aesthetic eloquence > Languor Chuo state
Chuo state tenderness
  Explanation: Soft modal.
No. 2
  Gentle modality. San Guowei Cao "Lo River": "The form also, if caught a fly fast, if the valley of death ... ... Gui Wan unbridled gorgeous, apparatus, static body busy, tenderness spacious state-mei, language." Also as "tenderness Mei Tai." Qing Li Xinheng "Suo Ji Chen Jinchuan Health": "﹝ ﹞ Mr Chan saw a woman only and the hairpin, Almost Heaven also ... ... then suffering Xinjinin and, after faint confused, by suddenly recalling tenderness Mei Tai, you burst laughing; it Recalling duckweed off stems, where the search, then sip to weep. "
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No. 3
  róu qíng chuò tài
  柔美的情态。 三国 魏 曹植 《洛神赋》:“其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙……瓌恣艳逸,仪静体闲,柔情绰态,媚於语言。”亦作“ 柔情媚态 ”。 清 李心衡 《金川琐记·陈生》:“﹝ 陈生 ﹞见一女子,年仅及笄,殆天人也……遂患心疾,辗转昏愦中,忽忆柔情媚态,则哑然笑;又忆浮萍断梗,何处追寻,则啜以泣。”