Standard style of things. "Wei Shuyuan child Christine Biography": "Therefore Book of Order, any city WANG Chen Cheng had made by it Sagong Chen Chong Ming Tang-like, and even the table Chao A, 2 Jing mode, seeking business from playing." Songzhang Bang-based "Mexican Village Man recorded" Juan Ba: "Mr. Wen Yi years on, would like to see the strokes that model." Qing Xue Fu-cheng, "with emphasis on behalf of Bo-Bin testament Figure xiao order": "Jun Wang, Jun-Biao Zhang summer before the philosophy that people who model state can be described as to handling the post carry on. "
n.: Mode, model, pattern, design, system used as a basis for a copy, way in which sth happens, moves, develops or is arranged, method
system, general order or system that forms the background to sth ( Crossed swords with Mercy, So because "upon receipt of this..." (a platitude in Chinese documentary writing), gobbledygook, routine, And gave himself for the public, in the clouds, to imitate others or to follow the beaten path without questioning, be a mere scrap of paper, Without fear or favour Who is, kite, milk run, follow the example _set_ by the superior; the inferiors imitate the superiors, Without self-interest, utter devotion to others, Zouyingqizi, Fang Yu Fang water, type, system