Buddhist glossary : science-fiction novel > Pure Sound
《Pure Sound》
Poet: Zheng Chouyu

  Three thousand years of wandering
  Eventually goes off to fulfill the peak in the West
  The door has that sound scattered over her Shouhuan
  Who returned the first-order
  Who alms along the back of each star
  Is heard a male voice chamber Canggu
  Dingling in the lead sounded exhausted
  Anyway, have also entered the gate and later a
  And read some of crossing a number of drinks some pecking
  Reflection and re-Fan Shen
  Seven of the world six times that
  (Ah three hundred forty wonderful word Tuo Luo)
  Late the first day of class to start in Nianxiang
  Wooden fish swim with the tongue at the end of the Lotus
  My soul
  Be neither too familiar nor too distant
梵音 梵呗
  Chanting. Southern Liang Dignitary "Monks by the division of": "chanting is called the transfer, the number song praise Pure Sound." Song of the question, "Temple of Bong and Kozo will be" system: "Welcome Pure Sound thorough leak, air Music Forest cloud is lifting. "Ming Jingming" then to the Temple "Poem:" Gold as the habitat of ancient wall, a flower Palace Pure Sound. "Qing Yuan in order" note donate Sai Lau Ji ":" listen to the pines chanting even to Xiao Temple, to see thousands of pieces of paper to write his sparse. "Li Han Autumn" Guang Ling Chao, "the sixth or seven times:" side of life for the ladies young monk points Qi candles, please Buddha. instant cymbals Ding Dong, sing Pure Sound. "
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King of the Buddhism that Brahman voice out
  King of the Buddhist Brahman out that voice. Also refers to the Buddha, Bodhisattva chorus. "Fa Yuan Zhu Lin," volume IV 9: "what is five: one by its sound integrity, both the voice and elegant, its tone Qingche three, four and depth of their sound is full, five-person all-around well heard. With the five persons , is the name of Pure Sound. "" Tripitaka Act number on "Volume 2:" Pure Sound, that is, by the voice of King Brahman, while five of the sound is also clean. "
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Utah Sanskrit
  Utah Sanskrit. Also refers to the language of India. Tang Huangtao "Soul Mountain in North Vaisravana plastic monument": "Cardiff Bishamon, chanting Tang also made much news." Five Sarkozy had "donated Recite the" Lotus Sutra> Monk "Poetry:" more worthy of recitation into Dharani Tang sound when mixed with Pure Sound. "Yamashina fierce" voice Yun Zhenze long ":" Chinese Music of Reading, will be a reading of one tone; Pure Sound on the satirical, although a sound, and a voice among their own circumflex compete with. "Guo" Arts of China sets too, I see Al Gore ":" I have not personally listen to his chanting things but I've seen in print that he "brought from India's mission". "
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No. 5
  (二)为梵呗之一种。 (参阅‘四个法要’1827)
  丁福保佛学大词典 对“梵音”解释如下:
  【梵音】 (术语)大梵天王所出之音声有五种清净之音,佛之音声亦如是,故三十二相中有梵音相。法华经序品曰:‘梵音微妙,令人乐闻。’法华文句曰:‘佛报得清净音声最妙,号为梵音。’华严经曰:‘演出清净微妙梵音,宣畅最上无上正法。闻者欢喜,得净妙道。’长阿含五阇尼沙经曰:‘时梵童子告忉利天曰:其有音声五种清净,乃名梵声。何等五?一者其音正直。二者其音和雅。三者其音清彻。四者其音深满。五者其音遍周远闻。具此五者,乃名梵音。’三藏法数三十二曰:‘梵音者,即大梵天王所出之声,而有五种清净之音也。’[囗@又](仪式)音韵屈曲升降,歌颂佛,讽咏法者,云梵音。又曰梵呗,呗匿。以闻者得净信,而佛听之,在世中铃声比丘,呗声第一。见呗比丘条。魏陈思王曹子建,游鱼山,闻岩谷水声,写之,制梵呗之谱。是为东土梵呗之始。[囗@又]单称读经之声为梵音
  陈义孝佛学常见辞汇 对“梵音”解释如下:
  【梵音】 1.指佛的声音,佛的声音有五种清净相,即正直、和雅、清彻、清满、周遍远闻,为佛三十二相之一。2.指读经的声音。
  【梵音】  1、指佛的声音,佛的声音有五种清净的相,即正直、和雅、清澈、清满、周遍远闻,为佛三十二相之一。
  【梵音】 (术语)大梵天王所出之音声有五种清净之音,佛之音声亦如是,故三十二相中有梵音相。法华经序品曰:“梵音微妙,令人乐闻。”法华文句曰:“佛报得清净音声最妙,号为梵音。”华严经曰:“演出清净微妙梵音,宣畅最上无上正法。闻者欢喜,得净妙道。”长阿含五阇尼沙经曰:“时梵童子告忉利天曰:其有音声五种清净,乃名梵声。何等五?一者其音正直。二者其音和雅。三者其音清彻。四者其音深满。五者其音遍周远闻。具此五者,乃名梵音。”三藏法数三十二曰:“梵音者,即大梵天王所出之声,而有五种清净之音也。”【又】(仪式)音韵屈曲升降,歌颂佛,讽咏法者,云梵音。又曰梵呗,呗匿。以闻者得净信,而佛听之,在世中铃声比丘,呗声第一。(参见:呗比丘)。魏陈思王曹子建,游鱼山,闻岩谷水声,写之,制梵呗之谱。是为东土梵呗之始。【又】单称读经之声为梵音
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