vegetation > Citrus medica tree
No. 1
  Sankoh Citrus trees are one of the species, scientific name broussonetia papyrifera (l.) vent., Perennial deciduous tree. The ancient name of Chu, also known as the Valley pulp tree bark for paper materials. Citrus trees distributed in China Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pearl River region; also found in Vietnam, Japan, Korea and other countries; eastern Europe and the Americas have a small amount of cultivation.
  Cortical fibers longer Citrus trees and soft, hygroscopic, is manufactured in China Mulberry Paper Prized far in Sui on mass production applications. If the child says mulberry fruit, and root can be used as medicine, have kidney diuretic, strong bones effect. Leaves can be pigs. Citrus trees resistant to sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and chlorine and other suitable gas pollution in mining areas for greening tree planting.
  Citrus tree stems erect, 6-16m, containing milky sap. Cicada gray bark, smooth, thick branches and spreading. Leaves alternate, handle length, blade broadly ovate or deeply lobed leaves 3-5 lobed, margin coarsely toothed, dark green surface, and is coarse; dorsal gray-green, densely pubescent. Dioecious, male as catkins, was born newborn shoots leaf axils; female flowers of capitulum. Fruit fleshy spherical, long-handled, red when ripe.
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Science knowledge
  Citrus tree (paper mulberry) Sankoh Citrus trees are one of the species, scientific name Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent., Perennial deciduous tree. The ancient name of Chu, also known as the Valley pulp tree bark for paper materials. Citrus trees distributed in China Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pearl River region; also found in Vietnam, Japan, Korea and other countries; eastern Europe and the Americas have a small amount of cultivation. Cortical fibers longer Citrus trees and soft, hygroscopic, is manufactured in China Mulberry Paper Prized far in Sui on mass production applications. If the child says mulberry fruit, and root can be used as medicine, have kidney diuretic, strong bones effect. Leaves can be pigs. Citrus trees resistant to sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and chlorine and other suitable gas pollution in mining areas for greening tree planting. Citrus tree stems erect, 6-16m, containing milky sap. Cicada gray bark, smooth, thick branches and spreading. Leaves alternate, handle length, blade broadly ovate or deeply lobed leaves 3-5 lobed, margin coarsely toothed, dark green surface, and is coarse; dorsal gray-green, densely pubescent. Dioecious, male as catkins, was born newborn shoots leaf axils; female flowers of capitulum. Fruit fleshy spherical, long-handled, red when ripe. Citrus trees adaptability, hi light, drought resistance, barren, fast-growing, often wild distribution, sometimes planted in a nearby village, wasteland or ditch. Propagation by seed or plug.
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