(literally) the South and North Dynasties-- after East Jin China was divided into The five dynasties Ten : cameo > Chinese Rise and
  汉高祖刘邦,生于周赧王五十九年(公元前256年),死于高祖十二年(公元前195年),沛郡丰邑人(现在江苏丰县),字季,有的说小名刘季。他在兄弟四人中排行第三。在秦末农民战争中因为被项羽立为汉王,所以在战胜项羽建国时,国号定为 “汉”,因为定都长安,后人为了区别于刘秀建都洛阳的后汉,史书上称为“西汉”或“前汉”。
Liu Bang, Liubang,the first emperor in Han Dynasty, Chinese great-great-grandfather, quaternary, High czar, liuji, genaral term of an emperor who found a state
Containing Phrases
Chinese rise and DachuanHan Gao and Temple Tour
Emperor Gao of Han Ye TempleChinese Rise and Liu Bang
Han Gao and 8Chinese Rise and Jian Shi test
Yong shi ascending Han Gao and 8And Jane Emperor wen contest Chinese rise and Temple Poem
Yong shi ascending Han Gao and 8Tang Changqing (abbreviation for) china - south africa cistern New pavilion Temple side of the monument to the Han Emperor Gao Ting has Homeless In the carry on