brushwork : tongue technics : economics : arts > classifier
·hàn zì·No. 2·No. 3
·History·Principles defined in the Private·The structure of Chinese characters
·Chinese characters and words·The number of Chinese characters·Chinese character coding system
·Strokes of Chinese characters at most·Chinese miracle·Development of Chinese characters
·Chinese fonts·The name of the radical character·Characteristics and charm of Chinese characters
·Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese characters and Chinese characters in the direction of reform·The evolution of Chinese characters and its impact on neighboring countries·Origin of Chinese characters that
·Computer processing·World's three largest Chinese Dictionary·Summary
·English Expression·French Expression·Related Phrases
·Classification details·More results...
hàn zì
  Records of Chinese text. Chinese characters are used from the Oracle, inscriptions, Zhuanwen, official script evolved: in the body gradually changed from the graphic stroke, pictographs into a symbol of the complexity into simple; the Characters and in principle form from the table, the table means to shape sound. A syllable of a word, most of Pictophonetic. Korea, Vietnam, Japan had used Chinese characters over a thousand years
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No. 2
  Record of Chinese symbols. The world's most ancient text, one has 6000 years of history. Existing knowledge of Chinese characters is the earliest Shang Oracle and later inscriptions, the modern Chinese characters from Oracle, Bronze evolved. Gradually in the body into strokes by the graphics, pictograms become a symbol of the complexity into simple; the Characters and in principle form from the table, the table means to shape sound. Apart from very few exceptions, is a character of a syllable.
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No. 3
  Records of Chinese text. Apart from very few exceptions, is a Chinese character represents a syllable.
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  Characters from the ancient legend of Cang Jie defined in the Private to the discovery 100 years ago, Oracle, ancient Chinese scholars have been committed to reveal the mystery of the origin of Chinese characters. On the origin of Chinese characters, the ancient Chinese literature there are various claims, such as "Story", "guitar string", "gossip", "picture", "book contract", etc., are recorded in ancient books also generally defined in the Private Cangjie Emperor historian legend . Modern scholars believe that, as system text tools can not be completely created by one person, Cangjie if a real person, should be written or issued by order.
  The earliest carved symbols dating back 8,000 years
  In recent decades, Chinese archaeologists have issued a series of Oracle earlier than the Yin Ruins in Anyang, and unearthed information about the origin of Chinese characters. These data mainly refers to the history of primitive society has advanced and early stage of social characterization of the pottery or painting the symbol above, also includes a small number of inscribed on bones, jade, stone and other symbols above. We can say that they explain the origin of Chinese characters together to provide a new basis.
  Study through the system, compared to the 19 across China more than 100 archaeological and cultural sites in the pottery unearthed on the carved symbols, Zhengzhou University, doctoral tutor Wang Yunzhi that: China's earliest carved symbols appeared in Henan Wuyang Jiahu , dating back over 8,000 years of history.
  As a professional worker, he tried through scientific means such as the integrated use of archeology, ancient writing configuration, comparative philology, archeology, and high-tech technology and some basic ways to further some of these raw materials to do a comprehensive finishing, so Combing through the text before the parallelism of the Shang Dynasty characters, development of some of the clues.
  However, the situation is not so simple, Zhengzhou Mall in addition to existing sites, small Shuangqiao site (the site more than 10 cases have been found in recent years, the early Shang Dynasty, Zhu Tao book) is Yin Ruins careen materials and text can be directly compared to sequence, the other business before the symbols are scattered, each more missing links, most of the symbols and text configuration incompatible with the Shang Dynasty. There are some local color symbols heavier, the background is complex.
  The most commonly used 500 characters
  , One is in, no, a, a, and, man, that, in large, as, on a, country, and I, to, to, him, when he came with, have, health, to, for, to, in, out, on, points for, into, will be the main, hair, years, moving with the workers, but also, can, under, over, son, said, production, species, surface, and, side, rear, and more, _set_, line, science, law, of, people, too, by the ten, three, of, into, the, etc., department, degree, family, power, force, where For example, water, chemical, high, from the second, reason, the small things, now, really, plus, the amount of both, two, bodies, systems, machines, when to make the point, from, industry, the, go to, sex, good, should be, opened it, together, also, because, by its, some, however, before, the day, political, Thursday and Sunday, then, social, justice, things, flat, shape, phase, full, table, room, kind, and, off, the, weight, new lines, the number is, the heart, anti-you, Ming, see the original, and, what, and interests, than, or, but, quality, gas, first, to, way, life, this change, as amended, only, not, knot, understand, and asked, Italy, built on, the public, no, the Department, the military, very, love, , the most, Li, on behalf of, like, have, through, and, to mention, straight title, the party, Cheng, exhibition, five, fruit, material, such as, staff, leather, bit, into the, often, text, total, times, quality, style, live, _set_, and, pipe, special, parts, length, requirements, old, head, base, capital, edge, flow, road grade, small, map, mountain, systems, access, knowledge, more, the, group, see, namely, do not, her hand, angle, period, roots, theory, transport, agriculture, refers to a few, nine, area, strong, put, never, West, was dry, do, will, war, first, back then, either, to take, according to, department, team, South, to, color, light, gate, namely, security, governance, the North, made a hundred, regulation, heat, collar, seven, the sea, mouth, East, guide, control, pressure, Chi, world, gold, increasing competition, economy, order, oil, thinking, technique, very, pay, subject to, together, even, recognize, six, were, right, income, card, change, clear, has the United States, then, mining, transfer, more, single, wind, cutting, playing, white, education, fast, flowers, band, security, games, body, car, for example, really, services, tools, Wan, every, eyes, to, up, away, the plot, show, meeting, sound, newspapers and fight, finished the class, eight, from, China, were, indeed, only, branches, sheets, letters, Ma, festival, then, rice, whole, empty, Yuan, conditions, today, _set_ temperature, mass, soil, Xu, step group, wide, stone, mind, needs, segment, research, industry, drawing, forest, law, called, and, study and watch, the more, weaving, installation, video, count, low, hold, sound, public, books, cloth, complex, content, children should be, the occasion, business, non, inspection, and even, broken, deep, hard, close, mine, a thousand, weeks, committee, prime, technology, equipment, and a half, do, blue, provincial, columns, learning, sound, about, support, like, history, sense of labor, then, groups, to, acids, calendar, city, g, where, in addition, elimination, structure, government, saying, too, accurate, precise, value, number, rate, race, Victoria, plan, election, mark, write, save, Hou, hair, pro, fast, effective, Sri Lanka, the hospital, investigation, Jiang, type, eyes, king, press box, raising, easy, home, school, layers, films, beginning, but, specifically, like, education, Factory, Beijing, knowledge, fitness, is a round, including, fire, housing, transfer, full, county, Bureau, photos, ginseng, red, thin, lead, listen, the, iron, price, strict.
  Chinese system was officially formed in the Central Plains
  Wang Yunzhi that the Chinese system was officially formed is in the Central Plains region. Independent origin of Chinese characters is a writing system, does not depend on any kind of alien language exists, but its origin is not a single, through a diverse, long-term adjustments, and probably into the summer in the Annals of the occasion, the ancestors in broad absorption, using the experience of the early symbols on the basis of creative invention of language and symbols used to record system, in that era, the Chinese character system mature faster.
  It is learned from written materials unearthed in archaeological excavations, China already has at least Yu Xia period of formal text, such as in recent years, archaeologists have the site in Shanxi Xiangfen Taosi out of a flat clay pots, and found Zhu brush the book "text". These symbols belong to the early writing system in the basic configuration, but unfortunately this text so far unearthed remains scarce.
  Text in the Shang Dynasty the first mature
  Far as we know and have seen the Shang text data, the text has many categories of carriers. In addition to the text was written in the booklet with a brush on the outside, the other primary means of turtle shell carved animal bones, pottery, jade and bronze on the Tao Zhu. Bu Shang Yin Ruins with text data to bones and bronze ritual as the main carrier is by far the earliest discovered in China mature text.
  1. Oracle
  Oracle is the Shang dynasty, the text, only a few people BU historian to use. It is mainly a knife inscribed on animal bones in the shells. Animal bones as hard shells, so a straight strokes off, and few round to. Because Oracle carved carved with a knife, so fine lines and uniform. Oracle is the earliest Chinese characters, with earlier Chinese characteristics: strong picture, the wording is not finalized, sizes, arbitrary.
  2. Bronze
  Jin called Zhongding Wen, prevalent in the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is engraved in bronze on the text. Jin's body and structure is similar to Oracle, because Jin is the word engraved on the mold and then casting, a complicated process, some of the ancients the sake of simplicity, it is easier to write, so it's stroke features are: round to shape, size uniform. Somewhat lower than Oracle pictographic nature, character stereotypes has increased, but there are more variants.
  3. Seal
  "Seal" the word "Dictionary" training for "cit" Duan Yucai Note: "those who cited the book, cited in pen and book in the Bamboo and Silk is also" visible "seal", which contains the "writing" means. Seal large, small seal the points. Seal the Western Zhou Dynasty, when the late King Xuan of Zhou as a text, also known as Zhou Wen, a Warring States period, the engravings on drum and King Xuan of Zhou Qin used literacy textbook, "History of Zhou article" category. Roughly the same physical characteristics and inscriptions, with many of the characteristics of strokes. The Seal is the Qin Dynasty general before Oracle, Jin, Zhou Wen and Spring and Autumn Period prevailed in six countries (Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei) refers to the classical Xiaozhuan First Emperor, "the book with the text", the enacted in the Qin Dynasty unified font by Scott and others _set_ to change after finishing the text font. Because it is the unity of the formal enactment of the font, after sorting, simplifying, so variant forms a significant reduction in, and shaped elongated side, laid a Chinese character "box-shaped" basis. Xiaozhuan strokes more symmetry, the same line thickness, and more round to, symbolic enhanced, drawing means much disappeared. Because Xiaozhuan simplify the Seal is made on the basis of the general is the Seal of said Xiaozhuan simplified.
  Xiaozhuan Calligraphy: Ye nest in the most ancient pine, cactus rain on sound early Qing Jiang Liu thousand feet off shore
  4. Clerical
  Official script produced in the Qin Dynasty, popular in the Han Dynasty. In the Qin Dynasty, the official script in parallel with the small seal, a book scribe copied documents daily convenience fonts. Xiaozhuan difficult to write, can not meet the needs of the Qin Dynasty between documents, is used in more formal occasions. In order to facilitate quick writing, even official script will Xiaozhuan round to square off the lines become straight strokes are caused by the thickness; will Xiaozhuan lengthwise cohesive end into a cross body style flat stretch; now become the official script is no longer pictographic Chinese symbols. Official script of the character font change is huge, so the "scribe change" has become the boundaries of ancient and modern Chinese characters. Xiaozhuan before the ancient Chinese characters. Their common feature is pictographic and strong, poor shape, form words from the lines, there is no form of configuration elements - strokes. After the official script of the Chinese character for this character. This character is characterized by strong symbols, stereotypes and strong words form by the limited range of strokes. Xiao Zhuan Han official script to replace the body to become an official writing, also known as "Han Li" (also known as this scribe). Han Li varied writing style, a kind of square pen-based, such as "Zhang Qian monument"; another in a round pen-based, such as "Cao whole monument."
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Principles defined in the Private
  Six is ​​the character group of the basic principles of the word, there is mentioned in the Zhou in six books, but did not specify the content. To the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xu Shen in the "Dictionary" in detailing the "Six" the fundamentals of the structure of Chinese characters: pictographs, refer to things, knowing, shape the sound, turn injection, under the guise of.
  Pictograms: This method is defined in the Private accordance with the physical characteristics of objects to describe it, the so-called painted its objects, is also with the body's long bend. Such as day, month, mountain, water and other words, the first is to depict the sun, moon, mountains, water patterns, and later evolved into the present shape.
  Refers to the thing: This refers to the performance of the method of abstract things, so-called "thought of being to the means" is also. If the writing in their "on" in their next writing "under."
  Phonogram: This is the text of a specific shape (root) form a unique sound. For example: Hu, also the word for a root, root with different properties can be synthesized as follows: butterfly, butterfly, Lake, gourd, Hu, Hu, etc., but the same pronunciation (and some only the same initials) to express different things. However, phonetic word, but also because of changes in ancient and modern dialects, many of the ancient words of similar sound shape is no longer in today's common phonemes of Mandarin.
  Knowing: The created characters method is to combine the root word, so that spawned a new meaning. Such as "Day" and "month" group together, that is, sun plus moon into a "bright." "Person" and "words" synthetic word "trust", means that people in the past said; confident that the people are to comply with their own words.
  Guise: This method in short, to borrow the word, to express something else. In general, there is a new thing can not be described, to borrow a pronunciation closer to the root or similar properties, to express this new thing. For example: "and" originally refers to the right (first seen in Oracle), but was later under the guise as "is" means. Smell, ears to hear what is intended to mean. For example, "Chapter VII University" in the "eyes and ears, 食而不知其味", but was later under the guise of the verb into a sense of smell (though some people think it is wrong to use).
  Summing up the above six books, the first two, "defined in the Private Law"; in two, "character-Law"; the latter two, "to use the word Act". The six principles, the ancient language scholar summarized the word theory. Which contains Chinese characters constitute a rule, is made of long-term evolution, not anyone original.
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The structure of Chinese characters
  One or more characters from the root to two-dimensional way (European languages ​​is a one-dimensional characters) in a specific space, configured in a box is formed, so there's another name for the Chinese character, from a structural point of view, Chinese characters have the following characteristics:
  There is a single word within the high density of information, to express the same thing, with less than phonetic space to express the same message, so the Chinese characters reading efficiency is very high.
  A character determined by more than four hundred images shaped table as the basic root letters, such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., as the building blocks of the same combination.
  Meaning of an unknown word can be split-from the composition and spatial configuration of root infer the meaning of words. When the time evolution of a new word the way things difficult to express, they can be combined in order to root the principle of synthesis of a new word to use, such as Chinese uranium words, is modern in order to show a newly discovered chemical elements and the new office word .
  Chinese characters composed of the root of the configuration space affect the meaning of words: if the same is the 'heart with the dead, "the fit, so exclusive is the" busy ", up and down the row of" forgot ", arranged in different, leading to different meanings; text right there," qe " parts of the word, which means that the right hand (left hand, said the radical left) holds something for something on the left root (Jin, Oracle archaeological discoveries), if things get on top right hand into a "Fan", has this root, almost all aggressive or use violence to achieve something, such as attack, defeat, knocking, close, casual, political, animal husbandry, Chik and so on.
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  (Chinese calligraphy): "country" strokes of Chinese characters in this word there are different ways to write, that is a different font; different fonts, font of Chinese characters is not the same.
  Regular font (eg, regular script, Arial, official script, Seal, etc.) under the Chinese characters to write a Chinese character, each character occupies the same space. Characters, including single words and body fit word, unique characters can not be separated, such as "text", "medium", etc.; fit words constituted by the combination of basic components, accounting for more than 90% of Chinese characters. Fit the common word combinations are: upper and lower structures, such as "smile", "sharp"; about the structure, such as "word", "Section"; semi-enclosed structure, such as "with", "trend"; all surrounded by structures such as "group", "back"; composite structures, such as "win", "spot", etc. The basic components include the unique Chinese characters, radicals and other components is not a word.
  Chinese constitute the smallest unit of strokes.
  Writing Chinese characters, stroke order of the trend and the emergence of that "strokes" is relatively fixed. Basic rule is that after the first horizontal shaft, the first write after the strokes, from top to bottom, left to right, after the first outside inside, outside after the first period and then sealed, after the middle of the first side. Written in Chinese characters of different strokes may vary.
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  Various dialects of Chinese characters is a common writing system, each character represents a syllable. Putonghua in mainland China today as the standard pronunciation of Mandarin syllables by a consonant, a vowel and tone to determine the actual use more than 1,300 syllables. Because the large number of Chinese characters, which has obvious homophone phenomenon; as well as the same word more than the case of sound, known as multi-tone word. This situation is common in a variety of Chinese.
  Although mainly ideographic characters, but not without phonetic elements, the most common names, followed by a transliteration of foreign words, such as the sofa. In addition, part of the original phonetic words, if a life, "Alas," "ha ha" laugh and so on. Even so, there are still some ideographic composition, especially the domestic place names. And even the foreign place names, there are also some ideographic bottom line, such as "Bush" should not sound to "die."
  As the character itself is not phonetic, since the Han Dynasty to the 20th century in the number of Chinese characters, although the wording changes, but can not see the pronunciation changes. The need for a special study to speculate that they are in ancient Chinese and Middle Chinese pronunciation. Some scholars believe that by the study: before the Han Dynasty, a Chinese character pronounced as two syllables, minor and major syllables syllables, similar to today's Korean, Japanese.
  Chinese characters in Japanese pronunciation of "sound read" and "training time" parts, often a word there are many readings, because introduced to Japan from China in different periods of pronunciation.
  In Korean, the word is roughly a tone, there is no training time.
  Besides Japan, other countries have used Chinese characters using a number of multi-syllable words such as "knots" (nautical miles), "Jialun" (gallons), "KW" (kW) and so on. However, since the official abolition in the mainland has been basically no use, still in use in Taiwan, most people can understand its meaning.
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  The first method is to read if the phonetic method and the direct injection method. If the method is to use read past words to phonetic sounds, Xu Shen Shuo Wen Jie Zi on the use of the phonetic method, such as "Guo, shooting provincial judge also read if accurate." Direct injection method is to use another character to indicate the pronunciation of Chinese characters, such as "women who have capacity to say" in use ", said Zheyue pleasure" to be phonetic.
  These two methods have inherent imperfections, some word or homophone homophone is not too rare, making it difficult to play the role of phonetic, such as "socks sound Wa" and so on.
  Wei and Jin Dynasties developed a tangential method, reportedly is affected by the use of alphabetic writing in Sanskrit. The pronunciation of Chinese characters can be marked by tangential method, that is consonant with the first word and second word vowels and tones merged to phonetic, so that all possible combinations of characters are out of pronunciation. Such as "training, Austin Long Cut," or "practice" is pronounced "Long" consonant with "Austin" the vowels and tones of the spell.
  In modern times, has developed a form of Chinese phonetic symbols, and many Latin phonetic method. Phonetic alphabet is still a part of teaching in Taiwan, while mainland China is currently the most widely used is the Hanyu Pinyin.
  As the main character in its own semantic, phonetic aspects of relatively weak. This feature allows up and down thousands of documents, and will not have to use a phonetic system of the Western world as the same, the wording is too poor to use the word gap, but also led to infer the difficulty of the ancient rhyme. For example, "Pang" from the "Dragon" derived from the sound, but if the former Beijing today read "páng", the latter as "lóng". How to explain such differences, that is the subject of phonology by
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Chinese characters and words
  Morpheme is the smallest unit of ideographic Chinese language, analogous to the English "vocabulary" and "phrase" in general. Constitute the vast majority of Chinese characters can be independent morpheme, such as "I", analogous to the single-letter English words such as "I". Most terms are the vernacular has now been more than two characters from the composition, however, and the English "vocabulary" and "letter" of the relationship between the different morpheme meaning and which often constitutes a morpheme independent of each Chinese character meaning when there is correlation Therefore a considerable extent simplifies the memory.
  Words, including a number of morphemes morphemic and the formation of phrases.
  Characters of high efficiency, reflected in hundreds of basic pictograph, can synthesize a variety of things in heaven and that of thousands of Chinese characters; thousands of commonly used words, and can easily assemble hundreds of thousands of words.
  However, on the other hand, accurate information on this form with hundreds of thousands of words and usage has become a burden. About tens of thousands of common terms in Chinese, with a total vocabulary of about a one million, although the number is a bit daunting, but most of the ideographic characters of word formation, not out of reach to grasp the basic. So far as vocabulary is concerned, the learning curve is not high; In contrast, the number of foreign language vocabulary to master the same intensity will have larger memory.
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The number of Chinese characters
  The number of Chinese characters is not an accurate figure, about nearly one hundred thousand (Beijing Guoan consult the device's source of income of Chinese font characters 91251), daily use of only a few thousand Chinese characters. According to statistics, 1,000 commonly used words to cover about 92% of written information, 98% of 2000 words can cover more than 3,000 words when 99%, Simplified and Traditional statistical results less.
  Historically there have been 80,000 the total number of Chinese characters (there are more than 60,000 terms), most of which variant of the word and rarely used words. Most variants and rarely used words have lost the natural extinction or norms, than generally in addition to classical place names in occasional. In addition, following after the first batch of simplified characters, there are a number of "two simple words," has been repealed, but there is still less popular figures in the community.
  The first statistic is the number of Chinese Han Xu Shen in the "Explanation" carried out, included a total of 9353 words. Later, when Gu Ye Wang Suozhuan Southern's "jade articles," According to records received a total of 16,917 words, on this basis, the revised "big Guangyi will jade articles" is said to have 22,726 words. Since then more is Songchao Guan received word repair "category articles", received word 31319; another Song Zhaoguan repair "_set_ rhyme" in the closing word 53525, word was received most of a book.
  Some dictionaries also received word more, such as the Qing Dynasty "Kangxi" received the word 47035; Japan's "Han and dictionary" received the word 48902, and another appendix 1062; Taiwan's "Chinese Dictionary" received the word 49905 ;, "Dictionary of Chinese Characters" collection word 54678. The 20th century, the number of words have been published up to the "sea of ​​Chinese characters", received word 85000.
  Chinese character encoding standard in the computer, the largest Chinese character encoding is Taiwan's "national standard" CNS11643, the current (4.0) contains a total of available research of simplified, Japanese, Korean, Chinese characters were 76,067 one, but not universal, only in the households political system and a few other environments. Taiwan and Hong Kong civil versatile collection of Traditional Chinese Big-5 13053. GB18030 is the latest in the current People's Republic of code character _set_, GBK included Simplified, Traditional, and Japanese, Korean, Chinese 20,912, and the early 6763 GB2312 contains simplified Chinese characters. And the Unicode CJK Unified Ideographs characters included in the basic character _set_ is 20902, and two expansion area, will amount to up to more than seventy thousand words.
  The Chinese system is less than the initial number of words, many things to pass off the words that make the text of the statement there is a big discrepancy. To improve the clarity of presentation, complex characters experienced a gradual, significant increase in the stage of words. Excessive increase in the number of Chinese characters has led to difficulties in learning Chinese characters, meaning that a single Chinese character can be limited, so there are many single Chinese words in Chinese, meaning that, for example, the common two-word. Currently more towards the development of Chinese writing new words rather than making new characters created.
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Chinese character coding system
  For the exchange of information, the use of Chinese characters have developed a series of regional Chinese character _set_ standard.
  GB code ("GB" is short for China National Standard) used in mainland China. GB2312 contains 6763 characters, GBK contains 20,912 Chinese characters, the latest GB18030 contains 27,533 Chinese characters.
  BIG5 code. Contains 13,053 Chinese characters. In Taiwan and Hong Kong to use a byte or two bytes of code.
  Unicode is not well accepted by the Chinese government. The Chinese government requires that the software sold in China must support GB18030 encoding.
  In the international field of communications technology and software design, CJK encoding a collection of Chinese, Japanese, Korean characters in the _set_.
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Strokes of Chinese characters at most
  Used in Chinese Bian surface biang is the most strokes of Chinese characters, 56 pen, 45 pen variant, Traditional 59 pen.
  biangbiang surface is a surface from Shaanxi, is now also a noodle brand, still use the word, but finding out biang word dictionary writing.
  About biang, a puzzle:
  That fly overhead, and two Yellow River bend, character large openings, the word go inside.
  Left twist, right twist, in the middle to the one made by Lou Lou.
  Left a long, long right in the middle made a horse king.
  Word at the end of the heart, the word next to the month, stay golden hook hanging Matang Road,
  Tuizhao Che child visit Xianyang.
  Modern Chinese strokes of Chinese characters is the most Nang nàng
  Mean stuffy and _set_ clear the word "only" 36 paintings
  In addition, "as ????" and other words, there are 64 paintings, but not commonly used. (Sound zhé, with the "be frightened")
  Strokes up to the words:
  Ray's a very ancient word word symmetry, it can prove that aesthetic taste of their ancestors
  Comments: hear thunder began to write the word, and so finish the next over after all the rain estimates
  Stroke: 128 paintings
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Chinese miracle
  The language used in today's world, the characters and the water is non-alphabetic writing the book. In human history, older than the characters of text are Mesopotamia and Egypt, the holy text Stud book text, but they are already extinct, so now is the most ancient Chinese text. Countries around the world use the text is divided into two categories, namely non-alphabetic writing (Chinese characters) and water book and a phonetic system (other languages). This phenomenon Is not it strange it? Some people say that China's five major characters are invented, these words are not excessive. I would like to say, the Chinese character is a miracle!
  Present text, only characters are the direct creation of our ancestors, Devanagari legend is great god Brahma to create and grant humans, but other characters are borrowed from other nations. Letters used to spell the Sanskrit and the ancient Sanskrit language of many modern Indian and Nepali. Latin, Cyrillic, Arabic alphabet has been called the world's three letter system. English, French, Italian, etc. using the Latin alphabet, we can see is borrowed from the Latin alphabet; Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, using Cyrillic letters, etc. (or Cyrillic), is adapted from the Greek alphabet; Latin alphabet is Greek transformation and formation of letters. Arabic alphabet ancestors - Alabama letters (Aramaic) and Greek letters ancestors - Canaan (Canaanite) alphabet is not directly created by their ancestors, but borrowed a small square Semitic (Semites) text (small side Semitic letters) adapted from. According to the mainland linguist Zhou Youguang research, the earliest human Semitic alphabet is a small square letters. However, this letter is not to create them directly, but borrowed Sumerian (Sume) of the nail head text, made through the transformation. Stud books written originally pictographic shape, and later as writing tools - a stick of additional restrictions evolved into clay tablets look like nail head. Stud text is created by the Sumerians, the Egyptians created holy book the text is, Chinese characters are created by Chinese people, China's ethnic minorities to create the water book, they are not phonetic. Now among the four Chinese characters and left the water book, the other two are dead.
  Another curiosity in the Chinese language is the dialect features of its super-and ultra-language features. Linguists are divided into eight parts of China's dialects dialect. It is said that if there is no Chinese characters, Chinese has long been split into dozens of state. Europe, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian dialect difference between the gap is much smaller than China, but they are not willing to admit their own language is "Romance" in different dialects, because they are independent state.
  In addition, characters can also transcend national boundaries. Historically, Vietnam, Korea and Japan have all recorded their language with Chinese characters. The Japanese still use Chinese characters and kana mixed text. Japanese use Chinese characters, there is another important invention, is to write Chinese characters, read the Japanese words. As long as other countries are willing, they can do. If this is done, characters become the international language symbols, like mathematical symbols, as only ideographic, not phonetic.
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Development of Chinese characters
  1 Oracle
  Oracle Oracle refers primarily to the Yin Ruins, the late Shang Dynasty of China (the first 14 - 11th century) engraved with the royal family and for divination notes (or write) in the shells and animal bones on the text. It is the ancient Chinese text has been found in the earliest times, the system more complete text.
  Oracle is an ancient Chinese text, is considered an early form of modern Chinese characters, sometimes also considered to be characters of the book, is one of China's most ancient extant a mature text. Oracle also known as Qi Wen, Wen shells or animal bones shells text. Oracle is a very important information on ancient Chinese characters. Oracle found in the vast majority of the Yin Ruins. Yin Ruins of Shang dynasty, the famous ruins in Anyang City, Henan Province, northwest Xiaotun, Garden Village, Houjiazhuang other places. There was once capital of the Shang dynasty era of the late central location, so called the Yin Ruins. The ruler of the Shang Dynasty oracle bones are basically a record of divination. Shang rulers are very superstitious, for example, within ten days there will be any disaster, the day will not rain, crops are not a good harvest, war can not win, which should make sacrifices for what the spirits, so that fertility, disease , dreaming, and so things have to be telling, in order to understand the will and spirits good and bad things. Divination is the main material used in the turtle's plastron, carapace and cattle scapula. Typically begin to prepare for divination bones on the back of a number of pits dug or drilled, which pits bones scientist called "drilling." Divination, when heated in the pits on the surface of the bones crack. This crack is called the "trillion." Oracle in the divination of the "Bu", which looks like a trillion. People engaged in divination divinations under a variety of shapes to determine the good and bad. From the Shang Oracle view, the characters were able to complete and has become the Chinese writing system in the. Yin Ruins have been discovered in Oracle, the word has reached there around 4000. Both refer to things which a lot of words, pictograph, knowing the word, there are many phonetic word. We use these words and text, in the shape of a huge difference. But the word from the organization point of view, the two are basically the same.
  Currently there are about 150,000 found in bones, more than 4,500 words. Oracle recorded in these extremely rich, involving many aspects of social life, Shang dynasty, including not only political, military, cultural, social customs, etc., but also involves astronomy, calendar, medicine, science and technology. Oracle has been identified from about 1500 words of view, it has a "figure, knowing, shape the sound, refer to things, transfer note, under the guise of" methods of coinage to show the unique charm of Chinese characters. Shang and early Western Zhou Dynasty China (about 16 ~ 10 century BC) to shells, animal bones as the carrier of the literature. Is the earliest known form of Chinese literature. Engraved on a bone on the text had earlier called Qi Wen, bones Inscriptions, divination, turtle version of the text, the Yin Ruins and text, are known as Oracle. Shang emperors as superstition, everything should be with shells (the turtle plastron is common), or animal bones (scapula is common in cattle) for divination and fortune-telling about the things (such as time of divination, soothsayer, accounting question content, Depending trillion a result, verification, etc.) engraved on the bones, and as archival material preserved by the royal historian (see bones file). Divination Inscriptions addition, the Oracle offer there are a few notes Inscriptions. Oracle was offering content related to astronomy, calendar, weather, geography, Fang, descent, family, character, Officials, conquest, Xing Yu, agriculture, animal husbandry, Hunting, transportation, religion, ritual, sickness, maternity, disaster, etc. is the study of the Shang Dynasty in ancient China, especially social history, culture, language is extremely valuable first-hand information.
  2 Bronze
  Bronze is engraved on a bronze in Yinzhou Qing text, also known as Zhong Dingwen. Is the era of the Shang and Zhou bronzes, bronze ritual vessels, represented by Ding, musical instrument, represented by Bell, "tripods" is synonymous with bronze. So, Zhong Dingwen or inscriptions refers to the casting in bronze or carved in the inscriptions.
  The so-called bronze is an alloy of copper and tin. Xia Dynasty in China had entered the Bronze Age, copper smelting and the manufacture of bronze is very well developed. Because copper is also called weeks ago to gold, so the inscription on the bronze called "Bronze" or "Ji Jinwen word"; and because this type of bronze tripods on the words to most, so in the past has called "Zhong Dingwen . "
  Bronze age applications, from the Shang Dynasty Early on, down to the Qinmie six countries, about 1200 years. Jin's words, according to Rong Geng, "Jin made" records, a total of 3722, which can identify the word with 2420.
  The inscriptions on the bronze, the number of words ranging. The recorded content is also very different. Most of the main content and princes celebrate the achievements of their ancestors, but also record important historical events. Such as the famous Mao Gongding 497 words, notebook covers a very wide, reflecting the social life.
  3 Seal
  The engravings on drum on behalf of this deposit to the Taishi Zhou King Xuan of Zhou, when the book is named. He was in the original text based on the reform, because its name engraved on the Shek Kwu on, since the first stone is popular text for the stone of the ancestors.
  From old age in the Western Zhou Dynasty, Spring and Autumn period, the line in the state of Qin. Qin similar fonts and seal, but the shape of the configuration of multi-overlap.
  4 Xiaozhuan
  Xiaozhuan also called "Qin seal." Li Si, Qin ordered a unified text, this text is Xiao Zhuan. Access to the Qin Dynasty. Body rather long, round neat uniform, made by the Seal Evolution. Han Xu Shen's "Dictionary Syria", said: "The First Emperor Dichu and the world, ... it does not stop those with co-Qin Wen." Reese as "Cangjie chapter" in the car for the government to make Gao, "Love historical articles, "Taishi that no King Hu as" erudite chapter ":" Take all the history of Zhou Seal, or rather provincial reform, were also called Xiao Zhuan. "this deposit (Langyatai stone)," Tarzan Stele "residual stone, that Xiaozhuan masterpiece.
  5 Clerical
  Official script basically evolved from the Seal to the main strokes of the Seal to square off in round, writing faster, with the paint on the wooden slips round to writing is difficult to draw the strokes.
  Official script is also called "Slavery and the word", "Ancient." Seal is based on writing easy to adapt to the need to generate the font. On Xiaozhuan be simplified, uniform round again Xiaozhuan Founder straight lines into strokes, for writing. Points, "Qin scribe" (also known as "ancient scribe") and "Han Li" (also called "this scribe"), official script of the emergence of the ancient text and calligraphy, a major change.
  Official script is solemn character in a common font, writing results slightly wide and flat, horizontal painting long and straight draw short, pay attention to "silkworm head swallowtail", "twists and turns." It originated in the Qin Dynasty, reached its peak in the Eastern Han Dynasty, calligraphy of "Han Li Tang Kai," said. Also there are claims that the official script originated in the Warring States period.
  Seal is the official script in terms of relative, the name comes from the Eastern Han official script. The emergence of official script of Chinese characters is another major reform, the Chinese art of calligraphy into a new realm, is a turning point in the history of the evolution of Chinese characters, laying the basis for regular script. Clerical guitar body flat, neat, sophisticated. To the Eastern Han Dynasty, write, Na and other beautifying stipple stir up, the severity of frustrated and full of change, with calligraphy and artistic beauty. Style is also increasingly diverse, highly artistic appreciation of the value.
  6 regular script
  Regular script, also known as being the book, or real books. Its characteristics are: physical Founder, straight strokes, can be used as a model, hence the name. Began in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Regular script of the famous number, such as "European Community" (Ouyang Xun), "Yu body" (Yu Shinan), "Yan body" (Yen Chen-ching), "Liu body" (Liu public power), "Zhao body" (Zhao Yu attached), etc.
  Initial "regular script", still remains very little scribe pen, end slightly wide-body, long and straight horizontal painting painting short, the Jin in the post handed in, such as Chung Yao's "declaration form" (left), "recommended season straight table, "Wang '" Yue "theory" Huang Ting Jing ", etc., for the representative. View of its characteristics, as Weng Fanggang said: "change the official script of the wave picture, to point pecking pick, still the ancient scribe of the horizontal straight."
  After the Eastern Jin Dynasty, North-South divide, calligraphy is also divided into North and South factions. North to send the book body, with the legacy of Han Li type, strokes unadorned strength is rather strict style rustic side, longer than the book list, which is called Rubbings. South Pine calligraphy, and more sparse put Yan Miao, longer than chido. Northern and Southern Dynasties, because of geographical differences, personal habits, the book style is very different. North strong book, written by Yun Nan, the attained its wonderful, no points up and down, while the package Shichen and Kang, the book is highly respected dynasties, especially the North Weibei body weight. Kahn give ten United States, to emphasize the advantages of Rubbings.
  Tang regular script, and as the rise of the Tang Dynasty national power situation, so-called unprecedented. Mature body of the book, the book giving birth at home, in regular script, the Early Tang Yu Shinan, Ouyang Xun, Chu Sui-liang, the Tang Yen Chen-ching, the late Tang Liu public power, the regular script of the later works are heavy, regarded as a model of learning calligraphy.
  Between the regular script, cursive between a font can be said that the grass of the regular script or cursive Kai-oriented. It is to make up for the regular script and cursive writing is too slow to identify and difficult to produce. Gesture as unlike cursive handwriting, does not require regular script as correct. Kai Fa grass more than the law called "Xing Kai." Kai Fa grass more than the law called "Cursive." Running script is in the Eastern Han Dynasty about produce.
  8 cursive
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Chinese fonts
  At present various types of characters the font can be divided into three types. The first movable type was developed from the Song of Times New Roman, bold (including coarse, fine lines and other body), etc.; The second type is evolved by the calligraphy font, such as italics, italics, Xing Kai, scribe body, Wei body, comfortable body, Yan body, lean body and gold fountain pen writing fonts, etc.; The third category is art font, such as variety, beauty black, amber, water column and so on. Other fonts are more than three types of font variations, such as: the evolution of a large scale by the Roman Song, Song of small scale, to Song, a long Song, in Song, Yao body, etc.; evolved from the big bold black, flat black, bold, etc. body line (including coarse, medium, fine lines and other bodies, and later evolved a thick, accurate, small round body), etc.; by the italics, italics, etc. evolved in the Kai and fine italics, etc.; evolved from the bold and the beauty of black Arial; body evolved from the scribe scribe variants and so on.
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The name of the radical character
  Shape of the character name example
  Ancient ancient word next to Hu, good fortune, mantis
  Bing times two o'clock the water, cold, quasi-
  Only the word next to the only force
  Mi bald Baogai army, writing, crown
  Household word next to the fan room, Kai
  Ten children cross China, Bi,
  Woo said the word next to the ancestors,
  Runs in the word next to the words on, namely, knowledge
  The word next to the Lang Wang Wang, Lin, Shan
  Dao Li knife next to the system, do not, the sword
  Wood word next to the village, Du, very
  Eight character next to the Valley, points, public
  The word next to the truck vehicles, transportation, light
  Prefix for all positions, full, together
  The word next to the leisure day, and dark
  Factory Factory next to the word of the original, press, calendar
  Said to take the first word to take, summer, significantly
  Li-Li word next to the effort,
  Father father father prefix, axes, kettles
  And another word next to the storm,
  Niu Niu words next to pull, especially, material
  Ren single next invasion, who billion
  Fan Man next to the anti-sensitive, so,
  Jie has one ear knife
  Jin Jin the new prefix
  Fu Lu knife ears, Zheng
  Zhao claw prefix love, mining
  Yin Jian Zi side extension
  The word next month belly, ribs, bore the word next to the meat paste
  Bao package prefix Austin
  Hole hole Baogai wear, air, cave
  Si word children participate in private
  Lili word next to the vertical
  Child health contraband three-frame
  Head head next to the word blind, pupil, stare
  Jiong box network with word
  Tada word next to the men, the stomach, tired
  Rui Lu drops
  Stone stone next to the word study, sand, Lei
  彡 three children Tong write
  Vector arrows next to the word short
  忄 vertical heart next to the quiet
  Epileptic patients headache word
  Mian Bao hijab should
  Yi Yi word next to the lining
  Wide wide word next to the bottom
  Guoqi pitched next to the wrong
  Xixi word next to the Dream
  Si four-character head Shu, Luo
  Chuo invited to take the bottom
  RHN word at the end of Bangladesh, cover
  Closure begins next to the word
  Hehe wood next to fall, show, seconds
  Rolling side drag handle
  Vain words next spring
  Tutitupang to
  Bird Bird the word next to the duck
  Soji Lv first drug
  Mimi word next to the tablets, cake, material
  Greatly words caps
  Cc prefix chestnut, to
  Xiao little prefix
  Page next to the word are, Ying
  Next to the word of mouth to sing, blow, spit
  Tongue tongue next to the word chaos, sweet
  Country imports a large mouth box, circle, back to the
  Fou Fou word next to the tank, lack of
  Door frame reading the word, boring, latch
  Ear ear next to the word delay, staff, news,
  Towel towel next to the word division,
  Bugs word next to the pupal
  The word next to Gap Mountain
  Stripe of a tiger tiger prefix into account, true, tiger
  Double left foot next to Xu
  Bamboo Bamboo prefix tube, basket
  Quanfanquanpang pig
  Zhouzhou word next to the boat
  Shi eat food next to the word
  Zhao walk next to the word
  Dead corpse repeatedly prefix
  Full word next to the pitch, squat, jump
  Bow words next to Zhang
  Angle corner next to the word touch, the solution
  Larvae sub-word next to the child
  Body to hide the body next to the word
  Female female character next to the mother
  The word next to the fresh fish, crocodiles, swim bladder
  Dayin twisted wire next to the velvet
  Short-tailed bird next to the word short-tailed bird bird
  The word next to Mama Monkey
  Yuyu prefix dew, frost, zero
  灬 four o'clock at the end of heat
  Age of teeth next to the word
  Square next to the word trip
  The word next to the leather leather boots, whip, Le
  Hand in hand beside the word worship
  The word next to the iliac bone
  For less-less next to the word
  Tone tone words next to Shao, Yun
  Fire destroyed the fire next to the word
  Heart next to the word meaning
  Gogo next to the word I
  Yi Yi word next to the type
  Prefix oxygen gas gas
  Shu Shu word next to the ferret
  Next snore nose nose
  The word next to the pre-spear spear, boast
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Characteristics and charm of Chinese characters
  Chinese is the world's most ancient text, one of which is recorded in Chinese writing symbols. In the body gradually constituted by the graphic into the box from the stroke symbol, so characters generally called the "Chinese character." It consists of hieroglyphs (table-shaped writing) turned into the intended meaning and phonetic sound text, but the overall system is still ideographs. Therefore, the characters have a _set_ of image, sound and meaning of three words in one feature. This feature is unique in the world of the text, so it has a unique charm. Chinese is a treasure of Chinese culture for thousands of years, our life-long mentor, everyone's spiritual home. Chinese characters can often cause us to think of the wonderful and bold, giving the United States pleasure.
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Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese characters and Chinese characters in the direction of reform
  X. Zhang pure "language learning students' order
  Chinese is the world's most widely used text. According to statistics, the number of Chinese using Chinese characters and more than 1.3 billion.
  Chinese is now the oldest still in use text. Can now see and they can recognize and read the first 3,000 years of Chinese Oracle. This is quite mature, quite a system of Chinese characters.
  The world did not have a text like the characters have suffered a lot, panacea. Ancient Egypt 5,000 years ago, the sacred book written word is one of the earliest human. But it later disappeared, there are records of ancient Egyptian culture was deeply buried up. Sumerian cuneiform has 5,000 years of history. But in 330 AD, it also disappeared. Well-known text on the history of the decline of the Mayan culture as well, Bo Luomi text and so on. The characters not only long time to flourish, the text of the world alone chu Lin, also continue to develop, influence is also growing. Why? There are a number of reasons:
  1 pronunciation of Chinese characters is one of the most beautiful words.
  Chinese word one sound, each sound is divided into four tones, so read loud and clear, mildly sweet, rhythmic, musical beauty, is the world's most beautiful language. Poems written in this language, there are loud sharp ears, the beauty of cadence, especially poetry. Chinese poetry stress ze, antithesis, therefore, a poem can be particularly neat, clear rhythm in particular, read the special catchy.
  As the characters voice loud and clear, no light consonants, so the characters in the "man-machine dialogue" in the clear edge. Some people predict that the 21st century is the "Chinese century."
  2 Chinese characters is one of the most beautiful language.
  To what extent is it beautiful? It has become a kind of art - the art of calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy art is any other text can not be compared. The following ancient calligraphy works have become invaluable.
  3 characters well recognized.
  Let's make a test: you see the following two arrangement, which can more quickly know their number?
  ① ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
  ● ● ● ●
  ● ● ● ●
  ● ● ● ●
  ● ● ● ●
  Of course, is the second. Because the human eye vision is always a face, rather than a line. So the former linear array, is not easy to identify; the latter arranged in boxes, at a glance. The former is equivalent to a phonetic system - linear text; which is equivalent to character - the text box. It can be concluded that: there are more characters than the phonetic reading efficiency.
  4 Chinese characters mean well understood (with relevance). ]
  Please compare the following _set_ of words in English:
  Chinese word English word
  Ox ox
  Bull bull
  Cow cow
  Calf calf
  Milk milk
  These six English words, although the meaning and cattle are related, but read out to write was "irrelevant" to recognize that they must be learned one by one, one by one in mind, there is no law at all. The Chinese words, as long as the understanding of a "bull" word, I know all with "bull" with the cattle on a word. Also, because the characters are strong word-building, so understanding a number of Chinese characters, on the understanding of the numerous words, even if new words have also built on the basis of the old word, meaning easy to understand.
  The disadvantage is that in mathematical physics and other science subjects, to express themselves, very weak and cumbersome, such as operations, only with Arabic numerals and symbols.
  In the mechanical aspects of architectural drawing can only use symbols.
  70 years ago, when Mr. Lu said: box character "is the body of a Chinese working class tuberculosis", "is the weapon obscurantism" ("且介亭杂文 / on the new text - Question and Answer"). Therefore, "China does not mean the text, the Latin of the proposal until the emergence of this critical to seize the key to solving the problem," "If we do not want to do sacrifice to the old text, you have to sacrifice the old text." ("且介亭杂文 / Chinese language students").
  The weakness of modern Chinese history, people created their own traditions (including cultural) are not confident, even though Lu Xun, Hu Shi was the generation, are no exception.
  5 Chinese features, intuitive emotion
  Chinese characters are pictographs, its notable features is the shape and meaning of words are closely linked, with the obvious intuitive and expressive.
  Chinese characters are ideographic nature of Chinese characters can become the world's only across time and space the text. Only children in China, 2,500 years ago can still read the "Book of Songs," reciting "off Guanju dove, in the River Island, My Fair Lady, Marty"; only the Chinese materials, able to Tang, Song As a child of the Enlightenment reading material. The three or four hundred years ago, the English, in addition to experts, difficult for others to read. Can be seen, the reader is more conducive to the formation of character "form - meaning" direct link.
  Chinese characters are ideographic nature of Chinese characters to become the world's most informative text units of characters, so easy to identify, benefit association, which also speed up the reading speed to bring great convenience.
  Modern speed reading method, first produced in the United States and Europe and developed, they have a common feature of the text - are phonetic phonetic system, a single letter does not make sense, only a few letters together to constitute the word. This reading, because the blocks in line with the principles of cognitive psychology. So conducive for fast reading. Our language is ideographic and phonetic different. So, Chinese and Chinese characters consisting of reading materials can be quickly read it? The answer of course is very certain: Chinese language and Chinese characters can not only be quickly read, and more suitable for fast reading. Specifically, the following several aspects:
  First, the Chinese ideographic form of easy to see each intended for fast reading provides a natural advantage;
  Secondly, the Chinese text as a morpheme, word-building ability, focus on common words for speed reading facilitated;
  Third, the Chinese text as a fight-shaped, clear differences between the homonym, but also favorable conditions for fast reading;
  Fourth, the Chinese characters written in the form to facilitate the overall knowledge, but also conducive to speed reading;
  Fifth, the Chinese text as a complex brain, fully recognizing and reading the two hemispheres of the brain function;
  Finally, the Chinese grammar of Italian co-features, so concise, easy to realize God proactive, easy to read quickly and intuitively to convey his ideas.
  Chinese characters are the characteristics of the above six areas, will undoubtedly make it more in the psychological aspects of reading alphabetic writing has a considerable advantage, to make Chinese characters written in the perception and understanding of all aspects of high speed and efficiency, to achieve the reading speed understand the speed, memory speed and coordinated development, fast read.
  So according to the advantages and disadvantages, I think the characters will appear branch
  1. The ancient Chinese-based, appropriate to simplify some of the words written, but also due to be simplified to restore some of the traditional bad wording (such as Chinese, Love, East).
  Emerged after the word is phonetic word.
  For expression, especially literature, a strong field. This is the main.
  2 branch is absorbed alphanumeric symbols, in order to facilitate the development of science disciplines, clear and concise expression of the operation, avoiding the characters lack of expression in this regard, of course, these characters can not be considered in the traditional sense, but as a supplement is necessary.
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The evolution of Chinese characters and its impact on neighboring countries
  First, the evolution of Chinese characters
  On the origin of Chinese characters, but had created characters of the legend of Cang Jie put a layer of mystery. After the founding of new China, with a large number of archaeological discovery, the veil is gradually lifted, exposing the truth.
  About six thousand years ago the ruins of Banpo pottery Yangshao sites in the outer wall, there have been carved symbols, a total of up to 50 kinds. They neatly planned, and there is a certain regularity, with simple text features, may be the seeds of our text.
  In about four or five thousand years ago the great and good late Hankou Jin cultural sites and cultural relics of pottery, found more neat graphic depicts the rules, an early graphical text.
  8O 2O century, early in the summer of Dengfeng, Henan cultural relics unearthed pottery, found a more complete text. This is confirmed by scholars so far China has the exact age of the earliest text.
  Shang and Zhou dynasties, the text is a common Oracle. This is a mature and systematic language for future generations laid the foundation for the development of Chinese characters. After the popular bronze inscriptions (inscriptions), although the increase in number of words, but the body is no big change.
  Spring, due relive "the text shaped." Qin unified, in order to consolidate the rule of the Emperor to make the prime minister Li Si, the car that Gao Fu, Tai Shi Wu Jing Hu and other finishing that text, the original word-based develop Qin Xiao Zhuan, as a standard font, use of a general order. Later, Cheng times and by the time a popular font, font sorting out the official script easier, and as a household word spread far and wide across the country.
  Wei, Zhong Yao founded true book (regular script). Thus the evolution of giants character perfect. Not only that, but also from the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Chinese writing has become a specialized art is calligraphy.
  Second, the Chinese impact on neighboring countries
  1. Chinese influence on Japanese text
  Although the Japanese nation, with its ancient culture, but the family created the text is quite late. Over the years, its people are Chinese characters as their dissemination of ideas, emotional expression vector, called the Chinese character for "real name." The early fifth century, the Japanese appear to be referred to as "pseudonym" of the borrowed Chinese characters, phonetic text. Eighth century to mark the Japanese characters have more fixed voice usage, marked "Manyoshu" and scheduled, it said, "Manyo pseudonym." Is a purely Japanese phonetic text-based.
  Japan created the final text is prepared by the Kibi true and Kobo Daishi (Kukai) to complete. Two of them had a history of long-term stay in China Tang, the Chinese have a deep research. According to the former radical cause phonetic Japanese characters in italics, "Katakana", which uses Chinese characters in Japanese leather body to create "Hiragana." Despite starting from the tenth century, written in Japanese popular pseudonym, but the use of Chinese characters, but, have not been abolished. Today, occupy an important position in the world of Japanese text still retains more than 1000 Simplified Chinese characters.
  2. The impact of Hangul characters
  Hangul called Hangul. Its creation and application of ancient Korean culture is an important achievement. In fact, the same applies medieval Japan, North Korea is not your own text, but the use of Chinese characters. After Silla unified slightly changed, when people Xue Cong had to create a "minor official time", that the particle with the Chinese and Korean, said auxiliary, auxiliary reading Chinese language books. Text of the final result of different words, can not be universal. Early Yi Dynasty, King Sejong palace located in the Bureau of Hangul, so Zheng Trench, ask other people to develop into three Hangul. Them according to Chinese phonology, study Korean voice, to create a 11 vowels and 17 sub-letters of the alphabet, and in the year 1443 "Hunminjeongeum", published use. Since then North Korea has its own text.
  3. Chinese characters written on the impact of Vietnam
  Tenth century Vietnam was China's counties. Qin, Han, Sui, Tangmo this _set_ting is not the official governance, it is heavily influenced by Chinese culture. Vietnam's independence, whether it is upper class exchanges, or school education and the creation of literary works, are characters as a tool. Until the thirteenth century, the Vietnamese have their own language - words furans. Nan is a Chinese character-based, with shaped sound, under the guise of, knowing the expression of other methods to create a new character voice in Vietnam. Fifteenth century, the word furans pass the country, completely replaced the Chinese characters.
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Origin of Chinese characters that
  Humans have language, you can accumulate knowledge, the formation of culture. With text, you can record the language, the exchange of information. Language to distinguish between humans and animals, the text of the original phase of human society and civilization stages separate. Breaking the language in the text more time and space constraints, the language sent to the remote, and expand the communicative function of language.
  Oracle is the oldest Chinese characters generated in the Shang dynasty, dating back about three thousand four hundred years of history. It has been a more rigorous system of text. Xiaotun the Yin Ruins culture, only from its well-developed smelting technology and bronzes, pottery, jade art of decoration on the look, we can determine it is a highly developed civilization, we can speculate, Oracle of the times, I am afraid not The Chinese nation will be in the intersection by the ignorance to civilization.
  Many say the origin of Chinese characters, ancient scholars express their views, including
  1, characters from the tie knots. That the text is in ancient times created, inspired by Jieshengjishi made.
  2, the characters began gossip. That the images of the text produced in Yigua, such as Qian for the day, Kun for the land, Kangua for water from the diagram for the fire and so on.
  3, CJ, as turtle to make the book. Cangjie that turtle inspiration created by the text.
  4, characters, drawings homology. That painting different name and with the body, produced early in the text, the book also portraits, the book also.
  5, characters from the picture. That they are not homologous, pictures first, text in the post, the text is based on the picture generated.
  6, characters from the ancestors of the social practice. That the text of a direct method derived from the original notes.
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Computer processing
  Main article: Chinese information processing
  As the typewriter keyboard itself is not considered in the design problem of Chinese character input, the input of Chinese characters more often than the input phonetic difficulties. Chinese characters without the popularity of typewriters, computers directly into the Chinese information processing stage. In the early invention of the computer characters could have caused the problem to adapt to the computer age, supporting characters or even the Latin of the scholars as a justification.
  With the emergence of various Chinese input methods, Chinese character computer input, storage, output technology has been basically solved, greatly increased the Chinese writing, publishing, information retrieval efficiency. Currently there are thousands of Chinese input method many, including phonetic input and two table-shaped type, there are both, of the. Character of the voice input, handwriting recognition and optical character recognition (OCR) technology has been widely used.
  Contains thousands of words, such as GB 2312 (Chinese mainland), Big5 and CNS 11643 (Taiwan), HKSCS (Hong Kong), JIS (Japan), and included twenty thousand words GBK (China), international standard Unicode, ISO 10646 and so on. In this process, because technology and other factors, in the collection of words, and include fonts, etc., or do different levels of adjustment.
  To address the postal authorities in mainland China, and other areas of household sorting the urgent need of words, in 2000 introduced a new character encoding of the national standard "Chinese coded character _set_ - the basic _set_ of expansion" GB 18030-2000, received a total of 27484 Chinese characters one. And force all computers sold in mainland China must use the new official product standards.
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World's three largest Chinese Dictionary
汉字 世界上三大汉语词典
  The world are the three major Chinese Dictionary Chinese mainland's "Dictionary" (a total of 13, 56,000 entries, 370,000 words), China Taiwan's "Chinese Dictionary" (a total of 10, 50,000 entries, 40 million words), and Japan's "Han and the Dictionary" (a total of 13, 49,000 entries, 400,000 words). The "Han Chinese Dictionary" contains 60,000 entries, 500,000 vocabulary, and vocabulary terms in the entries are more than three Chinese characters related to the dictionary. Chinese characters are written records, it has been six thousand years of history, it is the world's most populous language use, is the world's oldest writing one.
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汉字 总结
  Character of our common language, of human wisdom, hope that we can better understand the use of it!
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English Expression
  1. :  Hanzi,  kanji,  Chinese ideograph
  2. n.:  classifier,  Chinese characters
French Expression
  1. n.  caractère chinois
Related Phrases
literaltongueliteraturecomparative philology
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historical figuresphysical chemistryXia DynastyChinese history
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Chemical industry big dictionarymagnet fieldphysicsvocabulary
wordChineseChinese dicttraditional Chinese medicine
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Classification details