Chinese name: wedge-tailed Green Pigeon Chinese Title: dove-shaped head Chinese Family Name: Dove Pigeon Section Chinese Genus: Green Pigeon is Synonym: vinago sphenura vigors, 1832 (1831), Latin Title: columbiformes Latin Family Name: columbidae Latin genus name: treron Latin species name: sphenura Species names of people and years: (vigors, 1832) English common name: wedge-tailed green pigeon
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Medium-sized birds, body length of 28-33 cm, weight 160-260 grams. Male head, the neck bright yellow-green, decorated with orange-brown head, back, shoulders is gray, slightly stained chestnut red, lower back to tail coverts dark green to olive green. Green dove tail with the other classes are also significantly different, was wedge-shaped, long, central tail feathers of olive green, the outer tail feathers gray-green to gray to black, the outermost two pairs of tail feathers on the second side with a wide black spots and narrow shape narrow gray-side spot. Purple wings on a large maroon spots. Lower body of the chin, the throat is bright yellow-green, the chest is orange yellow, slightly stained green, orange and pink feather-based dip, the rest of the lower body are light olive. Side of the body, under tail coverts and legs covered with feathers of green black and yellow feathers or feather edge side. Under tail coverts very long, wide, yellow or brown feather edge, long tail coverts almost reached the end of the next. The upper part of the female than male dark green, maroon and replaced without dark green, light yellow-green head and chest, but not for the orange, the rest is similar with the male. The inner ring of blue iris, the outer ring is red, bare skin of the eye's light blue. Mouth of the base of light blue, gray stained orange tip, feet red.
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Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon in foreign countries located in the Himalayan region, and Myanmar, northeastern India, Kashmir, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia and other places; in China located in Hubei, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Tibet.
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Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon is resident birds, the main habitat in the altitude of 3,000 meters below the mountain broad-leaved forest or mixed forest. Often single, in pairs or in small groups. Especially in the morning and evening events more frequent, mainly in the canopy and feeding activities. Sounds very melodious, rich Xiao Di phonology. Mainly fruit trees and other plants and seeds for food. Feeding mainly on trees and bushes between. Often seize small overhanging branches feeding wild fruit. Sounds: whistle koo deep into the throat sound strange.
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楔尾绿鸠 繁殖
Breeding period of 4-7 months. Male courtship behavior nod, chest, Zhang wings, tail and around the female show jumping at the same time issued a "cooing" sounds, and from time to time to pretend like pecking on the ground, the female is In the same call to action and response. Nests in tall trees in the forest. Nest was flat discoid, very simple, only a small amount of litter heap from. 2 eggs per litter, egg color is white. Incubation period is 13-14 days. Nestling into the nature of late, after 12 days of rearing the birds leave the nest immediately after.
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National protection: two Age of entry into force: 1989