Garden flowers : Chinese herbal medicine : tracheophyte > plum flowers and grass
No. 1
  【拉丁名】parnassis palustris l.
  【来源】虎耳科梅花草属植物梅花草parnassia palustris l.的全草。秋季采集全草,晒干。
  【用法用量】 1~3钱。
  采收加工 夏季开花时采收,阴干。
  药材性状 全草长10~50cm。根茎呈球形,黄棕色,生多数须根。基生叶具长柄,长2~7cm或更长;叶片皱缩或卷折,展平后为卵圆形或心形,绿色或褐绿色;茎生叶1枚,无柄而抱茎。共单一,淡黄色,形似梅花。气微,味微苦。以叶色绿、带花者为佳。
  性味和功用 苦、凉。清热凉血,消肿解毒。用于黄疸型肝炎,脉管炎,疮痈肿毒。常用量5~10g。
  功用: 清热凉血,消肿解毒。用于黄疸型肝炎,脉管炎,疮痈肿毒。常用量5~10g。
  性味: 苦、凉 。
No. 2
Containing Phrases
ParnassiaceaePlum Cottage
Plum flowers and grass genuscloud plum flowers and grass
Plum cottage collectionFine fork plum flowers and grass
Gongshan plum flowers and grassPuncheon plum flowers and grass
Suddenly separated plum flowers and grassammophilous plum flowers and grass
Longsheng plum flowers and grassDuozhi plum flowers and grass
Houye plum flowers and grassagnail plum flowers and grass
Zhaiban plum flowers and grassAiyun plum flowers and grass
Sanmai plum flowers and grassZhilie plum flowers and grass
Xinjiang plum flowers and grassLuhua plum flowers and grass
checking plum flowers and grassBeautiful River plum flowers and grass
Aoban plum flowers and grassQinghai plum flowers and grass
Xingan plum flowers and grassalp plum flowers and grass
Kangting plum flowers and grassinterior leaf plum flowers and grass
tibet plum flowers and grassDeqin plum flowers and grass
Simao plum flowers and grassdavid plum flowers and grass
Kuanye plum flowers and grassDaye plum flowers and grass
Shuangye plum flowers and grassNanchuan plum flowers and grass
Yiliang plum flowers and grassGansu plum flowers and grass
Guilin (city) plum flowers and grassclavacin plum flowers and grass
Chengkou plum flowers and grassJinding plum flowers and grass
Xuyong plum flowers and grassChangzhao plum flowers and grass
Dege plum flowers and grassGuiyang plum flowers and grass
snow plum flowers and grassxanthic flowers plum flowers and grass
Duanban plum flowers and grassdwarfishness plum flowers and grass
Changban plum flowers and grassYanyuan plum flowers and grass
Yunnan plum flowers and grassBaoxing plum flowers and grass
Longchang plum flowers and grassMt. Emei (a Buddhist resort in Sichuan) plum flowers and grass
Cangbei plum flowers and grassSichuan plum flowers and grass
Jixin plum flowers and grassYushi plum flowers and grass
China plum flowers and grassWuban plum flowers and grass
crumpet plum flowers and grassPizhenban plum flowers and grass
class Sanmai plum flowers and grassapproximately Aoban plum flowers and grass
Oval in shape valvula plum flowers and grassappear Changban plum flowers and grass
Yulong Mountain plum flowers and grassCangbei plum flowers and grass
tibet plum flowers and grassDaoluanye plum flowers and grass
Daoluanban plum flowers and grassPlum flowers and grass leaf saxifrage
Ruijian Aoban plum flowers and grassPlum flowers and grass Ancangqimu
The luster Plum flowers and grass JijianChangbing Yunnan plum flowers and grass
Plum cottage collection LanzhiweiPlum flowers and grass Ancangqimu Coil Qingdingyanchenzhuan