Explanation: Preparations to establish close Chanfu. Days, no rain, first doors and windows fastened. Metaphor to make proper preparations. Usage: Complex type; as the predicate attribute; described prepared Source: "Book Bin Feng owl number" Till the dawn of days without rain, Che Bisang soil, Credit Shield lattice window households. " Examples: That is not my thing to teach learning and care about your own ~ the. ★ Qing Anonymous "bureaucratic reform in mind," the fourth round
No. 2
In the rain before the tabernacle fastened. That do well in advance to prevent, prepare plan ahead, not be overlooked.
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wèi yǔ chóu móu
It was not yet raining, first housing doors and windows repaired. Analogy to prepare in advance or prevention
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No. 4
Language of the "Poetry Bin Feng owl": "the cause of days without rain, Che Bisang soil, preparations to establish family-you." While the original that was not yet raining, put the nest firmly wrapped bundle. After the "rainy day" prior Yu prevent, prepare for work. Ming Gao's "strictly apply the Constitution obliges counties about diversion": "when the world many things, both real as a precautionary measure, can not be ignored also." "History of the Ming Fu Zhaoyou Biography": "Fengyang, Changping Chung Ling land, ren has no rainy day, the two fall, mausoleum shocked. "Qing Xue Fu-cheng," Ying Zhao Yan Chen Shu ":" Gou non-rainy day, then hastily must be difficult to raise. "Liao" To Chiang Ching-kuo Mr. Letter ":" days not home, to Japan is short, dark and dreary, out of time. hope to choose a good brother, rainy day. "
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未雨绸缪 ( wèi yǔ chóu móu )
英 文 prepare for a rainy day
解 释 绸缪:紧密缠缚.趁着天没下雨,先把门窗绑牢.比喻事先做准备.(缪注意不能念错)
出 处 《诗经·豳风·鸱鸮》:“迨天之未阴雨,彻彼桑土,绸缪牖户。” 清代朱用纯《治家格言》:“宜未雨而绸缪,毋临渴而掘井。”
示 例 那是不关我教习的事,在乎你们自己~的。 ★清·无名氏《官场维新记》第四回
用 法 复杂式;作谓语、定语;形容事先准备
近义词 有备无患、防患未然
反义词 临渴掘井
英 文 Have not the cloak to make when it begins to rain. <repair the house before it rains>
故 事 周武王率军灭了商朝后,把有功之臣分封到各地去做诸侯,留下周公在朝辅政。武王死,年幼的成王在周公的扶持下管理朝政。有人散布谣言说周公要废成王,周公表示要像鸟儿那样未雨绸缪,整顿朝政,肃清叛乱,然后自己退隐。
: Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home.
n.: make providence, save [lay up] against a rainy day, repair the house before it rains, don't have thy cloak to make when it begins to rain
be ever prepared, Store is no sore., like a dog threatening other people on the strength of its master’ s power, prevent, throw one's weight about, Rainy day, (of parents) to bring up cihldren for the purpose of being looked after in old age, Device 2 is not deficient, The idea that day, used for one day, Support troops for a thousand days in the moment, count on one's cards, in case (of) contingency, prepared for any eventuality, peradventure, because of the possibility of sth happening, casualness, economise, for caution's sake
before battle begins hone, Before battle begins Polish, not dig a well until one thirsty— — not make timely preparations, dig a well when thirsty, help a joint cause Wish watch, Surprise, do stb.when people are off guard, Ji lei Less Their ears, sudden; as sudden as lightening; sudden peal of thunder leaves no time for covering ears, unaware? unprepared, repair a leak in mid-stream, Patients to call heaven, Regret of the Mo and, take sb. unawares, The enemy is unprepared