geology : medicine : Petroleum natural gas : metallurgy : printing > barring
tiáo hén
  The strip of skin marks, especially by lashes of
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No. 2
  Minerals in unglazed white magnetic board across the traces left behind. The color can be used to identify minerals
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No. 3
  Minerals in the unglazed white porcelain plate on a clean program traces left by the powder. Streak color can be eliminated or reduced due to impurity or physical optics because the color of minerals caused by the distortion of the relative mineral block color is more fixed, commonly used in the identification of minerals. 【】 Mineral streak in unglazed white porcelain plate on a clean program traces left by the powder. Streak color can be eliminated or reduced due to impurity or physical optics because the color of minerals caused by the distortion of the relative mineral block color is more fixed, commonly used in the identification of minerals.
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No. 4
  条痕 (streaks), 出现在网纹平面上与滚筒轴向平行的条状印痕,属胶印印品故障。
English Expression
  1. n.:  barring,  cord,  streak,  stria,  striation,  tramlines,  wale,  wheal,  whelk,  weal