Health > Infarct nature amentia
No. 1
  Vascular dementia is dementia caused by cerebral vascular damage in general. And multi-infarct dementia is vascular dementia, a special performance, multi-infarct by the recurrent brain tissue caused by cumulative damage to the individual case may rise to 1 attack.
  Multi-infarct dementia common in the elderly, is a common cause of senile dementia. The reported incidence varies. Japan reported 60%, 24.6% reported in China 68.6%, indicating that the disease is not uncommon.
  Multi-infarct dementia may have different degrees of brain atrophy. Most of brain atrophy also in the clinical dementia as the main performance, it is that multi-infarct dementia is the result of a combination of factors.
  Multi-infarct dementia is currently no uniform diagnostic criteria, the following can be used as diagnostic reference.
  (1), a history of stroke on_set_.
  (2), ct scan or MRI, showing multiple infarct.
  (3), more than middle-aged disease, hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, diabetes and other risk factors.
  (4), patients have varying degrees of recent memory loss, facial expressions indifferent, unresponsive, calculation difficulties, disorientation, strong cry strong laugh, pseudobulbar palsy, motor and sensory disorders, such as the pathological symptoms of central nervous system damage and signs.
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Multiple Infarct nature amentia