n.: hold good, in effect, effectiveness, valid, be good for, hold true, speak well for, availability, be in force, with effect, be of avail, in force/effect, trenchancy, efficacious, effective
v.: validate, hold, have or produce an effect, be in action
French Expression
adj. efficace, valide
practicality, avail, appliance, avail, count, vie, sth, accept, sth, not be seen dead, sth, sth, at sb.'s back (=at the back of sb.), magnitude, significance, take, sth, Usage within, operate, on behalf of, share, usable reach, contact, realize, accomplish one's object, accomplish, acquire, acquire, do triumph, model, Perform, execute, implementation, accomplish, execute, Zhenyu completeness, work, enlist, enlisting or being enlisted, Perform, cause, earn, impact, procure, manage, recruit, take, snatch, triumph, accomplish, arrive, bonanza, victory