved success. China's auto industry has also embarked on a cycle of gradual internationalization of the road.
  Since 1994, "auto industry policy," and released since the implementation of China's auto industry has made considerable progress, the scale of production, automobile production and sales, product variety, technical level, market concentration has a significant progress. In the 21st century, the international environment has undergone profound changes, China's auto industry both good opportunities for development, but also faces serious challenges, while some deep-seated contradictions and problems have been exposed. To promote the healthy development of automobile industry, the need for an innovative, forward-looking, scientific, and industrial policy with guidance. National Development and Reform Commission on June 1, 2004 formally promulgated and implemented the "automobile industry development policy."
  In 1992 China's automobile output exceeded one million by the year 2000 annual vehicle output reached 200 million, up 1 million spent here 8 years. In the 21st century, the rapid increase of China's annual vehicle output in 2002 exceeded 3 million in 2003 exceeded 400 million units in 2004 exceeded 5 million. A few short years, one million of the increase does not exceed one year from 1984 to 2005, China's annual vehicle output from the 316,000 to 5.7 million, an increase of 17 times 21 years; the passenger cars from the 06,000 to 3.93 million, up 654 times 21 years; China has gradually become the world's largest producer of vehicles.
  In the overall development goals, China in 20 years or so become the world's largest car producer, while striving to become one of automotive technology power.
  Now, China has to have independent brands, such as Geely, Chery, BYD, leased, etc., the quality of vehicles has also been greatly improved.
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Body Evolution
  From the late 19th century to early 20th century, automobile designers to concentrate are used in the automotive mechanical engineering on the development and innovation. To the first half of the 20th century, the basic vehicle structure have all been invented, the automobile world's first car designers started from the car to improve on the external shape, and the gradual introduction of aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, body workers. Cheng school and industrial design (industrial aesthetics) concepts, and strive to let the car from the shape to meet all ages, all levels, cultural backgrounds and even different needs, making the car a true combination of art and science the best performance of the image, and ultimately to achieve the most perfect state.
  Automotive stylist who dressed the car body of adult classes. For example: car eyes - headlamps; mouth - into the air; the lung - air filter; blood vessels - oil; nerve a circuit; the heart of an engine; stomach - the fuel tank; feet - tires; muscle - mechanical parts. Trying to inject a cold machine to life, so that it has extraordinary artistic charm, gives a sense of beauty. Auto body form in the development process, mainly through the horse model cars, box cars, Beetle cars, ship car, fish, cars, wedge-shaped car.
  A horse car models
  Second, the box car
  Ford Motor Company in 1915 to produce a different kind of horse models of cars, their physical characteristics like a big box, and fitted with doors and windows, people said such cars as the "box-car." Resembles the shape of these cars for the European lady, and people traveling together for a number of other occasions, the people carrying "chair" type of portable seat, so it was named in the catalog as the "cars."
  Third, the Beetle cars
  Fourth, ship car
  In 1945, Ford Motor Company focus on the development of new models, after several years of efforts, finally in 1949 the historic launch of the new V8 model Ford. Because the steam
  Five fish-based vehicle
  In order to overcome the ship back out over the rear car, in the car at high speed will have a strong air vortex effect this defect, it has developed a fish as the fish back cars. In 1952, GM's Buick sedan to create a fish-based vehicle of the times. If only the shape of the back view from the car, fish-based vehicle and Beetle cars are very similar. But if look closely, you will find fish-based and ground the car back into the relatively small angle, the tail is longer, the air flow around the body will ride some more, so the eddy current resistance is relatively small. On the other hand, fish-based vehicle is evolved from the ship car, ship car so basically retains the strengths, such as large car room, vision, body shape of the side of less resistance, more dynamic styling, ride comfort, etc. These are far more than the Beetle cars performance. In addition, fish-based vehicle is also specifically increases the luggage compartment volume, so more suitable for family travel and other uses. Because of this, the fish-based vehicle was able to develop rapidly. But also there are some fatal weaknesses: First, because the fish car's rear window tilted too severe, leading to a glass surface area is increased to twice the intensity decreased, resulting in - the structural defects; Second, when the car at high speed the car lift more.
  Given the shortcomings of the fish cars, designer cars at the tail of the fish placement of an upturned "duck tail" in order to overcome part of the air lift, which is the "fish-type duck tail" model.
  Six wedge-shaped car
  "Fish-type duck tail" model although partially overcome the car at high speed the air lift, but not a fundamental solution to the problem of fish-based vehicle lift. After a lot of exploring and testing, the designers finally found a new model - the wedge. This car is tilted forward and down the whole body, rear body as straight as the knife, this model can effectively overcome the lift.
  The first wedge-shaped design of the car by 1963 the Secretary of the pedicle times Yasar mention this car in the car shape design experts to get a high rating. In 1968, GM's 奥兹莫比尔托 Ronald improvement and development of the wedge-shaped car, also for 1968 Cadillac limousine used by more than El. Wedge shape of the main widely used in the car. Because the car first consider the hydrodynamic (aerodynamic) and so the impact of the car, the body can be completely manufactured by the wedge, while the ride comfort as a secondary issue to consider. Such as the 1980s Italian Ferrari sports car, is a typical wedge shape. Wedge shape by taking into account the current high-speed car, whether it is from the shape of concise, dynamic aspects, or the manifestation of its terms of aerodynamics, modern people are more in line with the subjective requirement, with a strong modern , gives a wonderful sense of enjoyment and fast speed. Japan-based Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. MR2 mid-engine sports car (the rear is equipped with flexible flow plate), the car can be called representative of the wedge car.
  Car styling of the development is to better the aerodynamic design combined with the comfort to be appropriate, taking full account of these two key issues on the basis of efforts to develop ergonomics of the new technologies to design, create a more perfect, better car for the goal. One day, the cab car with a graceful curve to form a "glass." With each other is a geometry of the body, reveals a rounded and streamlined style. At that time, the car's paint in bright colors to reflect the soft feel and a sense of transparency, which would be particularly pleasing.
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Pollution from motor vehicles
  Car provided transportation for the people, but the traditional oil-fueled cars on the environment causing serious pollution. In recent years, respiratory diseases, cancer, headaches and other rapid increase in morbidity, are related to environmental degradation. With increase in automobile into the home, car emissions, pollution has become an important factor in urban air pollution, more and more cause for concern. Reduce vehicle emissions of harmful gases, and create green public transport is desperately needed.
  Current vehicle pollution mainly in the following areas:
  First, the car noise, mainly referring to the car is moving occurred during the noise, it is mainly the work by the engine noise and vibration of a moving vehicle and transmission noise. Current assessment and testing methods are the vehicle noise and interior noise two, for light vehicles, the general requirements of less than 85db (A) to avoid noise pollution.
  Second, auto exhaust pollution, mainly referring to the engine from the vehicle exhaust pipe emissions, according to the different types of car, its composition is different pollutants. Auto automobile exhaust pollution is a major source of pollution, environmental protection is one of the most important car project.
  Third, the fuel evaporation pollution, mainly for gasoline gasoline evaporation, Gasoline is a highly volatile substance, contains large amounts in the volatile harmful ingredients, so the environmental control of the car, the increase of the fuel evaporation material control program.
  Fourth, the crankcase contamination, refers to the engine crankcase, engine activity stopper ring cut from leaking out of the incomplete combustion of flammable gas, which contains CO and other harmful ingredients, so the requirements do not allow the engine music box with exhaust emission to the atmosphere.
  In environmental issues, greenhouse gas emissions caused by the global warming issue has become increasingly global attention. Global warming has led to the natural frequency and intensity continues to increase, there are six gases mostly vehicle-related, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides from internal combustion engine combustion, chlorofluorocarbons car air conditioning. Vehicle exhaust emissions are a major source of urban air pollution. As the car is low emissions, low-level atmospheric pollution and harmful to human health even more.
  Each model has its best economy rate, large cars are generally 35-45 km, small cars are 60 to 90 kilometers. At this time the most relaxed engine, the economy, burning the most adequate, minimum pollution. Generally, cars from the 20 km per hour speed to 50 km, the emission of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons can be reduced by 50 percent.
  Therefore, the car driving in the city should first solve the traffic congestion. Frequent car idling, low speed, acceleration, deceleration, both resulting in energy waste, has increased the city's air pollution. Only pedestrians and drivers consciously abide by traffic rules, mutual accommodation, mutual understanding, so you can greatly reduce traffic congestion.
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Fastest car
  Winner: Ford SSCUltimateAero super sports car to 273 miles / hour (about 437km / h) top speed topped the list, compared to the world's fastest airliner - "Concord" take-off speed of only 360km / h .
  Runner-up: SaleenS7TwinTurbo
  Runner-up: Bugatti Veyron (406km / h)
  Fourth: KoenigseggCCR (388km / h)
  Fifth: Ferrari Enzo (350km / h)
  Sixth: Dodge ViperSRT-10 (348km / h)
  Seventh: Pagani Zonda (345km / h)
  Eighth: Mercedes-Benz SLRMcLaren (334km / h)
  Ninth: Lamborghini Murcielago (330km / h)
  Tenth: Porsche CarreraGT (330km / h)
  Of course, many high-volume vehicle and completely than the speed of combat fighters, ranked No. 6 Dodge ViperSRT-10 within a distance of 800 meters faster than the F-16 fighter. It should be noted that the board high-speed car top 10 of all production vehicles.
  After a lot of modified cars, performance can be even greater improvement, such as adding turbo power can make the car more than car emissions greater than the car, the current car modification has gradually spread from the playing field to the common people love car race
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International Auto Show
  According to the current international practice, was recognized as the international auto show there are "five", which the European three: Frankfurt Motor Show, Paris Motor Show and the Geneva Motor Show; a North America and Asia: North American Auto Show and the Tokyo Motor Show.
  1, North American Auto Show
  Annual, formerly known as the former Detroit International Auto Show the U.S., has nearly a hundred years of history, the American founder of one of the oldest auto show.
  In 1957, Europe has finally crossed the waters from the depot, the first time, Volvo, Mercedes, Porsche figure, won the American public's attention, the Detroit auto show "King of the flag" was erected. 1989 Detroit Auto Show was renamed the North American International Auto Show, an annual exhibition in January.
  2, Paris Motor Show
  The exhibition originated in 1898, the International Automobile Salon will be until the 1976 annual session, then every two years. The end of September each year to early October.
  3, Geneva Motor Show
  Geneva Motor Show originated in 1905, 1926 by the informal Association, 1947 Association reorganized as the International Motor Show Foundation, 1982, the government has created Orgexpo Foundation with. Compared to the rest of the world auto show, the Geneva Motor Show is the most media attention, and was the best the industry as the industry meeting place. This year will be the 74th Geneva Motor Show, one of the world's five largest auto show in Geneva Motor Show with its long history and was first introduced many new models and concept cars and famous, then Geneva will be from Europe and the world's automakers , car designers have to show the strength of the stage.
  Exhibition scale: more than 30 countries, more than 250 exhibitors, nearly a thousand brands, a net exhibition area of ​​about 63,000 square meters, the actual exhibition area of ​​72,000 square meters, exhibitors including cars, modified cars, all kinds of spare parts, garage accessories, electric cars, entertainment facilities and other.
  Palexpo Exhibition Center Plan
  Each year, the Geneva Motor Show are showing the world's latest global automotive innovations, and this attitude is the key to attracting attention. Geneva, there will be a year from more than 100 different countries and regions, nearly one million participants, which also includes 4000 more than 80 countries from news reporters.
  4, Frankfurt Motor Show
  Frankfurt Motor Show, formerly known as the Berlin Motor Show, founded in 1897, moved to Frankfurt in 1951 held an annual, rotating exhibition of cars and commercial vehicles. Frankfurt Motor Show is the world's largest auto show, the "auto Olympics," said.
  5, Tokyo Motor Show
  Tokyo Motor Show is the shortest of the five largest auto show in the history, known as the "Asian car vane", founded in 1954. Tokyo Motor Show is Asia's largest international auto show. Tokyo Motor Show every year on a rotating basis once a car and commercial vehicles.
  6, Beijing Auto Show
  Founded in 1990 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition (Auto China), held in Beijing every two years on a regular basis, have been held for the ninth, has gone through 18 years of development. Beijing International Automotive Exhibition Since its inception, expanding, the exhibition features from the previous simple products, developed to become the business development strategy released, full-image display window; the world's most cutting-edge technological innovation platform for the exchange of information; most effective brand promotion and publicity arena. Improve the quality of the exhibits by term impact are becoming increasingly widespread, many multinational auto companies will Beijing Auto Show as the world's A-class auto show.
  7, Chengdu Motor Show
  September 26, 2008 afternoon, the eleventh Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition (Chengdu Motor Show) in the Chengdu New International Convention and Exhibition Center successfully concluded. This show gratifying results, the display size of 90,000 square meters of car prices ushered in 170 vehicles carrying 450 exhibitors, exhibition visitors reached 352,600, up 13.7 percent compared to last year, creating a new record in Chengdu Motor Show. As the largest auto show in western, Chengdu Motor Show this year, released the wonderful full interpretation of the "beautiful Chengdu, colorful show" theme.
  8, Shanghai Auto Show
  Shanghai Auto Show was founded in 1985, is China's earliest professional international auto show; held every odd-numbered years, has successfully held the second session. Asia's largest auto show
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Car maintenance
  A new car wax
  Automobile manufacturers in order to protect the paintwork from damage during long-distance transport, in car body spray a layer of wax, called transportation protective wax. This layer of wax polish with a common car is completely different, the destination should be in this layer of wax off, and then sales.
  New car wax to pay special attention to appropriate choice of product, improper _select_ion will cause serious damage to the paintwork. Many car wash with kerosene to open wax, wax, although the opening, but also caused a minor paint scratches. Car transport wax into wax and resin, wax, grease two. On wax oil wax is best to use environmentally friendly open water, extracted from the orange peel from the inside, there is strong degreasing functions, the paint will not cause damage. If the wax resin transport, dedicated just to buy a bottle of "lost wax" washing liquid can be. The prices of car wash car wax to open the different grades, usually in the 100-400 yuan; such as yourself to purchase cleaner, depending on the brand, dose different from the price of 20 yuan to 150 yuan.
  B new paint protection
  New paint protection is more important than the open wax, automobile exhaust soot, debris in the air, acid rain and other invisible hazards, the road from the car began the first day of oxidized paint. In order to avoid a beautiful car into a "Huanglian Po", the new paint protection you need waxing, but not an ordinary wax.
  New car wax, there are two: one is the new car wax, car called protective wax. These are two completely different wax, a new car should be used to protect new car wax, car wash can be used in daily new wax. Car wax to protect the unique features is the powerful anti-oxidant, anti-corrosion features, smear, and can maintain a year-long, daily car wash will not wash off. Of the new wax is a soft wax, no polish which generally can not withstand the test of washing. Optional stealth car car wax to protect clothing, 100 yuan, can be used ten times, each time by hand costs $ 20, can learn to use their own sponge operation.
  C car interior protection
  There are two general car interior materials, leather and chemical fiber. Do immediately to get the new car the best care. There are two leather polish, wax and resin. Wax polish only, can not afford protection, at best waterproof; resin-based leather polish, emphasis on product protection, anti-wear, anti-UV, anti-corrosive oil erosion. Synthetic material to protect the interior must distinguish between "cleaner" and interior "protection agents", they are completely different products. Interior protection agents generally contain silicone, can form a protective film on the fiber surface, so that oil does not directly erode fiber, UV oxidation of the interior materials are not to fade, white.
  Interior protection agents or cleaning protective agent, is divided into velveteen cleaning agents, chemical cleaning agents, cleaning agents, a variety of leather, the price of fifty or sixty per hour, spraying the fiber surface, wipe with a dry towel. Then be sure to remember, do not forget your head on the roof.
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Well-known brands
  Audi (Audi) BMW (BMW) Maybach (Maybach) Mercedes-Benz (Mercedes) Opel (Opel)
  Porsche (Porsche) Smart (the wizard) Volkswagen (Volkswagen) Kässbohrer (Keith Powell) Neoplan (Neoplan)
  United States
  U.S. auto industry has shown a "three pillars" of the situation. This "three-legged" also known as the "Big Three", They are: Ford, GM, and Chrysler.
  Ford Products: Lincoln (Lincoln) Ford (Ford) Mercury (Mercury)
  General Products: Buick (Buick) Cadillac (Cadillac) Chevrolet (Chevrolet) Hummer (Hummer) Saab (Saab) Pontiac (Pontiac) GMC
  Chrysler Products: Chrysler (Chrysler) Dodge (Dodge) Jeep (Jeep)
  Acura (Acura) Honda (Honda) Infiniti (Infiniti) Isuzu (Isuzu) Lexus (Lexus) Mazda (Mazda)
  Mitsubishi (Mitsubishi) Nissan (Nissan) Suzuki (Suzuki) Toyota (Toyota) subaru (Subaru)
  Alfa Romeo (Alfa Romeo) Ferrari (Ferrari) Fiat (Fiat) Lamborghini (Lamborghini)
  Maserati (Maserati)
  Aston Martin (Aston Martin) Bentley (Bentley) Jaguar (Jaguar) Land Rover (Land Rover) Lotus (Lotus) Mini (Mini)
  MG (MG) Rolls-Royce (Rolls Royce)
  Bugatti (Bugatti) Citroën (Citroen) Peugeot (Peugeot) Renault (Renault)
  Daewoo (Daewoo) Hyundai (Hyundai) Kia (Kia) Ssangyong (Ssangyong)
  Czech Republic
  Skoda (Skoda)
  Spyker (Spyker)
  Volvo (Volvo) Saab (Saab) Koenigsegg (Koenig SEG) Scania (Scania)
  Ten well-known domestic automobile Web site:
  Sina - Auto Channel:
  Pacific Auto Net:
  Netease Auto Channel:
  Sohu - Auto Channel:
  Tencent - Auto Channel:
  TOM-car Square:
  Yahoo Auto Channel:
  21CN-Auto Channel:
  Xinhua - Auto Channel:
  Qianlong - Qianlong car:
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Automotive terms
  MPV's full name is the Multi-Purpose Vehicle, the multi-purpose vehicles. It combines the sedan, station wagon and van-in-one, each car seat can be adjusted, and a variety of combinations, for example in the row of seats can be turned back into a desk next to Taiwan, front seats can be rotated 180 degrees and so on.
  SUV's full name is SportUtility Vehicle, which means Chinese sport utility vehicle. Now mainly refers to those avant-garde design, novel four-wheel drive off-road vehicles. SUV is a car-type front suspension is generally independent suspension, both comfort and have off-road performance, but also manned cargo.
  RV's full name is the Recreation Vehicle,. That is, recreational vehicles, is a suitable entertainment, leisure, travel, car, RV auto first proposed the concept of country is Japan. Broadly speaking, in addition to cars and light passenger cars outside, can be attributed to RV.
  Pickup (PICK-UP), also known as car cards. As the name suggests, also has card sedan, a used car and the front cab, while open truck with car models. It features both car-like comfort, yet powerful, and cargo than the sedan and the ability to adapt to adverse road still strong.
  CKD car:
  English Completely Knocked Down CKD is the acronym means "completely breaking up." Is imported or imported car, the car entered a completely dismantled state, then after the car all the parts and components assembled into the vehicle.
  SKD Automotive
  SKD English Semi-Knocked Down the acronym means "semi-bulk." Refers to the assembly from imported vehicles (such as engine, cab, chassis, etc.), and then assembled in the domestic automobile factory car.
  Concept car
  Concept car comes from the English Conception Car translation. Ep is not a concept car into production models will be, it is only to demonstrate the designers new, unique, advanced the idea of ​​it. Creative concept car is still in the pilot phase, probably never put into production.
  Classic cars
  Classic cars, classic cars, also known, generally refers to 20 years or older cars. Classic cars is a nostalgic product of the people in the past have been used, it can still work the car. The concept began in the 1970s, first appeared in a magazine the UK.
  Electric cars
  There is now talking about electric cars is more than pure electric vehicles, which is a single power source as the energy storage battery cars. It is used as a storage battery power source, the battery power to the motor, drive motor operation, thus promoting the car forward. Externally, electric cars and the car daily to see no difference, the main difference between the power source and drive system.
  Hybrid cars
  Hybrid electric vehicles is to install an internal combustion engine vehicles, which aims to reduce automobile pollution and improve the mileage of pure electric vehicles. Hybrid cars have two kinds of tandem and parallel structure.
  Natural Gas Vehicles
  Liquefied petroleum gas vehicles are vehicles (. Referred to as LPG car or LPGV) and compressed natural gas vehicles (referred to as CNG vehicles or CNGV). As the name suggests, LPG is liquefied petroleum gas as automotive fuel, CNG is compressed natural gas as automotive fuel. Gas vehicles reduce CO emissions than gasoline vehicles more than 90%, hydrocarbon emissions by 70%, nitrogen oxide emissions by more than 35%, is more practical, low-emission vehicles.
  V6 engine
  Number of cylinders commonly used in automobile engine cylinder are 3,4,5,6,8,10,12. Arranged in the form of the main cylinder inline, V-shaped, W-shaped and so on.
  Generally believed, V-shaped engine is a more advanced engine, has become one of the hallmarks car level. The most common is the main line 4-cylinder engine (14) and V-type 6-cylinder (V6) engine. In general, V6 engine displacement of over 14 high, V6 machine than the 14 - run smooth and quiet. V6 machine is installed in high-grade cars.
  Compression ratio
  Compression ratio is the total volume of the cylinder and combustion chamber volume ratio, which indicates the piston moves from BDC only point on the gas cylinder was packed. Automotive engine compression ratio is a measure of performance is an important parameter.
  Volume of work is the piston cylinder from TDC to BDC the sweep gas volume, also known as single-cylinder displacement, it depends on the bore and piston stroke. Engine displacement is the sum of the working volume of each cylinder, usually with ml (CC) to represent. Engine displacement is the most important structural parameters of one of its number over the bore and cylinders are more representative of the engine size, engine displacement with a number of indicators are closely related.
  Torque is the force that object to rotate. Engine torque means the engine output torque from the crankshaft end. Under the conditions fixed in the power of the engine speed is inversely proportional relationship with, the faster speed of the smaller torque, the greater the contrary, it reflects the car within a certain range of load capacity.
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Procurement policies and regulations car
  An official vehicle to increase energy conservation efforts
  Policy playback: the beginning, and the Government Offices Administration of the State Council, directly under the Central Government Offices Administration jointly issued the "central and state on the good work of energy saving" emergency notice on the official car to do a specific energy conservation requirements : take the lead in the use of domestic brands, small displacement, economic environment, hands-speed transmission cars; in addition to special needs, in principle, with off-road vehicles; increase the high fuel consumption and serious pollution of the "emission vehicles," update efforts, 2008 completed the first half of "emission vehicles" update; strive in 2008 to the central and state organs at the same level of public service vehicles fuel consumption reduced by 20% and so on.
  Comments: own brand in the energy conservation policy under the influence, will usher in even more beautiful in the spring. "Notice" clearly states, the central state organs to take the lead in the use of domestic own-brand cars. In fact, the central state organs in the procurement of own brands has been walking in front of the State Authority under its own brand vehicles in recent years to improve the quality, lower price of the actual situation, the general public in the strict implementation of the following vehicles equipped with 2.0L displacement, while the standard , lowering the price of vehicles equipped with the standard.
  In 2005 the centralized procurement of 100 Zhonghua sedans in 2007, and centralized purchasing a red flag, China, Chery three domestic brands of cars each 100, for updating the various departments' emission vehicles, "has saved the financial capital of 30 million yuan . '
  2 implementation of the first purchase of independent innovation products + Order
  Policy playback: the beginning, the Ministry of Finance issued the "first government of independent innovation products and purchase order management" (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules"), clearly provides for the implementation of the first purchase of independent innovation products and ordering system. Purchaser purchased the product are the first category of products purchased, the purchaser should purchase the "directory" listed in the first purchase of products that will provide government procurement contracts awarded first purchased the product supplier. Meet the order conditions, the purchaser should be through government procurement, product suppliers to determine the order, signed order products in government procurement contracts to ensure adequate competition.
  Comments: Over the past year a number of countries the introduction of intensive policy measures for innovation business development environment provides a better and better. But there is also a problem, "Regulations" provides that the first product purchased by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and other departments to identify and integrated into the "Government Procurement innovation Products" (hereinafter referred to as "directory") to be published in the first period to implement purchase. "Directory" of vacancies, so no basis for ordering the system and look forward to "directory" as soon as possible.
  3 Beijing National Ⅳ emission standards implementation
  Policy Playback: From March 1, 2008, Beijing has begun to implement the country Ⅳ emission standards. According to the different models, the country Ⅳ emission standards will be March 1 and July 1, two time phases. It is estimated that a country than the country Ⅲ Ⅳ car to reduce car emissions by about 50%. Since March 1, all registration Beijing license light ignition engine vehicles, ie, the maximum total mass of 3.5 tons of gasoline passenger and commercial vehicles, the implementation of the country Ⅳ emission standards; July 1, the Beijing Public Transport, sanitation, postal vehicles, diesel and gas engines, the implementation of the country Ⅳ emission standards.
  Comments: Beijing, the first implementation of the national IV emission standards, in the short term, units in Beijing will be the official vehicle procurement model to reduce the impact in the long term, not only helps to improve the car's emissions level of technology, more in line with Government procurement policies and regulations related functions. Although the country Ⅳ emission standards to reduce the purchaser's choice, but almost all the mainstream models comply with the new standards, basically does not affect the purchaser's purchase.
  4 introduction of the third batch of green procurement list
  Policy Playback: August 2008, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environmental Protection jointly announced the revised third "environmental label products in government procurement list." Third list of 32 automobile companies 504 Model finalists, covering almost all major domestic automobile manufacturers.
  Third green list not only substantially increased the Gold Cup, China, Roewe, MG, Hafei and other own-brand models, Mercedes-Benz and BMW also ranked among these high-end brands.
  Comments: The Government's priority procurement environment Peugeot, will guide the production of environmentally friendly automotive products car companies. Received environmental labeling certification of the product may not be able to enter the government procurement list, the "list" of products must be environmental label products, because the "list" in the product to reflect the government procurement policy requirements. For example, energy conservation, to encourage low-emission, in line with current standards of public service vehicles. But there are those who believe that government procurement is now on the "list" of products procurement policy is a priority, not big enough. If it is mandatory procurement, environmental labeling product support will be even greater.
  5 encourage the use of energy saving and clean energy vehicles
  Policy Playback: August 1, 2008, the State Council and the State Council has issued the "fuel saving work on further strengthening the notice." "Notice" requirement: low-emission passenger cars to reduce the consumption tax rate, raise the consumption tax rate of large-emission passenger cars, different cars to further expand the consumption tax rate gap. Environmentally friendly vehicles and energy-saving and clean energy vehicles included in the government procurement list, the new official vehicle purchase should be given priority to purchase energy-saving vehicles and clean energy vehicles.
  Comments: The official car purchases have been pushing to buy energy saving and new energy vehicles, but how to truly implement, but also a number of powerful means. The State Department and the State Council issued two notices for energy saving and new energy vehicles in the government procurement market means great business opportunities. Clean new energy vehicles once they are included in the list of government procurement, vehicle procurement in the public service on a mandatory effect. New energy vehicles in government procurement would also be substantial support.
  6 "anti-monopoly law" standard car prices and vendor relationships
  Comments: The above terms of new cars sold mainly to increases, minimum prices dealers can only sell a single brand, local protectionism and so were the norm. These phenomena over the official car in the common market. However, the absence of implementation rules and sanctions related to the introduction of "anti-monopoly law," implementation is far from the expected results.
  7 large displacement car consumption tax hike
  Policy playback: the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation issued a notice, decided to September 1, 2008 adjusted the auto consumption tax policy. These include: First, a large passenger car emissions to improve the consumption tax rate, displacement of more than 3.0L to 4.0L (including 4.0L) of passenger cars, the tax rate from 15% to 25%, displacement of more than 4.0L passenger cars, the tax rate from 20% to 40%; two low-emission passenger cars is to reduce the consumption tax rate, displacement in the 1.0L (including 1.0L) following passenger cars, the tax rate from 3% to 1 %.
  Comments: The automotive industry is large energy consumption and pollutant emissions, energy conservation is the key. In recent years, a sharp rise in car ownership in China, air pollution is getting worse. Meanwhile, with increasing dependence on foreign oil, energy security has become very prominent relief. Adjusted auto consumption tax policy, big cars to curb the production and consumption, to encourage the production of small cars and consumption will help reduce gasoline and diesel consumption, reduce air pollution, and promoting national energy conservation goals.
  Lower standards of public service vehicles equipped with 8
  Policy Playback: September 11, 2008, the State directly under the Central Government Offices Administration and the Government Offices Administration jointly issued a "central and state organs to further strengthen the fuel-saving work and depth of national energy efficiency action of specific measures to inform "(hereinafter referred to as" Notice "). "Reducing the central and state level budget units, public service vehicles equipped with standard" is this "notice" part of the important content. "General public car exhaust to 1.8L (included), price to be in 16 million less than confidential communications car exhaust to 1.6L (included), the price to $ 120,000 or less."
  Adjustment, the general public's displacement from 2.0L car down to 1.8L, the price dropped to 160,000 yuan from 250,000 yuan, a move to reduce administrative costs in line with national energy-saving emission reduction policies.
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  motor vehicle
  Power plant equipment by the drive itself, with four or more wheels, do not rely on the track and overhead line on land vehicles. This first appeared in China more than vehicles equipped with gasoline engines, so that car. Automotive high-speed, mobile, easy to use, etc., is an important land transport. Primarily for carrying people and goods, passenger, modified, can also be used for lifting, fire, ambulance, sanitation and other operations, use more widely.
  A Brief History of the early 17th century, the Dutch have used sail windmill-driven vehicles. After the emergence of the steam engine, some gradually with the advent of steam-driven vehicles. NJ ranking French officer in 1769 New Zealand made a front-wheel drive three-wheeled steam locomotive, speed of 3.6 km, to drag the guns, and riding 4. Since then, some countries have made the steam engine car. Paris, France, 1790 appeared steam bus. Early 19th century, the British travel between some cities and towns with 12 to 16 seat steam engine passenger cars. (See color pictures of the three steam engines manufactured 1769 cars)
  Austrian Markus S. 1875 made a two-stroke internal combustion engine vehicles with the existing museum in Vienna, in 1950 it was done with a performance, speed of 4.8 km. 1885 German K. Benz made a three-wheeled motor vehicle, equipped with a speed of 250 rev / min of gasoline. 1886 German G. Daimler, the carriage converted into a four-wheeled vehicles with a speed of 900 rev / min drive gasoline. Soon, the French R. Pang Heer and E. Le Wase improve Daimler automobile, installed in front of the chassis to the engine through the clutch, transmission, rear wheel drive with a chain to form the prototype of the modern automobile.
  Classified according to four methods of classification of vehicles generally.
  The overall structure is divided into cycling by car and train. Cycling is a basic form. Used 4 × 2,6 × 4,4 × 4,6 × 6 and other symbols that drive characteristics. First number represents the total number of wheels (twin and still be considered a loaded wheel), the latter number represents the number wheel. If all wheels are driving wheels is known as all-wheel drive vehicle. Train or bicycle towing by tractor trailer or semi-trailer components (see car trains).
  Car by driving into the road conditions, road car and non-road car. The former is based on the requirements of highway and urban road design; which is mine, dirt roads and other areas dedicated road or no road design, road from the car axle load, overall size and other restrictions.
  Car used by the power plant is divided into gasoline vehicles, diesel vehicles. In addition, electric cars, solar cars. The late 1960s, the hybrid car is equipped with two power units of vehicles, one of which must be energy recovery system with energy storage devices. Common composite is powered by internal combustion engines and batteries.
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English Expression
  1. :  Qi Che,  motor car
  2. n.:  draw out,  auto,  wheels for carrying passengers,  car1,  motorcar,  carauto,  motor [steam] traction,  in top (gear),  kick down,  move into high,  go by train [car, air, water],  coupled wheels,  bumper to bumper,  automobile,  draw in,  decelerating glass,  wheel,  car,  hood,  chauffeur,  charter,  cab,  bus
  3. adj.:  convertible
  4. vt.:  valet,  underseal,  shed
French Expression
  1. n.  voiture, auto
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