idiom > die with nothing to regret
Regret the death of
  Explanation: Regret is not dead. Described as adamant.
  Source: "VII," The Master said, 'violence Tiger Von River, who died without regret, I do not and are. '"
sǐ ér wú huǐ
  Lived and will resign. Also as "death without regret"
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No. 3
  词目 死而无悔
  发音 sǐ ér wú huǐ
  释义 就是死了也不懊悔。形容态度坚决。
  出处 《论语·述而》:“子曰:‘暴虎冯河,死而无悔者,吾不与也。’”
  事例 蕴利生孽,~者,葛若猩猩含血乎? ★唐·裴炎《猩猩铭》序
  故事 春秋时期,孔子外出讲学,子路佩剑前往保护孔子,子路说自己像箭不用读书,孔子说读书可以让他有勇有谋。子路问孔子统率三军时愿意与谁共事,孔子说不愿与那些空手打虎及徒步过河的有勇无谋的人共事,与有勇有谋的人共事死而无悔
English Expression
  1. n.:  die with nothing to regret
Containing Phrases
Die with nothing to regret person