idiom > distinguished service in war
  Explanation: Khan MA: Mercedes-Benz soldiers riding horses sweat, toil expedition analogy. Refers to the establishment of military exploits on the battlefield. Now refers to the contribution of hard work.
  Usage: Partial official; as object; with compliment, describing military exploits
  Source: Han Fei, "Han Feizi": "abandoning private matter, while the horse will sweat labor, family hardships, of the Front, the poor and carry on."
  Examples: ~ When will I forget the prime minister, banished to live free in Jinan government. (Yuan Wang Shih-fu, "Li Tang Chun" The fourth fold)
No. 2
  That merit. Yuan Anonymous "make Kuai Tong" fourth act: "because a large contribution, do Pingyang 10 000 Hou closure." "Awaken the common saying Cairui Hong insults and revenge": "A recipient of a contribution at the head, can not make it without issue." Wu Han, "the emperor Biography "Chapter 2:" They not only contribution but also with political status. "
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No. 3
  Refers to the credit. Yan Guopei "Bashan on" Chapter 2: "I am under many years of contribution to Huang Jiali, live frugally saved by a few hard-earned money, buy some land expansion also other people's eyes Yeah!" See "Khan horse labor."
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No. 4
  汗马功劳 ( hàn mǎ gōng láo )
  解 释 指在战场上建立战功。现指辛勤工作做出的贡献。
  出 处 《韩非子·五蠹》:“弃私家之事,而必汗马之劳。”
  用 法 偏正式;作宾语;含褒义,形容战功
  示 例 将俺丞相~一旦忘了,贬在济南府闲住。(元·王实甫《丽堂春》第四折)。晋剧《打金枝》第二场:“父王的江山,是他郭家父子南征北战,东荡西杀,十大汗马功劳争来的。”
  近义词 丰功伟绩、劳苦功高
  反义词 一事无成
  典 故
  成语名称 汗马功劳 汉语拼音 hàn mǎ gōng láo 成语释义 汗马:将士骑的马奔驰出汗,比喻征战劳苦。指在战场上建立战功。现指辛勤工作做出的贡献。 成语出处 《韩非子·五蠹》:“弃私家之事,而必汗马之劳。” 使用例句 将俺丞相汗马功劳一旦忘了,贬在济南府闲住。
English Expression
  1. n.:  distinguished service in war
French Expression
  1. n.  exploits accomplis au champ de bataille, actions d'éclat
Does not reward the successful, Peerless The power, brilliant exploits, outstanding service, scholarly honour or official rank in feudal China peerless, Power standard legacy, with toilsome service and with distinctive merits, meritorious works; boundless beneficence, Vertical Bamboo and Silk Company, brilliant light gate and courtyard, Power cap scope of operation
East wind Malta, go in one ear and out the other like the east wind blowing the ear of a horse, unpardonably wicked, look on coldly, wormwood, a great crime (so great as to fill the universe), turn deaf ear to, Heart like a stone, abide in sin, Bad long-Ying Guan, Wuguanhuoying, a lance Nevertheless to stop, Pale and tire, Heinous crimes, towering crimes, go against one&rsquo, No one percent per, Article accomplish nothing, catch, did not know sb. before, have never met before, even death cannot atone for the offense, flagrance, be sinful, Impeccable sin, crime monstrous, be guilty of crimes for which even death can't atone, Consistent offense fill, Kuaxiazhiru, Crotch Po V, See meaning proof, a heart of steel, watch a fire from the safe haven of immunity, be haunted
Containing Phrases
Distinguished service in war Once Lose